Catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation : mapping refinements, outcome prediction and effect on quality of life


PhD ThesisChapter 1 presents a literature review, focused primarily on the pathophysiology and management of atrial fibrillation (AF). Chapter 2 examines correlations between the dominant frequency of AF - calculated using principal component analysis from a modified surface 12-lead ECG (which included posterior leads), a standard 12-lead ECG and intracardiac recordings from both atria. The inclusion of posterior leads did not improve correlation with left atrial activity because of the dominance of lead V1 in both ECG configurations. Chapter 3 explores whether acute and 12-month outcome following catheter ablation for AF can be predicted beforehand from clinical and surface AF waveform parameters. Multivariate risk scores combining these parameters can predict arrhythmia outcome following ablation, and could therefore be used to identify those most likely to benefit from this therapy. Chapter 4 examines the effect of catheter ablation on AF symptoms and quality of life (QoL). AF symptom and QoL scores improved significantly in patients who maintained sinus rhythm after ablation but did not change in those with recurrent AF. AF-specific QoL scales are more responsive to change and correlate better with ablation outcome. Chapter 5 examines inter-atrial frequency gradients in patients with persistent AF using multipolar contact mapping. A right-to-left atrial frequency gradient was found in a quarter of the patients studied, implying that their arrhythmia was being maintained by high frequency sources in the right rather than the left atrium. Chapter 6 examines whether targeting high frequency and highly repetitive complex fractionated atrial electrogram sites, identified using multipolar contact mapping during persistent AF, resulted in arrhythmia termination and maintenance of sinus rhythm long-term. The utility of administering flecainide to distinguish critical from bystander AF sites was also investigated. Flecainide did not help refine ablation targets and 12-month outcome after targeting these sites was not superior to other ablation strategies

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