554 research outputs found

    The burden of proof: the current state of atrial fibrillation prevention and treatment trials

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an age-related arrhythmia of enormous socioeconomic significance. In recent years, our understanding of the basic mechanisms that initiate and perpetuate AF has evolved rapidly, catheter ablation of AF has progressed from concept to reality, and recent studies suggest lifestyle modification may help prevent AF recurrence. Emerging developments in genetics, imaging, and informatics also present new opportunities for personalized care. However, considerable challenges remain. These include a paucity of studies examining AF prevention, modest efficacy of existing antiarrhythmic therapies, diverse ablation technologies and practice, and limited evidence to guide management of high-risk patients with multiple comorbidities. Studies examining the long-term effects of AF catheter ablation on morbidity and mortality outcomes are not yet completed. In many ways, further progress in the field is heavily contingent on the feasibility, capacity, and efficiency of clinical trials to incorporate the rapidly evolving knowledge base and to provide substantive evidence for novel AF therapeutic strategies. This review outlines the current state of AF prevention and treatment trials, including the foreseeable challenges, as discussed by a unique forum of clinical trialists, scientists, and regulatory representatives in a session endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society at the 12th Global CardioVascular Clinical Trialists Forum in Washington, DC, December 3–5, 2015

    Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: Predicting Recurrence

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    Background Catheter ablation has emerged as treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF). Health care-related variables have not been explored as predictors of first ablation outcome. Determining factors associated with arrhythmia recurrence may help select patients likely to benefit. The objective was to identify variables associated with recurrence following AF ablation. Methods Retrospective cohort design of 314 AF patients who had undergone first ablation. Follow-up visits occurred at 3, 6 and 12 months. Variables and the outcome of recurrence were modeled with Cox proportional hazards analysis. Results/Conclusions After mean follow-up of 239+/-125 days, 110/314 patients (35.0%) experienced recurrence. Adjusted Cox proportional hazards models demonstrated cardiomyopathy [HR (95% CI) = 1.97 (1.13-3.41)] was associated with arrhythmia recurrence. Conversely, height per cm increase [HR (95% CI) = 0.96 (0.94-0.99)], and targeted ablation outside the pulmonary veins [HR (95% CI) = 0.531 (0.29-0.98)] were associated with hazard reduction. Wait time was not associated with recurrence

    Ganglionated plexi as neuromodulation targets for atrial fibrillation

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    The autonomic nervous system plays an important role in the genesis of atrial fibrillation and is one of the candidate targets for atrial fibrillation therapy. This review focuses on the role of the autonomic nervous system in atrial fibrillation development and discusses the results of the ganglionated plexi catheter and surgical ablation in preclinical and clinical studies. The heart is innervated by the extrinsic and intrinsic autonomic nervous systems. The intrinsic autonomic nervous system consists of multiple ganglionated plexi and axons, which innervate the neighboring atrial myocardium and control their electrophysiological properties. Abnormal autonomic innervation has been observed in an animal model of atrial fibrillation and in humans. Direct recordings of autonomic nerve activity in canine models showed that atrial tachyarrhythmia episodes were invariably preceded by intrinsic cardiac autonomic nerve activity, thus supporting the importance of intrinsic cardiac autonomic nerve activity as the triggers for atrial tachyarrhythmia. Targeting ganglionated plexi with catheter ablation improves the outcomes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation ablation in addition to pulmonary vein antrum isolation. Ablation of ganglionated plexi alone without pulmonary vein isolation is also useful in controlling paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in some patients. However, surgical ganglionated plexi ablation in patients with a large left atrium, persistent atrial fibrillation, and/or a history of prior catheter ablation does not result in additional benefits. These different outcomes suggest that ganglionated plexi ablation is effective in managing patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, but its effects in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation and advanced atrial diseases might be limited

    Efficacy and safety of ablation for people with non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

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    : The optimal rhythm management strategy for people with non-paroxysmal (persistent or long-standing persistent) atrial fibrilation is currently not well defined. Antiarrhythmic drugs have been the mainstay of therapy. But recently, in people who have not responded to antiarrhythmic drugs, the use of ablation (catheter and surgical) has emerged as an alternative to maintain sinus rhythm to avoid long-term atrial fibrillation complications. However, evidence from randomised trials about the efficacy and safety of ablation in non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is limited. : To determine the efficacy and safety of ablation (catheter and surgical) in people with non-paroxysmal (persistent or long-standing persistent) atrial fibrillation compared to antiarrhythmic drugs. : We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE Ovid, Embase Ovid, conference abstracts, clinical trial registries, and Health Technology Assessment Database. We searched these databases from their inception to 1 April 2016. We used no language restrictions. : We included randomised trials evaluating the effect of radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) or surgical ablation compared with antiarrhythmic drugs in adults with non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, regardless of any concomitant underlying heart disease, with at least 12 months of follow-up. : Two review authors independently selected studies and extracted data. We evaluated risk of bias using the Cochrane 'Risk of bias' tool. We calculated risk ratios (RRs) for dichotomous data with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) a using fixed-effect model when heterogeneity was low (I² &lt;= 40%) and a random-effects model when heterogeneity was moderate or substantial (I² &gt; 40%). Using the GRADE approach, we evaluated the quality of the evidence and used the GRADE profiler (GRADEpro) to import data from Review Manager 5 to create 'Summary of findings' tables. : We included three randomised trials with 261 participants (mean age: 60 years) comparing RFCA (159 participants) to antiarrhythmic drugs (102) for non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. We generally assessed the included studies as having low or unclear risk of bias across multiple domains, with reported outcomes generally lacking precision due to low event rates. Evidence showed that RFCA was superior to antiarrhythmic drugs in achieving freedom from atrial arrhythmias (RR 1.84, 95% CI 1.17 to 2.88; 3 studies, 261 participants; low-quality evidence), reducing the need for cardioversion (RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.47 to 0.82; 3 studies, 261 participants; moderate-quality evidence), and reducing cardiac-related hospitalisation (RR 0.27, 95% CI 0.10 to 0.72; 2 studies, 216 participants; low-quality evidence) at 12 months follow-up. There was substantial uncertainty surrounding the effect of RFCA regarding significant bradycardia (or need for a pacemaker) (RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.02 to 1.63; 3 studies, 261 participants; low-quality evidence), periprocedural complications, and other safety outcomes (RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.16 to 5.68; 3 studies, 261 participants; very low-quality evidence). : In people with non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, evidence suggests a superiority of RFCA to antiarrhythmic drugs in achieving freedom from atrial arrhythmias, reducing the need for cardioversion, and reducing cardiac-related hospitalisations. There was uncertainty surrounding the effect of RFCA with significant bradycardia (or need for a pacemaker), periprocedural complications, and other safety outcomes. Evidence should be interpreted with caution, as event rates were low and quality of evidence ranged from moderate to very low.<br/

    Characterization of the Substrate Modification in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La fibrilación auricular (FA) es la arritmia cardíaca más común. A pesar de la gran popularidad de la ablación con catéter (AC) como tratamiento principal, todavía hay margen de mejora. Aunque las venas pulmonares (VPs) son los principales focos de FA, muchos sitios pueden contribuir a su propagación, formando el sustrato de la FA (SFA). El mapeo preciso del SFA y el registro de la modificación del SFA, como marcador positivo después de AC, son fundamentales. Los electrocardiogramas (ECG) y los electrogramas (EGM) se reclutan para este propósito. Los EGM se utilizan para detectar candidatos de AC como áreas que provocan o perpetúan la FA. Por lo tanto, el análisis de EGM es una parte indispensable de AC. Con la capacidad de observar las aurículas globalmente, la principal aplicación de los ECG es evaluar la modificación del SFA analizando las ondas f o P. A pesar del extenso análisis de cualquiera de los tipos de registro, existen algunas brechas. La AC no-VP aumenta el tiempo en quirófano, provocando mayores riesgos y costos. En cuanto al análisis de la modificación del SFA, se utilizan varios umbrales para definir una onda P prolongada. El principal objetivo de la presente Tesis es contribuir al esfuerzo de análisis de SFA y de modificación de SFA. Para ello, la presente Tesis se desarrolló bajo dos hipótesis principales. Que la calidad de la información extraída durante el SFA y el análisis de modificación del SFA se puede mejorar mediante la introducción de pasos innovadores. Además, la combinación de análisis de ECG y EGM puede aumentar la resolución del mapeo y revelar nueva información sobre los mecanismos de FA. Para cumplir con el objetivo principal, el análisis se divide en 4 partes, conformando los 4 capítulos del Compendio de articulos. En primer lugar, se reclutó la dimensión de correlación de grano grueso (DCGG). DCGG localizó de manera confiable EGM complejos y la clasificación por tipos de FA arrojó una precisión del 84 %. Luego, se adoptó un análisis alternativo de la onda P, estudiando por separado su primera y su segunda parte, correspondientes a la aurícula derecha (AD) e izquierda (AI). Los resultados indicaron LA como la principal fuente de modificación del SFA y subrayaron la importancia de estudiar partes integrales de ECG. Los hallazgos de este estudio también sugieren la implementación de partes integrales de ondas P como un posible alivio de las discrepancias en los umbrales de ondas P para definir el tejido fibrótico. Posteriormente, se estudió el efecto diferente del aislamiento de la VP izquierda (AVPI) y derecha (AVPD) sobre la modificación del SFA. AVPI fue la parte crítica, siendo la fuente exclusiva de acortamiento de onda P. El análisis de los registros durante la AC también permitió una observación más cercana de las fluctuaciones de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca (VFC) a lo largo del procedimiento de CA, lo que reveló información sobre el efecto de la energía de radiofrecuencia (RF) en el tejido auricular. La última parte se centró en el seno coronario (SC), una estructura fundamental en el mapeo de FA para aumentar la resolución de la información. Se definieron los canales más y menos robustos durante el ritmo sinusal (RS) y se investigó la utilidad de SC en la evaluación de la modificación del SFA. Aunque CS no proporcionó una imagen global de la alteración del SFA, pudo registrar con mayor sensibilidad las fluctuaciones en la respuesta auricular durante la AC. Los hallazgos presentados en esta Tesis Doctoral ofrecen una perspectiva alternativa sobre la modificación del SFA y contribuyen al esfuerzo general sobre el mapeo de FA y la evaluación del sustrato posterior a la CAAC, abriendo futuras líneas de investigación hacia una resolución más alta y un mapeo más eficiente de los mecanismos desencadenantes de la FA.[CA] La fibril·lació auricular (FA) és l'arítmia cardíaca més comú. Tot i la gran popularitat de l'ablació amb catèter (AC) com a tractament principal, encara hi ha marge de millora. Tot i que les venes pulmonars (VPs) són els principals focus de FA, molts llocs poden contribuir a la seva propagació, formant el substrat de la FA (SFA). El mapatge precís de l'SFA i el registre de la modificació de l'SFA, com a marcador positiu després d'AC, són fonamentals. Els electrocardiogrames (ECG) i els electrogrames (EGM) es recluten per a aquest propòsit. Els EGM es fan servir per detectar candidats d'AC com a àrees que provoquen o perpetuen la FA. Per tant, lanàlisi dEGM és una part indispensable dAC. Amb la capacitat d'observar les aurícules globalment, la principal aplicació dels ECG és avaluar la modificació de l'SFA analitzant les ones f o P. Tot i l'extensa anàlisi de qualsevol dels tipus de registre, hi ha algunes bretxes. L'AC no-VP augmenta el temps a quiròfan, provocant majors riscos i costos. Pel que fa a l'anàlisi de la modificació de l'SFA, s'utilitzen diversos llindars per definir una ona P perllongada. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta Tesi és contribuir a l'esforç d'anàlisi de SFA i de modificació de SFA. Per això, aquesta Tesi es va desenvolupar sota dues hipòtesis principals. Que la qualitat de la informació extreta durant el SFA i lanàlisi de modificació de lSFA es pot millorar mitjançant la introducció de passos innovadors. A més, la combinació d'anàlisi d'ECG i EGM pot augmentar la resolució del mapatge i revelar informació nova sobre els mecanismes de FA. Per complir amb l'objectiu principal, l'anàlisi es divideix en 4 parts i es conforma els 4 capítols del Compendi d'articles. En primer lloc, es va reclutar la dimensió de correlació de gra gruixut (DCGG). DCGG va localitzar de manera fiable EGM complexos i la classificació per tipus de FA va donar una precisió del 84%. Després, es va adoptar una anàlisi alternativa de l'ona P, estudiant per separat la primera i la segona part corresponents a l'aurícula dreta (AD) i esquerra (AI). Els resultats van indicar LA com la font principal de modificació de l'SFA i van subratllar la importància d'estudiar parts integrals d'ECG. Les troballes d'aquest estudi també suggereixen la implementació de parts integrals d'ones P com a possible alleugeriment de les discrepàncies als llindars d'ones P per definir el teixit fibròtic. Posteriorment, es va estudiar l'efecte diferent de l'aïllament de la VP esquerra (AVPI) i la dreta (AVPD) sobre la modificació de l'SFA. AVPI va ser la part crítica, sent la font exclusiva d'escurçament d'ona P. L'anàlisi dels registres durant l'AC també va permetre una observació més propera de les fluctuacions de la variabilitat de la freqüència cardíaca (VFC) al llarg del procediment de CA , cosa que va revelar informació sobre l'efecte de l'energia de radiofreqüència (RF) en el teixit auricular. L'última part es va centrar al si coronari (SC), una estructura fonamental al mapeig de FA per augmentar la resolució de la informació. Es van definir els canals més i menys robustos durant el ritme sinusal (RS) i es va investigar la utilitat de SC a l'avaluació de la modificació de l'SFA. Tot i que CS no va proporcionar una imatge global de l'alteració de l'SFA, va poder registrar amb més sensibilitat les fluctuacions a la resposta auricular durant l'AC. Les troballes presentades en aquesta Tesi Doctoral ofereixen una perspectiva alternativa sobre la modificació de l'SFA i contribueixen a l'esforç general sobre el mapeig de FA i l'avaluació del substrat posterior a la CAAC, obrint futures línies de recerca cap a una resolució més alta i un mapeig més eficient dels mecanismes desencadenants de la FA.[EN] Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest cardiac arrhythmia. Despite the high popularity of catheter ablation (CA) as the main treatment, there is still room for improvement. Time spent in AF affects the AF confrontation and evolution, with 1,15% of paroxysmal AF patients progressing to persistent annually. Therefore, from diagnosis to follow-up, every aspect that contributes to the AF confrontation is of utmost importance. Although pulmonary veins (PVs) are the main AF foci, many sites may contribute to the AF propagation, by triggering or sustaining the AF, forming the AF substrate. Precise AF substrate mapping and recording of the AF substrate modification, as a positive marker after CA sessions, are critical. Electrocardiograms (ECGs) and electrograms (EGMs) are vastly recruited for this purpose. EGMs are used to detect candidate CA targets as areas that provoke or perpetuate AF. Hence, EGMs analysis is an indispensable part of the CA procedure. With the ability to observe the atria globally, ECGs' main application is to assess the AF substrate modification by analyzing f- or P-waves from recordings before and after CA. Despite the extensive analysis on either recording types, some gaps exist. Non-PV CA increases the time in operation room, provoking higher risks and costs. Furthermore, whether non-PV CA is beneficial is under dispute. As for the AF substrate modification analysis, various thresholds are used to define a prolonged P-wave, related with poor CA prognostics. The main objective of the present Thesis is to contribute to the effort of AF substrate and AF substrate modification analysis. For this purpose, the present Thesis was developed under two main hypotheses. That the information quality extracted during AF substrate and AF substrate modification analysis can be improved by introducing innovative steps. Also, that combining ECG and EGM analysis can augment the mapping resolution and reveal new information regarding AF mechanisms. To accomplish the main objective, the analysis is split in 4 parts, forming the 4 chapters of the Compendium of publications. Firstly, coarse-grained correlation dimension (CGCD) was recruited. CGCD reliably localized highly complex EGMs and classification by AF types yielded 84% accuracy. Then, an alternative P-wave analysis was suggested, studying separately the first and second P-wave parts, corresponding to the right (RA) and left (LA) atrium. The findings indicated LA as the main AF substrate modification source and underlined the importance of studying integral ECG parts. The findings of this study additionally suggest the implementation of integral P-wave parts as a possible alleviation for the discrepancies in P-wave thresholds to define fibrotic tissue. Afterwards, the different effect of left (LPVI) and right pulmonary vein isolation (RPVI) on the AF substrate modification was studied. LPVI was the critical part, being the exclusive source of P-wave shortening. Analysis of recordings during CA also allowed a closer observation of the heart rate variability (HRV) fluctuations throughout the CA procedure, revealing information on the effect of radiofrequency (RF) energy on the atrial tissue. The last part was focused on coronary sinus (CS), a fundamental structure in AF mapping to increase the information resolution. The most and least robust channels during sinus rhythm (SR) were defined and the utility of CS in AF substrate modification evaluation was investigated. Although CS did not provide a global picture of the AF substrate alteration, it was able to record with higher sensitivity the fluctuations in the atrial response during the application of RF energy. The findings presented in this Doctoral Thesis offer an alternative perspective on the AF substrate modification and contribute to the overall effort on AF mapping and post-CA substrate evaluation, opening future lines of research towards a higher resolution and more efficient mapping of the AF drivers.Vraka, A. (2022). Characterization of the Substrate Modification in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191410Compendi

    The ganglionated plexus: The upstream triggers of atrial fibrillation

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    The ganglionated plexuses (GP) are dense epicardial nerves that are implicated in atrial fibrillation (AF). They can be functionally located from the endocardium using high frequency stimulation (HFS) which can locate distinct GP that trigger atrial ectopy/AF (ET-GP) or atrioventricular (AV) dissociating (AVD-GP). Our aim was to map and understand the histological, anatomical and functional properties of the different types of GP and ablate them with or without pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) in patients with AF. We hypothesised that ablating these specific GP sites is feasible, and prevents AF. Firstly, to investigate this, we mapped for AVD-GP and ET-GP using HFS in the left atrium of patients with AF. An automated process was used to merge and transform all patient maps onto one reference left atrial shell. A probability density function was applied at each tested site, including GP and negative HFS response sites, to create a probability distribution atlas of AVD-GP and ET-GP. There were distinct anatomical regions according to each GP sub-type, and ET-GP had preponderance to the PV ostia, roof, and mid-anterior wall. These are the areas that would usually be targeted with circumferential PVI. Therefore, a prospective, randomised, controlled study was performed (GANGLIA-AF) which assessed ET-GP ablation without PVI and PVI alone in patients with paroxysmal AF. Patients were followed-up for 12 months with multiple 48hr Holter monitors. The primary endpoint was any documented atrial arrhythmia >30s, and the secondary endpoints included complications and redo ablations. This showed that there was no statistically significant difference in AF prevention between the two arms, however the GP ablation arm required less ablation on average than the PVI arm. We also performed a smaller pilot study of redo AF ablation patients, assessing for feasibility and safety of GP ablation in addition to redo PVI. The same follow-up and endpoint criteria were used as in the GANGLIA-AF study. Some patients had permanent PVI, and non-PV triggers of AF were identifiable with HFS. We also developed a custom-built high frequency stimulator (Tau-20) that was used to identify ectopy-triggering (ET) sites in Langendorff-perfused porcine hearts. We were able to replicate the HFS responses used in the clinical setting in the porcine atria. Transmural cross-sectional dissections were taken from ET and non-ET sites, and the tissues were stained for parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves using immunohistochemistry methods. This showed that the mean density of nerves was greater in ET sites compare to non-ET sites. The Tau-20 has been successfully trialled in humans in the clinical setting, and with further improvements, it may replace the old Grass S88 stimulator for future GP ablation cases. In conclusion, ET-GP are upstream triggers of AF that can be ablated without PVI to prevent paroxysmal AF. GP ablation can be achieved with less RF energy than PVI implying a more specific technique on mechanistic grounds. The cross-over rate and clinical outcomes for GP ablation needs further improvement but GANGLIA-AF provides evidence that GP ablation may be an alternative or an adjunct technique to PVI. In addition, our ex-vivo evidence of increased nerve density at ET sites may account for the differential functional response of ET-GP stimulation in the clinical setting.Open Acces

    Catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation : mapping refinements, outcome prediction and effect on quality of life

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    PhD ThesisChapter 1 presents a literature review, focused primarily on the pathophysiology and management of atrial fibrillation (AF). Chapter 2 examines correlations between the dominant frequency of AF - calculated using principal component analysis from a modified surface 12-lead ECG (which included posterior leads), a standard 12-lead ECG and intracardiac recordings from both atria. The inclusion of posterior leads did not improve correlation with left atrial activity because of the dominance of lead V1 in both ECG configurations. Chapter 3 explores whether acute and 12-month outcome following catheter ablation for AF can be predicted beforehand from clinical and surface AF waveform parameters. Multivariate risk scores combining these parameters can predict arrhythmia outcome following ablation, and could therefore be used to identify those most likely to benefit from this therapy. Chapter 4 examines the effect of catheter ablation on AF symptoms and quality of life (QoL). AF symptom and QoL scores improved significantly in patients who maintained sinus rhythm after ablation but did not change in those with recurrent AF. AF-specific QoL scales are more responsive to change and correlate better with ablation outcome. Chapter 5 examines inter-atrial frequency gradients in patients with persistent AF using multipolar contact mapping. A right-to-left atrial frequency gradient was found in a quarter of the patients studied, implying that their arrhythmia was being maintained by high frequency sources in the right rather than the left atrium. Chapter 6 examines whether targeting high frequency and highly repetitive complex fractionated atrial electrogram sites, identified using multipolar contact mapping during persistent AF, resulted in arrhythmia termination and maintenance of sinus rhythm long-term. The utility of administering flecainide to distinguish critical from bystander AF sites was also investigated. Flecainide did not help refine ablation targets and 12-month outcome after targeting these sites was not superior to other ablation strategies

    Systematic review and network meta-analysis of atrial fibrillation percutaneous catheter ablation technologies using randomized controlled trials

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    AIMS: We sought out to make comparisons between all atrial fibrillation (AF) catheter ablation technologies using randomized controlled trial data. Our comparisons were freedom from AF, procedural duration, and fluoroscopy duration. METHODS: Searches were made of EMBASE, MEDLINE, and CENTRAL databases, and studies were selected which had cryoballoon, conventional radiofrequency (RF), multipolar RF catheters, and laser technology as an arm in the study and were identified as randomized controlled trials (RCTs). These studies were analyzed for direct comparisons using conventional meta-analysis and a combination of indirect and direct comparisons via a network meta-analysis (NMA). RESULTS: With respect to freedom from AF both direct comparisons and NMA did not demonstrate any significant difference. However in analysis of procedural and fluoroscopy duration (minutes) for the pulmonary vein ablation catheter (PVAC), both conventional analysis and NMA revealed significantly shorter procedure times, RF vs PVAC (conventional: 61.99 [38.03-85.94], P <.00001; NMA: 54.76 [36.64-72.88], P < .0001) and fluoroscopy times, RF vs PVAC (conventional: 12.96 [6.40-19.53], P = .0001; NMA: 8.89 [3.27-14.51], P < .01). The procedural duration was also shorter for the cryoballoon with NMA, RF vs CRYO (20.56 [3.47-37.65], P = .02). DISCUSSION: Our analysis demonstrated that while there was no difference in the efficacy of the individual catheter technologies, there are significant differences in the procedural duration for the PVAC and the cryoballoon. While they may seem an attractive solution for high-volume centers, further RCTs of next-generation technologies should be examined
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