209,748 research outputs found

    Primary total hip arthroplasty: Staying out of trouble intraoperatively

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    Total hip Arthroplasty is one of the most successful and commonly performed procedures in Orthopaedic Surgery. Meticulous preoperative planning allows to surgeon anticipate potential problems to reduce postoperative complications and optimize patient outcomes. Currently, the posterior approach is the most common approach utilized in the United States. In order to prevent errors in stem version, especially with cementless fixation, the entry point should be posterior, and the initial entry point should be aligned in the correct anteversion as this will determine the ultimate version of the stem. Preoperative evaluation should asses for true and apparent lengths. For successful osseointegration of cementless components, bone ingrowth occurs when there is less than 40 Îźm of motion between the implant and bone. Certain socket conformations such as elliptical versus hemispherical are more prone to generate fractures at the time of impaction

    Staying with the Trouble through Design: Critical-feminist Design of Intimate Technology

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    This dissertation explores staying with the trouble through design as a design theory of intimacy and intimate technology. To research and design with the subject of intimacy is to trouble and to ask for trouble, and by staying with the trouble of intimacy, to paraphrase Donna Haraway, I articulate and perform a way of designing not as a way out of trouble, but as a way of making trouble and staying with the trouble. I argue that by staying with the trouble, designers may learn to be “truly present” and respond to social, cultural and political issues of intimate technology.The methodology interweaves design research, feminist technoscience, critical theory and software studies into a critical-feminist design methodology. As a response to design and designing intimate technology I have engaged in Donna Haraway’s “Staying with the Trouble” (Donna J. Haraway 2016) and solutionism as a critique of technology development, as well as feminist theories on fantasies of “the good life” and gender and technology, and critical theories on the role of intimacy in digital culture.Within the field of interaction design research, this dissertation’s contribution can be divided into three parts: 1) an exploration of the role of intimate technologies in our everyday lives and ways of being, 2) a critical and feminist design methodology of staying with the trouble through design, and 3) design proposals that stay with the trouble of designing with intimacy.My design research has evolved through four design projects that interweave different intimate topics and technologies through varied design practices: 1. PeriodShare: an internet-connected menstrual cup. 2. Marcelle: a wearable sex toy reacting on wifi-activity. 3. Ingrid: a woman living with electromagnetic hypersensitivity. And 4. Intimate Futures: two digital personal assistants where one is pushing back on sexual harassment and the other is assisting with hormone level tracking.The main contribution of the dissertation is the design methodology staying with the trouble through design, which is an anti-solutionist approach to design that interweaves the situated, personal and political role of design. By responding to/with trouble, rather than designing solutions to problems, staying with the trouble through design aims to better understand the conflicts and responsibilities involved in complex social, cultural and political issues, in order to imagine and design still possible futures. The design methodology interweaves three practices that unfold the self-reflective, ethnographic and collaborative process of staying with the trouble through design. The first practice, the willful practice of Staying with the Wrong, is a continuous process of becoming a feminist designer and it includes actively learning to be present; question the given as given, stay with the feelings you wish would go away, continuously practice self-reflection on own positionality and using feminist humour when designing with taboos. The second practice, Curious Visiting, encourages the designer to go beyond their own positionality, by listening to stories of pleasure and pain and visiting ongoing pasts and alternatives nows. This challenges the designer’s notion of the present by interweaving fact and fiction, and it highlights that this practice is never innocent but involves risks. Lastly, the third practice Collective Imagining highlights how design by proposing future change can respond to and/or with trouble and how we collectively can engage with futures to rewrite collective imaginings and tell other possible stories within and across social and cultural contexts. Together, these three interwoven practices propose a way of staying with the trouble through design, as a feminist contribution to current critical approaches within interaction design.

    Staying Out of Trouble in the Sixteenth Century: A German Charm to Ward Off Evil

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    Family Responses to White Supremacist Extremism: Report to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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    Executive Overview: • Families often express some form of disapproval to relatives involved in white supremacist extremism (WSE); • Expressions of disapproval are often limited to “staying out of trouble” or involve limited to no clearly defined intervention; • Families fear “closing doors” will increase the likelihood they will push their relative away; • Families rarely seek out formal assistance from either governmental or non-governmental agencies; • While nearly 34% of the sample received counseling during childhood and/or adolescence, none of those counseling sessions addressed WSE; the counseling focused exclusively on non-WSE issues (e.g., academic failure, generic delinquency, etc.)

    How Physical Exercise Impacts Learning abilities and Self Awareness in the Classroom

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    Abstract For many years ever since the author started elementary school back in 2003-2004 and all the way up to recently being taught in military classes while in the Army, the paper will describe what he has experienced as well as many other problems staying awake in class or fully comprehending the learning material due to lack of energy or lack of sleep from the night before. This paper will talk about how falling asleep in class has been a notorious landmark as to why students will struggle in a class or why that teacher does not enjoy having that student in the class making the learning environment toxic. Having trouble staying awake in class can come from numerous factors such as, having an inconsistent sleep schedule, appetite changes, stress which is the biggest factor and people who just have trouble falling and staying asleep at night. This paper will portray how the author has experienced days having trouble staying awake in class all throughout their student career and this has been supported with many other through research of students in the classroom for many years. However, in the paper, from many different strategies, the author as well as people the author has been around found something that they wanted to do more research on that helped them regain full attention in the classroom and prohibited the author from ever falling asleep again. The topic that will be researched on and discussed as the point of emphasis in the paper is how performing physical activity before school or a certain class can enhance someone is learning ability and helping them stay awake in the classroom and how it can have a positive impact on someone trying to stay awake in the classroom. The author never went for a run or exercised before class in high school and in college and had trouble staying awake but when joining the military, they did physical training early in the morning before classroom time where he found himself staying awake easily throughout the day and comprehend the learning material at such a great level. This paper will be using correlation with research from others who also had the same experience to prove the success with this topic and look at those who struggled even more due to doing strenuous exercise before class. The author wants to add in this paper to look at why these individuals struggled and find ways to critique their type of workout or even appetites so they can get the full benefits as he did from this change of pace every day. The author will dig deep into how doing physical training before a class in today’s time with going through COVID-19, has an even bigger impact as now people are not even in the classroom setting anymore but instead staring at a computer screen for most of the day. The research the author has found and what will be presented in this research project shows the many positives towards working out before classroom time and wants to find the best way to edit and incorporate every different individual into this mix so they can gain the same positives that the author had

    On Being Pleasant: Ethics in Estate Planning

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    The play “Harvey” teaches a valuable lesson on legal ethics through the character Elwood. Elwood teaches how being pleasant does more for a person than being smart. Legal ethics in estate planning is examined through three points of view: the reality of professional life in estate planning, the reality of client life in estate planning, and the reality of life in families that are affected by estate planning. In discussing each point of view, the Author uses the actions of Elwood to demonstrate and argue that professional ethics is not just a system for staying out of trouble, but is rather a system for being a good person, and for helping the client by seeing them as a gift rather than a problem

    On Being Pleasant: Ethics in Estate Planning

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    The play “Harvey” teaches a valuable lesson on legal ethics through the character Elwood. Elwood teaches how being pleasant does more for a person than being smart. Legal ethics in estate planning is examined through three points of view: the reality of professional life in estate planning, the reality of client life in estate planning, and the reality of life in families that are affected by estate planning. In discussing each point of view, the Author uses the actions of Elwood to demonstrate and argue that professional ethics is not just a system for staying out of trouble, but is rather a system for being a good person, and for helping the client by seeing them as a gift rather than a problem

    Beyond repair: Staying with breakdown at the interstices

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    This article engages with the notion of ‘break-down’ as a way of going beyond claims to recover the discarded or practice repair. It experiments with ethnographic cross-pollination, setting vignettes from seemingly disparate field-sites alongside one another, to meditate on singular unfinished moments that together reflect wider dynamics of invisibility, negation, stigma and suspension at the urban interstices. From the peripheral neighbourhoods of Zaria, Nairobi, Paris, Berlin and London, these vignettes evoke shifting relationships to labour in precarious urban environments, where fleeting but situated codes, logics and deals have emerged out of seemingly broken urban worlds. Engaging with Stephen Jackson's notion of ‘broken world thinking’ and Donna Haraway's invitation to ‘stay with the trouble’, this article argues for staying with the breakdown

    The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2004-10-01

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    This edition of the Wooster Voice was published on October 1 of 2004, it is twelve pages long. The Wooster Volunteer Network and the Campus Council are struggling with allocating funds. The new Honor Code should be implemented some time this semester. Dr. Jane Goodall will be delivering a lecture on September 27. Dr. Michael J. Cook will be delivering the second lecture out of six in the 36th Annual Lay Academy of Religion lecture series. He will be speaking on, Is John the \u27Father of Anti-Semitism- \u27? Why Jews have so much Trouble with the Fourth Gospel. Elizabeth Weiss\u27s article on page nine reminisces on her childhood and staying home sick. Page ten is a full page advertisement about the upcoming Barry Manilow concert in Cleveland. The athletics section is on page eleven and twelve.https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice2001-2011/1094/thumbnail.jp
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