30 research outputs found

    Analysing, visualising and supporting collaborative learning using interactive tabletops

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    The key contribution of this thesis is a novel approach to design, implement and evaluate the conceptual and technological infrastructure that captures student’s activity at interactive tabletops and analyses these data through Interaction Data Analytics techniques to provide support to teachers by enhancing their awareness of student’s collaboration. To achieve the above, this thesis presents a series of carefully designed user studies to understand how to capture, analyse and distil indicators of collaborative learning. We perform this in three steps: the exploration of the feasibility of the approach, the construction of a novel solution and the execution of the conceptual proposal, both under controlled conditions and in the wild. A total of eight datasets were analysed for the studies that are described in this thesis. This work pioneered in a number of areas including the application of data mining techniques to study collaboration at the tabletop, a plug-in solution to add user-identification to a regular tabletop using a depth sensor and the first multi-tabletop classroom used to run authentic collaborative activities associated with the curricula. In summary, while the mechanisms, interfaces and studies presented in this thesis were mostly explored in the context of interactive tabletops, the findings are likely to be relevant to other forms of groupware and learning scenarios that can be implemented in real classrooms. Through the mechanisms, the studies conducted and our conceptual framework this thesis provides an important research foundation for the ways in which interactive tabletops, along with data mining and visualisation techniques, can be used to provide support to improve teacher’s understanding about student’s collaboration and learning in small groups

    A hybrid computational approach to anticipate individuals in sequential problem solving

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    Human-awareness is an ever more important requirement for AI systems that are designed to assist humans with daily physical interactions and problem solving. This is especially true for patients that need support to stay as independent as possible. To be human-aware, an AI should be able to anticipate the intentions of the individual humans it interacts with, in order to understand the difficulties and limitations they are facing and to adapt accordingly. While data-driven AI approaches have recently gained a lot of attention, more research is needed on assistive AI systems that can develop models of their partners' goals to offer proactive support without needing a lot of training trials for new problems. We propose an integrated AI system that can anticipate actions of individual humans to contribute to the foundations of trustworthy human-robot interaction. We test this in Tangram, which is an exemplary sequential problem solving task that requires dynamic decision making. In this task the sequences of steps to the goal might be variable and not known by the system. These are aspects that are also recognized as real world challenges for robotic systems. A hybrid approach based on the cognitive architecture ACT-R is presented that is not purely data-driven but includes cognitive principles, meaning heuristics that guide human decisions. Core of this Cognitive Tangram Solver (CTS) framework is an ACT-R cognitive model that simulates human problem solving behavior in action, recognizes possible dead ends and identifies ways forward. Based on this model, the CTS anticipates and adapts its predictions about the next action to take in any given situation. We executed an empirical study and collected data from 40 participants. The predictions made by CTS were evaluated with the participants' behavior, including comparative statistics as well as prediction accuracy. The model's anticipations compared to the human test data provide support for justifying further steps built upon our conceptual approach

    How does rumination impact cognition? A first mechanistic model.

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    Rumination is a process of uncontrolled, narrowly-foused neg- ative thinking that is often self-referential, and that is a hall- mark of depression. Despite its importance, little is known about its cognitive mechanisms. Rumination can be thought of as a specific, constrained form of mind-wandering. Here, we introduce a cognitive model of rumination that we devel- oped on the basis of our existing model of mind-wandering. The rumination model implements the hypothesis that rumina- tion is caused by maladaptive habits of thought. These habits of thought are modelled by adjusting the number of memory chunks and their associative structure, which changes the se- quence of memories that are retrieved during mind-wandering, such that during rumination the same set of negative memo- ries is retrieved repeatedly. The implementation of habits of thought was guided by empirical data from an experience sam- pling study in healthy and depressed participants. On the ba- sis of this empirically-derived memory structure, our model naturally predicts the declines in cognitive task performance that are typically observed in depressed patients. This study demonstrates how we can use cognitive models to better un- derstand the cognitive mechanisms underlying rumination and depression

    How does rumination impact cognition? A first mechanistic model.

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    Rumination is a process of uncontrolled, narrowly-foused neg- ative thinking that is often self-referential, and that is a hall- mark of depression. Despite its importance, little is known about its cognitive mechanisms. Rumination can be thought of as a specific, constrained form of mind-wandering. Here, we introduce a cognitive model of rumination that we devel- oped on the basis of our existing model of mind-wandering. The rumination model implements the hypothesis that rumina- tion is caused by maladaptive habits of thought. These habits of thought are modelled by adjusting the number of memory chunks and their associative structure, which changes the se- quence of memories that are retrieved during mind-wandering, such that during rumination the same set of negative memo- ries is retrieved repeatedly. The implementation of habits of thought was guided by empirical data from an experience sam- pling study in healthy and depressed participants. On the ba- sis of this empirically-derived memory structure, our model naturally predicts the declines in cognitive task performance that are typically observed in depressed patients. This study demonstrates how we can use cognitive models to better un- derstand the cognitive mechanisms underlying rumination and depression

    A computational model of focused attention meditation and its transfer to a sustained attention task

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    Although meditation and mindfulness practices are widely discussed and studied more and more in the scientific literature, there is little theory about the cognitive mechanisms that comprise it. Here we begin to develop such a theory by creating a computational cognitive model of a particular type of meditation: focused attention mediation. This model was created within Prims, a cognitive architecture similar to and based on ACT-R, which enables us to make predictions about the cognitive tasks that meditation experience may affect. We implemented a model based on an extensive literature review of how the meditation experience unfolds over time. We then subjected the Prims model to a session of the Sustained Reaction to Response Task, a task typically used to study sustained attention, a faculty that may be trained with meditation practice. Analyses revealed that the model was significantly more sensitive to detecting targets and non-targets after the meditation practice than before. These results agree with empirical findings of a longitudinal study conducted in 2010. These results suggest that our approach to modeling meditation and its effects of cognition is feasible