175 research outputs found

    Optimal Transmit Covariance for Ergodic MIMO Channels

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    In this paper we consider the computation of channel capacity for ergodic multiple-input multiple-output channels with additive white Gaussian noise. Two scenarios are considered. Firstly, a time-varying channel is considered in which both the transmitter and the receiver have knowledge of the channel realization. The optimal transmission strategy is water-filling over space and time. It is shown that this may be achieved in a causal, indeed instantaneous fashion. In the second scenario, only the receiver has perfect knowledge of the channel realization, while the transmitter has knowledge of the channel gain probability law. In this case we determine an optimality condition on the input covariance for ergodic Gaussian vector channels with arbitrary channel distribution under the condition that the channel gains are independent of the transmit signal. Using this optimality condition, we find an iterative algorithm for numerical computation of optimal input covariance matrices. Applications to correlated Rayleigh and Ricean channels are given.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    A Study on MIMO Wireless Communication Channel Performance in Correlated Channels

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    MIMO wireless communication system is gaining popularity by days due to its versatility and wide applicability. When signal travels through wireless link it gets affected due to the disturbances present in the channel i.e. different sorts of interference and noise. Plus because there may or may not be a Line of sight (LOS) path between transmitter and receiver signal copies leaving the transmitter at the same time reaches the receiver with different delays and attenuation due to multiple reflections and interfere with each other at the receiver. Therefore fading of received signal power is also observed in case of a wireless MIMO link. In case of wireless two most important objectives can be channel estimation and signal detection. The importance of the wireless channel estimation can be attributed to faithful signal detection and transmit beam forming, power allocation etc. when Channel state information (CSI) is communicated to the transmitter via feedback loop in case of uni-directional channel or by simultaneous estimation by the transmitter itself in case of bi-directional channel. This text introduces some aspects of signal detection and mostly different aspects of channel estimation and explains why it is important in context of signal detection, beam forming etc. A brief introduction to antenna arrays and beam forming procedures have been given here. The cause of occurrence of spatial and temporal correlations have been discussed and different ways of modelling the spatial and temporal correlations involved are also briefly introduced in this text. How different link and link-end properties e.g. antenna spacing, angular spread of radiation beam, mean angle of radiation, mutual coupling present between elements of an antenna array etc. affects the channel correlations thereby affecting the performance of the MIMO wireless communication channel. Modelling of antenna mutual coupling and different estimation and compensation techniques are also discussed here

    The Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) Channel Modeling, Simulation and Applications

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    This thesis mainly focus on the Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) channel modeling, simulation and applications. There are several ways to design a MIMO channel. Most of the examples are given in Chapter 2, where we can design channels based on the environments and also based on other conditions. One of the new MIMO channel designs based on physical and virtual channel design is discussed in Unitary-Independent- Unitary (UIU) channel modeling. For completeness, the different types of capacity are discussed in details. The capacity is very important in wireless communication. By understanding the details behind different capacity, we can improve our transmission efficiently and effectively. The level crossing rate and average duration are discussed.One of the most important topics in MIMO wireless communication is estimation. Without having the right estimation in channel prediction, the performance will not be correct. The channel estimation error on the performance of the Alamouti code was discussed. The design of the transmitter, the channel and the receiver for this system model is shown. The two different types of decoding scheme were shown - the linear combining scheme and the Maximum likelihood (ML) decoder. Once the reader understands the estimation of the MIMO channel, the estimation based on different antenna correlation is discussed. Next, the model for Mobile-to-Mobile (M2M) MIMO communication link is proposed. The old M2M Sum-of-Sinusoids simulation model and the new two ring models are discussed. As the last step, the fading channel modeling using AR model is derived and the effect of ill-conditioning of the Yule-Walker equation is also shown. A number of applications is presented to show how the performance can be evaluated using the proposed model and techniques

    Information Theory of underspread WSSUS channels

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    The chapter focuses on the ultimate limit on the rate of reliable communication through Rayleigh-fading channels that satisfy the wide-sense stationary (WSS) and uncorrelated scattering (US) assumptions and are underspread. Therefore, the natural setting is an information-theoretic one, and the performance metric is channel capacity. The family of Rayleigh-fading underspread WSSUS channels constitutes a good model for real-world wireless channels: their stochastic properties, like amplitude and phase distributions match channel measurement results. The Rayleigh-fading and the WSSUS assumptions imply that the stochastic properties of the channel are fully described by a two-dimensional power spectral density (PSD) function, often referred to as scattering function. The underspread assumption implies that the scattering function is highly concentrated in the delay-Doppler plane. Two important aspects need to be accounted for by a model that aims at being realistic: neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the realization of the channel; and the peak power of the transmit signal is limited. Based on these two aspects the chapter provides an information-theoretic analysis of Rayleigh-fading underspread WSSUS channels in the noncoherent setting, under the additional assumption that the transmit signal is peak-constrained

    Wireless transmission protocols using relays for broadcast and information exchange channels

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    Relays have been used to overcome existing network performance bottlenecks in meeting the growing demand for large bandwidth and high quality of service (QoS) in wireless networks. This thesis proposes several wireless transmission protocols using relays in practical multi-user broadcast and information exchange channels. The main theme is to demonstrate that efficient use of relays provides an additional dimension to improve reliability, throughput, power efficiency and secrecy. First, a spectrally efficient cooperative transmission protocol is proposed for the multiple-input and singleoutput (MISO) broadcast channel to improve the reliability of wireless transmission. The proposed protocol mitigates co-channel interference and provides another dimension to improve the diversity gain. Analytical and simulation results show that outage probability and the diversity and multiplexing tradeoff of the proposed cooperative protocol outperforms the non-cooperative scheme. Second, a two-way relaying protocol is proposed for the multi-pair, two-way relaying channel to improve the throughput and reliability. The proposed protocol enables both the users and the relay to participate in interference cancellation. Several beamforming schemes are proposed for the multi-antenna relay. Analytical and simulation results reveal that the proposed protocol delivers significant improvements in ergodic capacity, outage probability and the diversity and multiplexing tradeoff if compared to existing schemes. Third, a joint beamforming and power management scheme is proposed for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) two-way relaying channel to improve the sum-rate. Network power allocation and power control optimisation problems are formulated and solved using convex optimisation techniques. Simulation results verify that the proposed scheme delivers better sum-rate or consumes lower power when compared to existing schemes. Fourth, two-way secrecy schemes which combine one-time pad and wiretap coding are proposed for the scalar broadcast channel to improve secrecy rate. The proposed schemes utilise the channel reciprocity and employ relays to forward secret messages. Analytical and simulation results reveal that the proposed schemes are able to achieve positive secrecy rates even when the number of users is large. All of these new wireless transmission protocols help to realise better throughput, reliability, power efficiency and secrecy for wireless broadcast and information exchange channels through the efficient use of relays