9 research outputs found

    Statistical Mutation Calling from Sequenced Overlapping DNA Pools in TILLING Experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>TILLING (Targeting induced local lesions IN genomes) is an efficient reverse genetics approach for detecting induced mutations in pools of individuals. Combined with the high-throughput of next-generation sequencing technologies, and the resolving power of overlapping pool design, TILLING provides an efficient and economical platform for functional genomics across thousands of organisms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a probabilistic method for calling TILLING-induced mutations, and their carriers, from high throughput sequencing data of overlapping population pools, where each individual occurs in two pools. We assign a probability score to each sequence position by applying Bayes' Theorem to a simplified binomial model of sequencing error and expected mutations, taking into account the coverage level. We test the performance of our method on variable quality, high-throughput sequences from wheat and rice mutagenized populations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We show that our method effectively discovers mutations in large populations with sensitivity of 92.5% and specificity of 99.8%. It also outperforms existing SNP detection methods in detecting real mutations, especially at higher levels of coverage variability across sequenced pools, and in lower quality short reads sequence data. The implementation of our method is available from: <url>http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/filkov/CAMBa/</url>.</p

    A TILLING by sequencing approach to identify induced mutations in sunflower genes

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    The Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING) technology is a reverse genetic strategy broadly applicable to every kind of genome and represents an attractive tool for functional genomic and agronomic applications. It consists of chemical random mutagenesis followed by high-throughput screening of point mutations in targeted genomic regions. Although multiple methods for mutation discovery in amplicons have been described, next-generation sequencing (NGS) is the tool of choice for mutation detection because it quickly allows for the analysis of a large number of amplicons. The aim of the present work was to screen a previously generated sunflower TILLING population and identify alterations in genes involved in several important and complex physiological processes. Twenty-one candidate sunflower genes were chosen as targets for the screening. The TILLING by sequencing strategy allowed us to identify multiple mutations in selected genes and we subsequently validated 16 mutations in 11 different genes through Sanger sequencing. In addition to addressing challenges posed by outcrossing, our detection and validation of mutations in multiple regulatory loci highlights the importance of this sunflower population as a genetic resource

    Reference genome-independent assessment of mutation density using restriction enzyme-phased sequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The availability of low cost sequencing has spurred its application to discovery and typing of variation, including variation induced by mutagenesis. Mutation discovery is challenging as it requires a substantial amount of sequencing and analysis to detect very rare changes and distinguish them from noise. Also challenging are the cases when the organism of interest has not been sequenced or is highly divergent from the reference.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe the development of a simple method for reduced representation sequencing. Input DNA was digested with a single restriction enzyme and ligated to Y adapters modified to contain a sequence barcode and to provide a compatible overhang for ligation. We demonstrated the efficiency of this method at SNP discovery using rice and arabidopsis. To test its suitability for the discovery of very rare SNP, one control and three mutagenized rice individuals (1, 5 and 10 mM sodium azide) were used to prepare genomic libraries for Illumina sequencers by ligating barcoded adapters to <it>NlaIII </it>restriction sites. For genome-dependent discovery 15-30 million of 80 base reads per individual were aligned to the reference sequence achieving individual sequencing coverage from 7 to 15×. We identified high-confidence base changes by comparing sequences across individuals and identified instances consistent with mutations, i.e. changes that were found in a single treated individual and were solely GC to AT transitions. For genome-independent discovery 70-mers were extracted from the sequence of the control individual and single-copy sequence was identified by comparing the 70-mers across samples to evaluate copy number and variation. This <it>de novo </it>"genome" was used to align the reads and identify mutations as above. Covering approximately 1/5 of the 380 Mb genome of rice we detected mutation densities ranging from 0.6 to 4 per Mb of diploid DNA depending on the mutagenic treatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The combination of a simple and cost-effective library construction method, with Illumina sequencing, and the use of a bioinformatic pipeline allows practical SNP discovery regardless of whether a genomic reference is available.</p

    A highly mutagenised barley (cv. Golden Promise) TILLING population coupled with strategies for screening-by-sequencing

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    Background:We developed and characterised a highly mutagenised TILLING population of the barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivar Golden Promise. Golden Promise is the 'reference' genotype for barley transformation and a primary objective of using this cultivar was to be able to genetically complement observed mutations directly in order to prove gene function. Importantly, a reference genome assembly of Golden Promise has also recently been developed. As our primary interest was to identify mutations in genes involved in meiosis and recombination, to characterise the population we focused on a set of 46 genes from the literature that are possible meiosis gene candidates. Results:Sequencing 20 plants from the population using whole exome capture revealed that the mutation density in this population is high (one mutation every 154 kb), and consequently even in this small number of plants we identified several interesting mutations. We also recorded some issues with seed availability and germination. We subsequently designed and applied a simple two-dimensional pooling strategy to identify mutations in varying numbers of specific target genes by Illumina short read pooled-amplicon sequencing and subsequent deconvolution. In parallel we assembled a collection of semi-sterile mutants from the population and used a custom exome capture array targeting the 46 candidate meiotic genes to identify potentially causal mutations. Conclusions:We developed a highly mutagenised barley TILLING population in the transformation competent cultivar Golden Promise. We used novel and cost-efficient screening approaches to successfully identify a broad range of potentially deleterious variants that were subsequently validated by Sanger sequencing. These resources combined with a high-quality genome reference sequence opens new possibilities for efficient functional gene validation.Miriam Schreiber, Abdellah Barakate, Nicola Uzrek, Malcolm Macaulay, Adeline Sourdille, Jenny Morris, Pete E. Hedley, Luke Ramsay and Robbie Waug

    Biotechnologies for Plant Mutation Breeding: Protocols

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    Plant Breeding/Biotechnology; Agriculture; Genetic Engineering; Plant Genetics & Genomic

    Biosynthetic regulation of the major opiates of Papaver somniferum

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    Opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, is the sole source of the analgesic alkaloids morphine and codeine as well as thebaine, a precursor for semi-synthetic opiates. T6ODM (thebaine 6-O-demethylase) and CODM (codeine O-demethylase) are dioxygenases involved in morphine biosynthesis and represent promising targets for metabolic engineering of the morphinan alkaloid pathway through reverse genetic screening. An EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate)-mutagenised population of a morphine accumulating cultivar (>4000 plants) was screened for mutations in CODM and T6ODM. Although nonsense mutations were found in both, complete metabolic blocks and codeine and thebaine were not observed owing to the presence of multiple copies of these genes in the genome. Crosses and further mutagenesis were attempted to produce new cultivars of opium poppy with increased yields of codeine and thebaine