9 research outputs found

    Defining the Libraries’ Role in Research: A Needs Assessment; A Case Study

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    The University Libraries at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro partnered with Information Technology (ITS) and the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) to develop a needs assessment survey. This “UNCG Faculty Research Data Support Needs Survey” was administered to all faculty members in spring 2013 and included questions on the format(s) of their research data, how they store and backup data, how they share/disseminate data, data management plans, and their priorities for support. This paper will discuss the background literature, the survey methodology, how the results were used to identify priorities, steps taken to address priorities, and the benefits of cross-campus collaboration in an assessment project

    Mobile banking application post adoption characteristics in Estonia

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    This thesis aims to study post adoption user characteristics of mobile banking applications in Estonia more specifically how important is the technology for Estonian Bank account holders. Furthermore, it focuses on understanding if Estonian banks follow the approved application creation steps. For this research 212 beneficiary were surveyed. However only 195 are using m-banking applications, full data was used for analyzing different general characteristics such as internet and mobile phone usage around the country. Analysis is following Mixed research design more specifically Embedded. The findings revealed that usage of bank applications is quite popular in Estonia as majority of interviewed people are using it 3-5 days a week. Moreover, most of the Estonian bank account holders treat the product as highly important. In spite of the fact that usage of mobile banking application is high in the county, the study acknowledged some defects that might be taken into consideration from Banking sector

    Intenções reprodutivas e práticas de regulação da fecundidade entre universitários

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar as intenções reprodutivas e caracterizar as práticas de regulação da fecundidade, abarcando a contracepção e o aborto, entre um grupo de adolescentes e jovens de alta escolaridade. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram levantados a partir de um estudo amplo quali-quantitativo com estudantes de graduação com idade de até 24 anos, de uma universidade pública estadual localizada na cidade de São Paulo. A população estudada foi constituída de 952 estudantes que freqüentavam disciplinas sorteadas pelo método de sorteio aleatório; e numa segunda etapa foram realizadas 33 entrevistas em profundidade com alunos voluntários. Na primeira etapa, os alunos foram entrevistados em sala de aula, através de um questionário auto-aplicável e, na segunda etapa, foram gravadas entrevistas em profundidade, realizadas em um local previamente combinado. RESULTADOS: O padrão de família idealizado pelo grupo era pequeno, com até dois filhos. A idade considerada ideal no nascimento do primeiro filho seria próxima aos 30 anos. Os estudantes referiram uma alta proporção de uso de contraceptivos - sobretudo do condom e da pílula. Ao lado disso, observa-se uma alta proporção de gestações finalizadas pelo aborto. Como resultante desse quadro, a fecundidade é bastante baixa no grupo, ou seja, 27 estudantes referiram uma ou mais gestações. Os dados qualitativos não foram objeto de análise. CONCLUSÕES: Embora o tamanho idealizado para a família reflita uma tendência geral presente na sociedade brasileira, constata-se que o grupo adia a maternidade/paternidade em função de um projeto de vida orientado para a conclusão de um curso superior e a inserção no mercado de trabalho. Ainda assim, a contracepção e a prevenção das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis são vivenciadas precariamente.OBJECTIVE: To identify reproductive intentions and fertility regulation practices, including contraception and abortion, in a group of high schooling adolescents and young adults. METHODS: The data were gathered from a large quali-quantitative study carried out among University of São Paulo undergraduate students aged up to 24 years. The study sample consisted of 952 students who attended the university courses and were randomly drawn. In this first step, a self-administered questionnaire was applied to the students in the classroom. On the next step, in-depth interviews were applied to 33 volunteer students in a preset place. RESULTS: It was observed that the students' idealized family model is to have up to two children. The optimal age for having a first child is close to 30. The students referred high contraceptive use, especially condoms and the pill. High proportion of abortion was also observed. Consequently, fertility is considerably low in the study group, i.e., 27 students reported having one or more pregnancies. Qualitative data were not analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Although the idealized family size reflects a general trend in the Brazilian society, it can be noted that the group delays maternity/paternity for the sake of a life project of getting a university degree and having autonomy. Despite that, contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases are poor

    Enhancing Search and Browse Using Automated Clustering of Subject Metadata

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    The Web puzzle of online information resources often hinders end-users from effective and efficient access to these resources. Clustering resources into appropriate subject-based groupings may help alleviate these difficulties, but will it work with heterogeneous material? The University of Michigan and the University of California Irvine joined forces to test automatically enhancing metadata records using the Topic Modeling algorithm on the varied OAIster corpus. We created labels for the resulting clusters of metadata records, matched the clusters to an in-house classification system, and developed a prototype that would showcase methods for search and retrieval using the enhanced records. Results indicated that while the algorithm was somewhat time-intensive to run and using a local classification scheme had its drawbacks, precise clustering of records was achieved and the prototype interface proved that faceted classification could be powerful in helping end-users find resources.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58766/1/07hagedorn.pd

    An exploration of the perceptions domestic groundwater users hold in relation to Perth\u27s groundwater resources

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    Australia\u27s water resources over the next few decades, and most likely beyond, will be under increasing pressures as populations enlarge and as the amount of water per person becomes more limited from a decline in rainfall across much of the continent. Perth is considered lucky among most Australian cities when it comes to water resources, in that we have an extensive groundwater network that is readily accessible both for both private (wells and bores) and public (scheme water) supplies. However, this resource has also seen substantial declines over the last few decades resulting from declining rainfall and increased use. Although domestic users individually may have minimal impact on the groundwater, their cumulative impact may be far greater. At some stage we will need to understand the variety and complexities among this user group if we are going to manage water effectively, without having to raise the price beyond what an average family can afford -it is water after all, it can not be denied from those simply too poor. Understanding and trust needs to be built among a community of users if they are going to work together with resource managers through an understanding of the nature of the resource the need for restrictions and regulations. However, before we can develop such understandings we first need to develop an awareness of the perceptions that exist within this group, followed by understanding as to how it may influence their behaviour. To obtain a sample of such perceptions to groundwater resources, a qualitative study was designed to gain an insight into the broad range of perceptions that might exist within this community. An in-depth interview was developed and undertaken among a small community of users. The data obtained were analysed and coded according to a set of themes and issues that were present throughout the interviews. From here some discussions were presented about the potential meaning of such data and the implications it may have for management or behaviour modification campaigns (i.e. promoting water conservation behaviours etc.). A variety of commonly held perceptions existed for a number of themes. The majority of participants were aware of a decline in Perth\u27s groundwater resources, with most attributing this to either overuse, particularly by irrigators, and or to a decline in rainfall. On the topic of property rights in water, most did not believe that individuals had ownership rights over groundwater, but rather it was a commonly owned resource, with many suggesting that government had the ultimate control in ensuring the resource is allocated equitably and sustainably. On the topic of recommendations for policy makers, many had suggested the ways in which we need to start obtaining new water sources, as opposed to the better management of our existing water supplies. However, many also suggested the education of groundwater users on such things as restrictions and why they have been put in place. Some of the main findings of most concern to resource managers are those relating to equity in regards to fees being applied to groundwater use, potential misconceptions, the expressed need for better education of groundwater users, the nature in which people appear more in favour of deflecting the issue than changing management and use and the lack of awareness as to who manages the groundwater and what their role is

    Threshold concepts in research and evidence-based practice: Investigating troublesome learning for undergraduate nursing students

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    Across healthcare, evidence-based practice (EBP) has been recognised as a core component of providing safe and effective patient care and, consequently, research and EBP are important components of the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Despite the attention given to research and EBP in nursing education literature, the evidence base for effective learning and teaching strategies is weak. There is also evidence that undergraduate nursing students find aspects of these topics difficult and that negative attitudes may be a barrier to learning. However, little is known about the detail and processes of learning in this area. This narrative research study investigated the difficulties that nursing students encountered in learning about research and EBP and explored changes and transformations in their understanding. Using threshold concepts as a theoretical framework, the study aimed to identify thresholds associated with research and EBP, in the context of undergraduate nursing education. Seventeen third year students, from a large school of nursing, took part in at least one unstructured narrative interview and 13 of these gave two interviews, at the beginning and end of a research and EBP module. The interviews explored learning during the module, as well as students’ experiences in the first two years of their study. This included learning in practice and university settings. The findings show that the learning environments were characterised by variability and complexity. Students encountered different sources of trouble in their learning and they demonstrated varying degrees of change and transformation, which also linked to their developing nursing identity. From the narratives, a set of academic thresholds concepts emerged that underpins acquisition of a professional threshold of evidence-based thinking and practising. These findings have implications for undergraduate nursing curricula and suggest that there are changes required in education and practice settings, for EBP to be embedded in nursing practice and identity

    A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of School Administrators’ Participation in Personal Learning Networks and Privacy Issues

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on July 18, 2014Dissertation advisor: Loyce CaruthersVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 222-253)Thesis (Ed. D.)--School of Education. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2014The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to understand how school administrators made sense of their experience utilizing social networking tools to participate in personal learning networks (PLN) while managing privacy. As school administrators digitally collaborate with PLN colleagues, they must construct an online identity and develop and cultivate relationships. Additionally, to engage in a PLN one must decide how much information to disclose on the internet as well as determine methods to regulate online privacy. The potential impact of disclosing too much information could cause undue professional or personal harm against an individual. However, failure to disclose information to PLN members could negatively impact relationships and compromise others’ perception of trust. For this study, interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) methods were used with six educational administrators. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews; written documents of participants’ experience and perception of PLNs; and analysis of participants’ Tweets over a thirty day span. Interviews were analyzed according to a four-part analytical process. Written documents and Tweets were coded using enumerative and thematic data analysis methods. The findings of the study revealed three emergent themes that explained school administrators’ understanding of PLN participation and privacy issues, which were titled: (1) Must Share and Exchange Resources; Help Others Grow; (2) Power of the People; Personal and Professional Benefits, Powered by PLN; and (3) Privacy Should Not Be the Priority. The findings affirmed school administrators’ understanding of participating in a personal learning network utilizing social networking tools as being solely motivated by the sharing of information and resources, with little to no regard of privacy issues. The results of this study have implications for school leaders as well as digital learning community facilitatorsAbstract -- List of tables -- List of illustrations -- Glossary -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Review of literature -- Methodology -- Findings -- Discussion -- Appendix -- Consent for participation in a research study -- Verbal consent script -- Interview schedule of questions -- Reference

    Incidencia de maltrato infantil en estudiantes de la escuela fiscomisional mixta Fe y Alegría de la ciudad de Cuenca 2014

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    Objetivo: determinar la incidencia del maltrato infantil en los estudiantes de la Escuela Fiscomisional Mixta “Fe y Alegría” de la ciudad de Cuenca 2014. Metodología: se realizó una investigación cuantitativa, utilizando un diseño descriptivo. El universo estuvo constituido por los estudiantes de quinto, sexto y séptimo año (280), para la muestra se utilizó la fórmula de muestreo de Fernández P, obteniendo 118 para el estudio considerando criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se recogió la información a través de cuestionarios elaborados por la UNICEF, la misma que se hizo con la aprobación del representante legal del estudiante y autorización de los niños considerándose aspectos éticos y morales. La tabulación de datos y la presentación de resultados se realizaron en los programas estadísticos Microsoft Excel 2007, SPSS 18 y Microsoft Word 2010. Resultados: la incidencia del maltrato es de 25 por cada 100 estudiantes, existe 37,86% de maltrato psicológico, 32,42% por negligencia, 29,72% físico y no se reportaron casos de abuso sexual. Es más predominante en el sexo masculino, en edades de 9 a 10 años, sector urbano, en familias de tipo nuclear, hogares con ingresos suficientes y buena relación familiar, cuidadores con instrucción primaria; la madre es la principal perpetradora de maltrato. Conclusiones: se encontró una alta incidencia de maltrato (25x100). Las madres son las que maltratan en mayor frecuencia. No se evidencio maltrato sexual. La violencia psicológica es la más frecuente. Palabras clave: MALTRATO A LOS NIÑOS/ESTADISTICA Y DATOS NUMERICOS, MALTRATO A LOS NIÑOS/CLASIFICACION, ESTUDIANTES/PSICOLOGIA, INCIDENCIA, INSTITUCIONES ACADEMICAS, CUENCA-ECUADORObjective: To determine the incidence of child abuse in students Fiscomisional Mixed School "Fe y Alegría" from the city of Cuenca 2014. Methodology: Methodology: A quantitative study was performed using a descriptive design. The universe consisted of students in fifth, sixth and seventh year (280), shows the formula for sampling was used Fernandez P, getting 118 for the study considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. Information through questionnaires developed by UNICEF, the same was done with the approval of the legal representative of the student and the authorization of children considered ethical and moral aspects was collected. The tabulation of data and presentation of results were performed in the statistical program Microsoft Excel 2007, SPSS 18 and Microsoft Word 2010. Results: the incidence of abuse is 25 per 100 students, there is 37.86% of psychological abuse, negligence 32.42%, 29.72% and non-physical sexual abuse cases were reported. It is more prevalent in males, ages 9 to 10 years, urban sector, nuclear type families, households with sufficient income and good family relationship, caregivers with primary education; the mother is the main perpetrator of abuse. Conclusions: A high incidence of abuse (25x100) was found. Mothers are more often batterers. No sexual abuse is evidenced. Psychological violence is the most common Keywords: CHILD ABUSE / STATISTICS AND NUMERIC DATA, CHILD ABUSE / TABLE, STUDENTS / PSYCHOLOGY, INCIDENCE, ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS, CUENCA-ECUADORLicenciado en EnfermeríaCuenc

    Pruebas básicas de laboratorio clínico en niños de 5 - 8 años de la escuela Ezequiel Crespo del área de influencia del centro de salud No 2 de la ciudad de Cuenca, 2011

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    Se realizaron pruebas básicas de laboratorio clínico en 160 niños de 5 a 8 años de edad, de diferente talla y peso, que asisten a la escuela Ezequiel Crespo, perteneciente al área de influencia del Centro de Salud №2 de la ciudad de Cuenca, con la finalidad de contribuir a mejorar su calidad de vida. Es un estudio observacional de tipo descriptivo, con una muestra seleccionada de una lista del grado; el promedio de la talla es de 120,9 cm y un peso de 25,9 Kg. Se contó con el consentimiento y asentimiento informado. Las muestras fueron procesadas en el Laboratorio Clínico del Centro de Diagnóstico de la facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Cuenca y en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: El promedio de los glóbulos blancos es 6151,3 x mm3; de glóbulos rojos 5´240.400,0 x mm3; de hematocrito 42,5%; de hemoglobina 14,2 g/dl; el recuento plaquetario 349.787,5 x mm3; glucosa 80,8 mg/dl; El 76,9 % tienen valores de ASTO menor a 200 UI/ml, el 12,5% de 200 y el 10,6% superiores a ese valor; En el examen químico de orina: el 100% presentaron: proteínas, bilirrubinas, leucocitos, cuerpos cetónicos, glucosa negativo, y el urobilinógeno normal, el 1,2% presento sangre en orina y el 1,9% nitritos positivo; En el sedimento urinario presento el 36,3 % de 0 2 de leucocitos por campo y el 22,5% de 3 5; El 30% de 0-2 de hematíes por campo, el 10,6% de 3 5 y el 0,6% >10; El 0,6% presentan bacterias una cruz, el 7,6 % presenta mucina más de una cruz, el 1,9% presentó uratos amorfos, el 1,9% fosfatos amorfos, el 1,9% oxalato de calcio y el 0,6% ácido úrico. En el coproparasitario se encontró: el 13,7 % de lavaduras más de una cruz; El 29,4 % de almidón presenta más de una cruz; El 35,1% de las muestras parasitadas, siendo los parásitos más importantes: Entamoeba histolytica con el 20,6%, el 6,9% Entamoeba coli, el 3,8% de Giardia lamblia, el 1,3% de Chilomastix mesnili y el 0,6% de Enteromonas.auBasic tests were performed on 160 clinical laboratory children 5 to 8 years old, of different size and weight, school attending Ezekiel Crespo, belonging to the catchment area of the Health Center № 2 in the city of Cuenca, In order to help improve their quality of life. It is a descriptive observational study with a sample selected from a list of degree, the average height is 120.9 cm and a weight of 25.9 kg was counted with the consent and informed consent. The samples were processed in the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic Center of the Medical Faculty of the University of Cuenca and the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital. We obtained the following results: The average white blood cells is 6151.3 x mm3 RBC 5'240 x 400.0 mm 3, hematocrit 42.5%, hemoglobin 14.2 g / dl, platelet count 349,787.5 x mm3, glucose 80.8 mg / dl, 76.9% have values less than ASOT 200 IU / ml, 12.5% of 200 and 10.6% higher than that value; In the chemical examination of urine: 100 % were: protein, bilirubin, leukocytes, ketones, glucose negative, urobilinogen normal, 1.2% blood present in urine and 1.9% positive nitrites, urinary sediment present in 36.3% of 0 - 2 leukocytes per field and 22.5% of 3 to 5, 30% of 0-2 red cells per field, 10.6% from 3 to 5 and 0.6%> 10; The 0, 6% had a cross bacteria, 7.6% mucin presents more of a cross, 1.9% had urate amorphous, amorphous phosphate 1.9%, 1.9% calcium oxalate and 0.6% uric acid. In the parasitic test was found: 13.7% of washings over a cross for 29.4% starch presents more of a cross; The 35.1% of the parasitized samples, being the most important parasites: Entamoeba histolytica 20.6%, Entamoeba coli 6.9%, 3.8% of Giardia lamblia, 1.3% of Chilomastix mesnili and 0.6% of Enteromonas. Subject headings: Laboratory Techniques and Procedures-Statistics and Numeric Data; Health Status, Child, Student-statistics and numerical data, Cuenca, Ecuador.Licenciado en Laboratorio ClínicoCuenc