257 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Filters for State Estimation of UV Flash Processes

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    Digital twin development for improved operation of batch process systems

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    A Review on AI Control of Reactive Distillation for Various Applications

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    In this chapter, previous studies on reactive distillation process control including control using conventional as well as soft sensor control, membrane assisted reactive distillation design and simulation, estimation and control are discussed. The review of literature in different dimensions is carried out to explore the opportunities in the field of research work. The chapter is focused on dynamics and control of Reactive distillation, its control using Conventional Techniques, Model Predictive Control MPC), Reactive Distillation using Soft Sensors/Soft Controllers, Membrane assisted reactive distillation, Biodiesel in Reactive Divided Wall Column: Design and Control and Membrane reactive divided wall column. These control techniques are proposed and analyzed by many researchers. These techniques have potential use in process industries to have better soft sensor control of nonlinear processes

    Modelling and simulation of biomass fast pyrolysis process: Kinetics, reactor, and condenser systems

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    The research focuses on understanding implementation of multi-scale modeling and simulation of biomass fast pyrolysis process. Lumped and detailed pyrolysis kinetic models are proposed based on experimental and literature data validation. The detailed kinetics is coupled with an engineering model of bubbling fluidized bed reactor to predict pyrolysis gas and bio-oil composition. A simulation strategy to fractionally condense major pyrolysis components into distinct chemical families is proposed using ASPENPlus

    Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Oil Reservoirs

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    Modifier adaptation for process optimization with uncertainty

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    La gestión óptima de procesos suele realizarse en la capa de control RTO, que basándose en modelos del proceso y métodos de optimización proporciona las directrices óptimas. Sin embargo, los modelos nunca reflejan fielmente la realidad por lo que el óptimo calculado puede no corresponder al óptimo del proceso. La metodología adaptación de modificadores utiliza medidas para estimar gradientes y calcular modificadores del problema de optimización para conducir el proceso a su punto óptimo de operación. Sin embargo, presenta limitaciones como la dimensión del problema con respecto al número de variables de decisión y restricciones que aumentan los modificadores necesarios ralentizando la convergencia. La tesis presenta una formulación para que el número de modificadores dependa únicamente del número de entradas del proceso. Otra es la necesidad de esperar al estacionario para actualizar los modificadores. La tesis propone el uso de medidas transitorias para estimar los gradientes sin esperar al estacionario.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria

    Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems

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    The essential principles of green chemistry are the use of renewable raw materials, highly efficient catalysts and green solvents linked with energy efficiency and process optimization in real-time. Experts from different fields show, how to examine all levels from the molecular elementary steps up to the design and operation of an entire plant for developing novel and efficient production processes