293 research outputs found

    Signaling local non-credibility in an automatic segmentation pipeline

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    The advancing technology for automatic segmentation of medical images should be accompanied by techniques to inform the user of the local credibility of results. To the extent that this technology produces clinically acceptable segmentations for a significant fraction of cases, there is a risk that the clinician will assume every result is acceptable. In the less frequent case where segmentation fails, we are concerned that unless the user is alerted by the computer, she would still put the result to clinical use. By alerting the user to the location of a likely segmentation failure, we allow her to apply limited validation and editing resources where they are most needed. We propose an automated method to signal suspected non-credible regions of the segmentation, triggered by statistical outliers of the local image match function. We apply this test to m-rep segmentations of the bladder and prostate in CT images using a local image match computed by PCA on regional intensity quantile functions. We validate these results by correlating the non-credible regions with regions that have surface distance greater than 5.5mm to a reference segmentation for the bladder. A 6mm surface distance was used to validate the prostate results. Varying the outlier threshold level produced a receiver operating characteristic with area under the curve of 0.89 for the bladder and 0.92 for the prostate. Based on this preliminary result, our method has been able to predict local segmentation failures and shows potential for validation in an automatic segmentation pipeline

    Principal arc analysis on direct product manifolds

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    We propose a new approach to analyze data that naturally lie on manifolds. We focus on a special class of manifolds, called direct product manifolds, whose intrinsic dimension could be very high. Our method finds a low-dimensional representation of the manifold that can be used to find and visualize the principal modes of variation of the data, as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) does in linear spaces. The proposed method improves upon earlier manifold extensions of PCA by more concisely capturing important nonlinear modes. For the special case of data on a sphere, variation following nongeodesic arcs is captured in a single mode, compared to the two modes needed by previous methods. Several computational and statistical challenges are resolved. The development on spheres forms the basis of principal arc analysis on more complicated manifolds. The benefits of the method are illustrated by a data example using medial representations in image analysis.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS370 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Multiscale medial shape-based analysis of image objects

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    pre-printMedial representation of a three-dimensional (3-D) object or an ensemble of 3-D objects involves capturing the object interior as a locus of medial atoms, each atom being two vectors of equal length joined at the tail at the medial point. Medial representation has a variety of beneficial properties, among the most important of which are 1) its inherent geometry, provides an object-intrinsic coordinate system and thus provides correspondence between instances of the object in and near the object(s); 2) it captures the object interior and is, thus, very suitable for deformation; and 3) it provides the basis for an intuitive object-based multiscale sequence leading to efficiency of segmentation algorithms and trainability of statistical characterizations with limited training sets. As a result of these properties, medial representation is particularly suitable for the following image analysis tasks; how each operates will be described and will be illustrated by results: 1) segmentation of objects and object complexes via deformable models; 2) segmentation of tubular trees, e.g., of blood vessels, by following height ridges of measures of fit of medial atoms to target images; 3) object-based image registration via medial loci of such blood vessel trees; 4) statistical characterization of shape differences between control and pathological classes of structures. These analysis tasks are made possible by a new form of medial representation called m-reps, which is described

    Fitting Skeletal Object Models Using Spherical Harmonics Based Template Warping

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    We present a scheme that propagates a reference skeletal model (s-rep) into a particular case of an object, thereby propagating the initial shape-related layout of the skeleton-to-boundary vectors, called spokes. The scheme represents the surfaces of the template as well as the target objects by spherical harmonics and computes a warp between these via a thin plate spline. To form the propagated s-rep, it applies the warp to the spokes of the template s-rep and then statistically refines. This automatic approach promises to make s-rep fitting robust for complicated objects, which allows s-rep based statistics to be available to all. The improvement in fitting and statistics is significant compared with the previous methods and in statistics compared with a state-of-the-art boundary based method

    Statistical shape analysis of Multi-Object complexes

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    journal articleAn important goal of statistical shape analysis is the discrimination between populations of objects, exploring group differences in morphology not explained by standard volumetric analysis. Certain applications additionally require analysis of objects in their embedding context by joint statistical analysis of sets of interrelated objects. In this paper, we present a framework for discriminant analysis of populations of 3-D multi-object sets. In view of the driving medical applications, a skeletal object parametrization of shape is chosen since it naturally encodes thickening, bending and twisting. In a multi-object setting, we not only consider a joint analysis of sets of shapes but also must take into account differences in pose. Statistics on features of medial descriptions and pose parameters, which include rotational frames and distances, uses a Riemannian symmetric space instead of the standard Euclidean metric. Our choice of discriminant method is the distance weighted discriminant (DWD) because of its generalization ability in high dimensional, low sample size settings. Joint analysis of 10 sub-cortical brain structures in a pediatric autism study demonstrates that multi-object analysis of shape results in a better group discrimination than pose, and that the combination of pose and shape performs better than shape alone. Finally, given a discriminating axis of shape and pose, we can visualize the differences between the populations

    Statistical Medial Model dor Cardiac Segmentation and Morphometry

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    In biomedical image analysis, shape information can be utilized for many purposes. For example, irregular shape features can help identify diseases; shape features can help match different instances of anatomical structures for statistical comparison; and prior knowledge of the mean and possible variation of an anatomical structure\u27s shape can help segment a new example of this structure in noisy, low-contrast images. A good shape representation helps to improve the performance of the above techniques. The overall goal of the proposed research is to develop and evaluate methods for representing shapes of anatomical structures. The medial model is a shape representation method that models a 3D object by explicitly defining its skeleton (medial axis) and deriving the object\u27s boundary via inverse-skeletonization . This model represents shape compactly, and naturally expresses descriptive global shape features like thickening , bending , and elongation . However, its application in biomedical image analysis has been limited, and it has not yet been applied to the heart, which has a complex shape. In this thesis, I focus on developing efficient methods to construct the medial model, and apply it to solve biomedical image analysis problems. I propose a new 3D medial model which can be efficiently applied to complex shapes. The proposed medial model closely approximates the medial geometry along medial edge curves and medial branching curves by soft-penalty optimization and local correction. I further develop a scheme to perform model-based segmentation using a statistical medial model which incorporates prior shape and appearance information. The proposed medial models are applied to a series of image analysis tasks. The 2D medial model is applied to the corpus callosum which results in an improved alignment of the patterns of commissural connectivity compared to a volumetric registration method. The 3D medial model is used to describe the myocardium of the left and right ventricles, which provides detailed thickness maps characterizing different disease states. The model-based myocardium segmentation scheme is tested in a heterogeneous adult MRI dataset. Our segmentation experiments demonstrate that the statistical medial model can accurately segment the ventricular myocardium and provide useful parameters to characterize heart function

    Computational Anatomy for Multi-Organ Analysis in Medical Imaging: A Review

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    The medical image analysis field has traditionally been focused on the development of organ-, and disease-specific methods. Recently, the interest in the development of more 20 comprehensive computational anatomical models has grown, leading to the creation of multi-organ models. Multi-organ approaches, unlike traditional organ-specific strategies, incorporate inter-organ relations into the model, thus leading to a more accurate representation of the complex human anatomy. Inter-organ relations are not only spatial, but also functional and physiological. Over the years, the strategies 25 proposed to efficiently model multi-organ structures have evolved from the simple global modeling, to more sophisticated approaches such as sequential, hierarchical, or machine learning-based models. In this paper, we present a review of the state of the art on multi-organ analysis and associated computation anatomy methodology. The manuscript follows a methodology-based classification of the different techniques 30 available for the analysis of multi-organs and multi-anatomical structures, from techniques using point distribution models to the most recent deep learning-based approaches. With more than 300 papers included in this review, we reflect on the trends and challenges of the field of computational anatomy, the particularities of each anatomical region, and the potential of multi-organ analysis to increase the impact of 35 medical imaging applications on the future of healthcare.Comment: Paper under revie
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