8,901 research outputs found

    Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with periodically varying carrying capacity

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    We study the stochastic spatial Lotka-Volterra (LV) model for predator-prey interaction subject to a periodically varying carrying capacity. The LV model with on-site lattice occupation restrictions that represent finite food resources for the prey exhibits a continuous active-to-absorbing phase transition. The active phase is sustained by spatio-temporal patterns in the form of pursuit and evasion waves. Monte Carlo simulations on a two-dimensional lattice are utilized to investigate the effect of seasonal variations of the environment on species coexistence. The results of our simulations are also compared to a mean-field analysis. We find that the parameter region of predator and prey coexistence is enlarged relative to the stationary situation when the carrying capacity varies periodically. The stationary regime of our periodically varying LV system shows qualitative agreement between the stochastic model and the mean-field approximation. However, under periodic carrying capacity switching environments, the mean-field rate equations predict period-doubling scenarios that are washed out by internal reaction noise in the stochastic lattice model. Utilizing visual representations of the lattice simulations and dynamical correlation functions, we study how the pursuit and evasion waves are affected by ensuing resonance effects. Correlation function measurements indicate a time delay in the response of the system to sudden changes in the environment. Resonance features are observed in our simulations that cause prolonged persistent spatial correlations. Different effective static environments are explored in the extreme limits of fast- and slow periodic switching. The analysis of the mean-field equations in the fast-switching regime enables a semi-quantitative description of the stationary state.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figure

    Diffusion-driven instabilities and emerging spatial patterns in patchy landscapes

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    Spatial variation in population densities across a landscape is a feature of many ecological systems, from self-organised patterns on mussel beds to spatially restricted insect outbreaks. It occurs as a result of environmental variation in abiotic factors and/or biotic factors structuring the spatial distribution of populations. However the ways in which abiotic and biotic factors interact to determine the existence and nature of spatial patterns in population density remain poorly understood. Here we present a new approach to studying this question by analysing a predator–prey patch-model in a heterogenous landscape. We use analytical and numerical methods originally developed for studying nearest- neighbour (juxtacrine) signalling in epithelia to explore whether and under which conditions patterns emerge. We find that abiotic and biotic factors interact to promote pattern formation. In fact, we find a rich and highly complex array of coexisting stable patterns, located within an enormous number of unstable patterns. Our simulation results indicate that many of the stable patterns have appreciable basins of attraction, making them significant in applications. We are able to identify mechanisms for these patterns based on the classical ideas of long-range inhibition and short-range activation, whereby landscape heterogeneity can modulate the spatial scales at which these processes operate to structure the populations

    Invasion controlled pattern formation in a generalized multi-species predator-prey system

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    Rock-scissors-paper game, as the simplest model of intransitive relation between competing agents, is a frequently quoted model to explain the stable diversity of competitors in the race of surviving. When increasing the number of competitors we may face a novel situation because beside the mentioned unidirectional predator-prey-like dominance a balanced or peer relation can emerge between some competitors. By utilizing this possibility in the present work we generalize a four-state predator-prey type model where we establish two groups of species labeled by even and odd numbers. In particular, we introduce different invasion probabilities between and within these groups, which results in a tunable intensity of bidirectional invasion among peer species. Our study reveals an exceptional richness of pattern formations where five quantitatively different phases are observed by varying solely the strength of the mentioned inner invasion. The related transition points can be identified with the help of appropriate order parameters based on the spatial autocorrelation decay, on the fraction of empty sites, and on the variance of the species density. Furthermore, the application of diverse, alliance-specific inner invasion rates for different groups may result in the extinction of the pair of species where this inner invasion is moderate. These observations highlight that beyond the well-known and intensively studied cyclic dominance there is an additional source of complexity of pattern formation that has not been explored earlier.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. To appear in PR

    Cross-diffusion driven instability in a predator-prey system with cross-diffusion

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    In this work we investigate the process of pattern formation induced by nonlinear diffusion in a reaction-diffusion system with Lotka-Volterra predator-prey kinetics. We show that the cross-diffusion term is responsible of the destabilizing mechanism that leads to the emergence of spatial patterns. Near marginal stability we perform a weakly nonlinear analysis to predict the amplitude and the form of the pattern, deriving the Stuart-Landau amplitude equations. Moreover, in a large portion of the subcritical zone, numerical simulations show the emergence of oscillating patterns, which cannot be predicted by the weakly nonlinear analysis. Finally when the pattern invades the domain as a travelling wavefront, we derive the Ginzburg-Landau amplitude equation which is able to describe the shape and the speed of the wave.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Spatiotemporal dynamics in a spatial plankton system

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    In this paper, we investigate the complex dynamics of a spatial plankton-fish system with Holling type III functional responses. We have carried out the analytical study for both one and two dimensional system in details and found out a condition for diffusive instability of a locally stable equilibrium. Furthermore, we present a theoretical analysis of processes of pattern formation that involves organism distribution and their interaction of spatially distributed population with local diffusion. The results of numerical simulations reveal that, on increasing the value of the fish predation rates, the sequences spots →\rightarrow spot-stripe mixtures→\rightarrow stripes→\rightarrow hole-stripe mixtures holes→\rightarrow wave pattern is observed. Our study shows that the spatially extended model system has not only more complex dynamic patterns in the space, but also has spiral waves.Comment: Published Pape
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