618,336 research outputs found


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    A lot of the defects that are present in a program are not visible to the compiler. Static code analysis is a way to find bugs and reduce the defects in a software application. This paper gives you an overview on static code analysis, well-known tools and the benefits of this practice.code, analysis

    A Practical Blended Analysis for Dynamic Features in JavaScript

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    The JavaScript Blended Analysis Framework is designed to perform a general-purpose, practical combined static/dynamic analysis of JavaScript programs, while handling dynamic features such as run-time generated code and variadic func- tions. The idea of blended analysis is to focus static anal- ysis on a dynamic calling structure collected at runtime in a lightweight manner, and to rene the static analysis us- ing additional dynamic information. We perform blended points-to analysis of JavaScript with our framework and compare results with those computed by a pure static points- to analysis. Using JavaScript codes from actual webpages as benchmarks, we show that optimized blended analysis for JavaScript obtains good coverage (86.6% on average per website) of the pure static analysis solution and nds ad- ditional points-to pairs (7.0% on average per website) con- tributed by dynamically generated/loaded code

    Active Learning of Points-To Specifications

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    When analyzing programs, large libraries pose significant challenges to static points-to analysis. A popular solution is to have a human analyst provide points-to specifications that summarize relevant behaviors of library code, which can substantially improve precision and handle missing code such as native code. We propose ATLAS, a tool that automatically infers points-to specifications. ATLAS synthesizes unit tests that exercise the library code, and then infers points-to specifications based on observations from these executions. ATLAS automatically infers specifications for the Java standard library, and produces better results for a client static information flow analysis on a benchmark of 46 Android apps compared to using existing handwritten specifications

    Lab Package: Static Code Analysis

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    Antud bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on luua uus versioon staatilist koodianalüüsi tutvustavast praktikumimaterjalist, mida kasutatakse Tartu Ülikoolis aines “Tarkvara Testimine (MTAT.03.159)”. Töös kirjeldatakse nii peamisi põhjuseid muutusteks kui ka töö käigus valminud uuenenud materjale. Loodud materjale rakendati eelnimetatud aines ning neile antud tagasiside oli positiivne. Töö lõpeb tudengite antud tagasiside analüüsiga ning lisatud on ka soovitusi edasisteks parandusteks.The main goal of this thesis is to enhance the lab materials about static code analysis used in the course “Software Testing (MTAT.03.159)” in the University of Tartu. The motivation for the changes is explained and the new materials are introduced in this work. The materials were applied in the course and received positive feedback. Students’ feedback given after the execution of the lab is analyzed with suggestions for future improvements given