94 research outputs found

    Uso do SOC na anĂĄlise de modelos lineares multivariados.

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    Financial constraints and capacity adjustment in the United Kingdom: Evidence from a large panel of survey data

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    The interrelationship between financial constraints and firm activity is a hotly debated issue. The way firms cope with financial constraints is fundamental to the analysis of monetary transmission, of financial stability and of growth and development. The CBI Industrial Trends Survey contains detailed information on the financial constraints faced by a large sample of UK manufacturers. This paper uses the quarterly CBI Industrial Trends Survey firm level data between January 1989 and October 1999. The cleaned sample contains 49,244 quarterly observations on 5,196 firms. As more than 63% of the observations refer to firms with less than 200 employees, the data set is especially well suited for comparing large and small companies. The data set is presented and a new method of checking the informational content of the data is developed. Whereas the relationship between investment activity and financial constraints is theoretically ambivalent due to simultaneity, the link between financial constraints on the one hand and the prevalence and duration of capacity gaps on the other should be unambiguously positive. Looking at the relationship between both types of constraints, two important results emerge. First, there is shown to be informational content in the survey data on financial constraints. Specifically, financially constrained firms take longer to close capacity gaps. This indicates that financial constraints do indeed play a part in the investment process. Second, small firms close their capacity gaps faster than large firms do, but financial constraints seem to be of higher relevance to their adjustment dynamics. --Financial constraints,investment,capacity adjustment,small firm finance,duration analysis

    Avaliação de sementes e plùntulas de milho utilizando "Scanner".

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    Sementes de milho de 23 lotes de diferentes procedencias foram avaliadas quanto ao dano mecanico e germinacao atraves de metodos convencionais e alternativos. Objetivou-se verificar a possibilidade de avaliacao pelo metodo alternativo em monitor de computador e imagem impressas captadas em "scanner" das sementes e plantulas. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a avaliacao de sementes danificadas mecanicamente, atraves do monitor e em papel impresso, proporciona maiores detalhes que nos obtidos no metodo convencional. A avaliacao de plantulas, no monitor e em papel impresso, e viavel e reproduz os resultados do metodo convencional

    AnÃ¥lise do grau de restritividade de exigÃÂȘncias tĂ©cnicas às exportaçÔes brasileiras

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    The objective of this investigation was to evaluate to what degree technical requirements restrict Brazilian exports, based on a survey applied to 77 firms. The variables represented six types of technical measures that are usually imposed upon exported products. To facilitate the interpretation of the results, factorial analysis was used to reduce the number of variables involved. This allowed the construction of two indicators of the degree of restrictiveness of the technical barriers focused by the study. These were an indicator of requirements of technical specification (ITS) and an indicator for information and label requirements (IIL). Descriptive statistics and paired t test showed that the firms surveyed considered the ITS more restrictive to their exports, that is, these have been subject to greater restrictions affecting the production process, including quality, the production process pattern and conformity assessment.Technical requirements, Survey, Brazilian exports, Restrictiveness indicators, International Relations/Trade,

    Algumas características morfológicas segmentares da parede da aorta de galo doméstico (Gallus domesticus)

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    The segmental structure of the aortic wall at the thoracic and abdominal levels were studied in domestic chicken by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Selected histological sections were submitted to histomorphometric studies using image analysis methods. The variables studied were the thickness of the aortic layers in the three segments investigated: ascendant thoracic, descendant thoracic and abdominal parts as well as the tubular diameters and the mean number of elastic lamellae in the medial layer of each analyzed segment. The aortic wall of the chicken had a predominately elastic structure in the thoracic portions, that decrease gradually in relative number of elastic lamellae towards the abdominal aorta in which smooth muscle cells predominated. Vascular diameters decreased gradually to the ascendant aorta from the descendant thoracic portion and to the last from the abdominal aorta.A estrutura segmentar da parede aĂłrtica foi estudada em galo domĂ©stico, em nĂ­veis torĂĄcico e abdominal, nas dimensĂ”es de microscopias Ăłptica e eletrĂŽnica de varredura. SecçÔes histolĂłgicas selecionadas foram submetidas a estudos histomorfomĂ©tricos usando mĂ©todos de anĂĄlises de imagens. As variĂĄveis analisadas foram as espessuras das tĂșnicas da parede aĂłrtica em trĂȘs segmentos investigados, compreendendo as porçÔes ascendente torĂĄcica; descendente torĂĄcica e abdominal, bem como os diĂąmetros tubulares, em cada porção, e o nĂșmero mĂ©dio de lamelas elĂĄsticas na tĂșnica mĂ©dia de cada segmento analisado. A parede aĂłrtica do galo domĂ©stico apresenta estrutura predominantemente elĂĄstica nas porçÔes torĂĄcicas, cujo nĂșmero relativo de lamelas elĂĄsticas decresce gradualmente para a parte abdominal da aorta, onde cĂ©lulas musculares lisas predominam. Os diĂąmetros aĂłrticos decrescem tambĂ©m gradualmente, e progressivamente, da porção torĂĄcica ascendente para a porção torĂĄcica descendente, e desta para a porção abdominal da aorta

    Physico-chemical characteristics of honey produced by Apis mellifera in the Picos region, state of PiauĂ­, Brazil

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    The objectives of this research were to determine physico-chemical characteristics of 1,758 Apis mellifera L. honey samples produced by in the productive pole of Picos, state of PiauĂ­, to understand, based on these characteristics, how they are grouped and to determine the percentage of honey that fit the specifications determined by Brazilian legislation. Thirty-five honey samples were collected directly from beekeepers for determination of total sugars, reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, humidity, diastase activity, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), protein, ash, pH, acidity, formol index, electrical conductivity, viscosity and color. Mean values of each one of the analyzed physico-chemical parameters are within the limits established by the current Brazilian legislation, but it was verified for apparent sacarosis, diastase activity and HMF, values different from the established ones. Protein and HMF were the traits that contributed most for group formation

    Lipids of Amazon Caimans: A source of fatty acids

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    Some species of fish and other aquatic organism are important sources of protein and fatty acids that are beneficial to human health and can be industrially processed. The fatty acid profile of Caiman crocodilus and Melanosuchus niger (native to the Brazilian Amazon flooded forest) was determined in samples of a commercial cut (tail fillet) and fat (fat body and somatic fat) of these two species. There were no statistically significant differences in the total lipid content between them (p ≄ 0.05) and both had higher levels of palmitic, stearic (saturated), and oleic (unsaturated) acids. However, omega 3 (ω-3) and omega 6 (ω-6) were not detected in the samples of the commercial cut; they were present only in the fats evaluated. Clinical studies are necessary to assess the influence of fatty acids from Amazon Caimans on human diet and the feasibility of obtaining new products such as nutraceuticals.Keywords: Black caiman, spectacled caiman, omega 3, omega

    Disponibilidade de micronutrientes em classes dominantes de solos do TrĂłpico Úmido brasileiro. II. ManganĂȘs.

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