9 research outputs found

    State-constrained optimal control of semilinear elliptic equations with nonlocal radiation interface conditions

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    We consider a control- and state-constrained optimal control problem governed by a semilinear elliptic equation with nonlocal interface conditions. These conditions occur during the modeling of diffuse-gray conductive-radiative heat transfer. The nonlocal radiation interface condition and the pointwise state-constraints represent the particular features of this problem. To deal with the state-constraints, continuity of the state is shown which allows to derive first-order necessary conditions. Afterwards, we establish second-order sufficient conditions that account for strongly active sets and ensure local optimality in an L2L^2-neighborhood

    Noncompactness of integral operators modeling diffuse-gray radiation in polyhedral and transient settings

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    While it is well-known that the standard integral operator K of (stationary) diffuse-gray radiation, as it occurs in the radiosity equation, is compact if the domain of radiative interaction is sufficiently regular, we show noncompactness of the operator if the domain is polyhedral. We also show that a stationary operator is never compact when reinterpreted in a transient setting. Moreover, we provide new proofs, which do not use the compactness of K, for 1 being a simple eigenvalue of K for connected enclosures, and for I-(1-e)K being invertible, provided the emissivity e does not vanish identically

    Optimal distributed control of a nonlocal convective Cahn-Hilliard equation by the velocity in 3D

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    In this paper we study a distributed optimal control problem for a nonlocal convective Cahn--Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility and singular potential in three dimensions of space. While the cost functional is of standard tracking type, the control problem under investigation cannot easily be treated via standard techniques for two reasons: the state system is a highly nonlinear system of PDEs containing singular and degenerating terms, and the control variable, which is given by the velocity of the motion occurring in the convective term, is nonlinearly coupled to the state variable. The latter fact makes it necessary to state rather special regularity assumptions for the admissible controls, which, while looking a bit nonstandard, are however quite natural in the corresponding analytical framework. In fact, they are indispensable prerequisites to guarantee the well-posedness of the associated state system. In this contribution, we employ recently proved existence, uniqueness and regularity results for the solution to the associated state system in order to establish the existence of optimal controls and appropriate first-order necessary optimality conditions for the optimal control problem

    Mathematical modeling of Czochralski type growth processes for semiconductor bulk single crystals

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    This paper deals with the mathematical modeling and simulation of crystal growth processes by the so-called Czochralski method and related methods, which are important industrial processes to grow large bulk single crystals of semiconductor materials such as, e.\,g., gallium arsenide (GaAs) or silicon (Si) from the melt. In particular, we investigate a recently developed technology in which traveling magnetic fields are applied in order to control the behavior of the turbulent melt flow. Since numerous different physical effects like electromagnetic fields, turbulent melt flows, high temperatures, heat transfer via radiation, etc., play an important role in the process, the corresponding mathematical model leads to an extremely difficult system of initial-boundary value problems for nonlinearly coupled partial differential equations. In this paper, we describe a mathematical model that is under use for the simulation of real-life growth scenarios, and we give an overview of mathematical results and numerical simulations that have been obtained for it in recent years

    Optimal control of 3D state-constrained induction heating problems with nonlocal radiation effects

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    The paper is concerned with a class of optimal heating problems in semiconductor single crystal growth processes. To model the heating process, time-harmonic Maxwell equations are considered in the system of the state. Due to the high temperatures characterizing crystal growth, it is necessary to include nonlocal radiation boundary conditions and a temperature-dependent heat conductivity in the description of the heat transfer process. The first goal of this paper is to prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the state equation. The regularity analysis associated with the time harmonic Maxwell equations is also studied. In the second part of the paper, the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the corresponding linearized equation is shown. With this result at hand, the differentiability of the control-to-state mapping operator associated with the state equation is derived. Finally, based on the theoretical results, first oder necessary optimality conditions for an associated optimal control problem are established

    State-constrained optimal control of semilinear elliptic equations with nonlocal radiation interface conditions

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    We consider a control- and state-constrained optimal control problem governed by a semilinear elliptic equation with nonlocal interface conditions. These conditions occur during the modeling of diffuse-gray conductive-radiative heat transfer. The nonlocal radiation interface condition and the pointwise state constraints represent the particular features of this problem. To deal with the state constraints, continuity of the state is shown, which allows us to derive first-order necessary conditions. Afterwards, we establish second-order sufficient conditions that account for strongly active sets and ensure local optimality in an L2L^2-neighborhood