5,506 research outputs found

    Lithium-ion battery thermal-electrochemical model-based state estimation using orthogonal collocation and a modified extended Kalman filter

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    This paper investigates the state estimation of a high-fidelity spatially resolved thermal- electrochemical lithium-ion battery model commonly referred to as the pseudo two-dimensional model. The partial-differential algebraic equations (PDAEs) constituting the model are spatially discretised using Chebyshev orthogonal collocation enabling fast and accurate simulations up to high C-rates. This implementation of the pseudo-2D model is then used in combination with an extended Kalman filter algorithm for differential-algebraic equations to estimate the states of the model. The state estimation algorithm is able to rapidly recover the model states from current, voltage and temperature measurements. Results show that the error on the state estimate falls below 1 % in less than 200 s despite a 30 % error on battery initial state-of-charge and additive measurement noise with 10 mV and 0.5 K standard deviations.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Power Source

    Efficient electrochemical model for lithium-ion cells

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    Lithium-ion batteries are used to store energy in electric vehicles. Physical models based on electro-chemistry accurately predict the cell dynamics, in particular the state of charge. However, these models are nonlinear partial differential equations coupled to algebraic equations, and they are computationally intensive. Furthermore, a variable solid-state diffusivity model is recommended for cells with a lithium ion phosphate positive electrode to provide more accuracy. This variable structure adds more complexities to the model. However, a low-order model is required to represent the lithium-ion cells' dynamics for real-time applications. In this paper, a simplification of the electrochemical equations with variable solid-state diffusivity that preserves the key cells' dynamics is derived. The simplified model is transformed into a numerically efficient fully dynamical form. It is proved that the simplified model is well-posed and can be approximated by a low-order finite-dimensional model. Simulations are very quick and show good agreement with experimental data

    Global Sensitivity Methods for Design of Experiments in Lithium-ion Battery Context

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    Battery management systems may rely on mathematical models to provide higher performance than standard charging protocols. Electrochemical models allow us to capture the phenomena occurring inside a lithium-ion cell and therefore, could be the best model choice. However, to be of practical value, they require reliable model parameters. Uncertainty quantification and optimal experimental design concepts are essential tools for identifying systems and estimating parameters precisely. Approximation errors in uncertainty quantification result in sub-optimal experimental designs and consequently, less-informative data, and higher parameter unreliability. In this work, we propose a highly efficient design of experiment method based on global parameter sensitivities. This novel concept is applied to the single-particle model with electrolyte and thermal dynamics (SPMeT), a well-known electrochemical model for lithium-ion cells. The proposed method avoids the simplifying assumption of output-parameter linearization (i.e., local parameter sensitivities) used in conventional Fisher information matrix-based experimental design strategies. Thus, the optimized current input profile results in experimental data of higher information content and in turn, in more precise parameter estimates.Comment: Accepted for 21st IFAC World Congres

    Global sensitivity analysis of the single particle lithium-ion battery model with electrolyte

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    The importance of global sensitivity analysis (GSA) has been well established in many scientific areas. However, despite its critical role in evaluating a model’s plausibility and relevance, most lithium ion battery models are published without any sensitivity analysis. In order to improve the lifetime performance of battery packs, researchers are investigating the application of physics based electrochemical models, such as the single particle model with electrolyte (SPMe). This is a challenging research area from both the parameter estimation and modelling perspective. One key challenge is the number of unknown parameters: the SPMe contains 31 parameters, many of which are themselves non-linear functions of other parameters. As such, relatively few authors have tackled this parameter estimation problem. This is exacerbated because there are no GSAs of the SPMe which have been published previously. This article addresses this gap in the literature and identifies the most sensitive parameter, preventing time being wasted on refining parameters which the output is insensitive to

    Sensorless Battery Internal Temperature Estimation using a Kalman Filter with Impedance Measurement

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    This study presents a method of estimating battery cell core and surface temperature using a thermal model coupled with electrical impedance measurement, rather than using direct surface temperature measurements. This is advantageous over previous methods of estimating temperature from impedance, which only estimate the average internal temperature. The performance of the method is demonstrated experimentally on a 2.3 Ah lithium-ion iron phosphate cell fitted with surface and core thermocouples for validation. An extended Kalman filter, consisting of a reduced order thermal model coupled with current, voltage and impedance measurements, is shown to accurately predict core and surface temperatures for a current excitation profile based on a vehicle drive cycle. A dual extended Kalman filter (DEKF) based on the same thermal model and impedance measurement input is capable of estimating the convection coefficient at the cell surface when the latter is unknown. The performance of the DEKF using impedance as the measurement input is comparable to an equivalent dual Kalman filter using a conventional surface temperature sensor as measurement input.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 201

    Identifiability and parameter estimation of the single particle lithium-ion battery model

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    This paper investigates the identifiability and estimation of the parameters of the single particle model (SPM) for lithium-ion battery simulation. Identifiability is addressed both in principle and in practice. The approach begins by grouping parameters and partially non-dimensionalising the SPM to determine the maximum expected degrees of freedom in the problem. We discover that, excluding open circuit voltage, there are only six independent parameters. We then examine the structural identifiability by considering whether the transfer function of the linearised SPM is unique. It is found that the model is unique provided that the electrode open circuit voltage functions have a known non-zero gradient, the parameters are ordered, and the electrode kinetics are lumped into a single charge transfer resistance parameter. We then demonstrate the practical estimation of model parameters from measured frequency-domain experimental electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data, and show additionally that the parametrised model provides good predictive capabilities in the time domain, exhibiting a maximum voltage error of 20 mV between model and experiment over a 10 minute dynamic discharge.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, pre-print submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technolog

    A review of fractional-order techniques applied to lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, and supercapacitors

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    Electrochemical energy storage systems play an important role in diverse applications, such as electrified transportation and integration of renewable energy with the electrical grid. To facilitate model-based management for extracting full system potentials, proper mathematical models are imperative. Due to extra degrees of freedom brought by differentiation derivatives, fractional-order models may be able to better describe the dynamic behaviors of electrochemical systems. This paper provides a critical overview of fractional-order techniques for managing lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, and supercapacitors. Starting with the basic concepts and technical tools from fractional-order calculus, the modeling principles for these energy systems are presented by identifying disperse dynamic processes and using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Available battery/supercapacitor models are comprehensively reviewed, and the advantages of fractional types are discussed. Two case studies demonstrate the accuracy and computational efficiency of fractional-order models. These models offer 15–30% higher accuracy than their integer-order analogues, but have reasonable complexity. Consequently, fractional-order models can be good candidates for the development of advanced b attery/supercapacitor management systems. Finally, the main technical challenges facing electrochemical energy storage system modeling, state estimation, and control in the fractional-order domain, as well as future research directions, are highlighted
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