6,769 research outputs found

    Measurement and self-adjoint operators

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    The approximations of classical mechanics resulting from quantum mechanics are richer than a correspondence of classical dynamical variables with self-adjoint Hilbert space operators. Assertion that classical dynamic variables correspond to self-adjoint Hilbert space operators is disputable and sets unnatural limits on quantum mechanics. Well known examples of classical dynamical variables not associated with self-adjoint Hilbert space operators are discussed as a motivation for the realizations of quantum field theory that lack Hermitian field operators but exhibit interaction.Comment: 17 page

    Lectures on Holographic Space Time

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    Summary of three talks on the Holographic Space Time models of early universe cosmology, particle physics, and the asymptotically de Sitter final state of our universe.Comment: LaTex2e. 32 page

    Physical evolution in Loop Quantum Cosmology: The example of vacuum Bianchi I

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    We use the vacuum Bianchi I model as an example to investigate the concept of physical evolution in Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) in the absence of the massless scalar field which has been used so far in the literature as an internal time. In order to retrieve the system dynamics when no such a suitable clock field is present, we explore different constructions of families of unitarily related partial observables. These observables are parameterized, respectively, by: (i) one of the components of the densitized triad, and (ii) its conjugate momentum; each of them playing the role of an evolution parameter. Exploiting the properties of the considered example, we investigate in detail the domains of applicability of each construction. In both cases the observables possess a neat physical interpretation only in an approximate sense. However, whereas in case (i) such interpretation is reasonably accurate only for a portion of the evolution of the universe, in case (ii) it remains so during all the evolution (at least in the physically interesting cases). The constructed families of observables are next used to describe the evolution of the Bianchi I universe. The performed analysis confirms the robustness of the bounces, also in absence of matter fields, as well as the preservation of the semiclassicality through them. The concept of evolution studied here and the presented construction of observables are applicable to a wide class of models in LQC, including quantizations of the Bianchi I model obtained with other prescriptions for the improved dynamics.Comment: RevTex4, 22 pages, 4 figure

    What is Dynamics in Quantum Gravity?

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    The appearance of Hamiltonian constraint in the canonical formalism for general relativity reflects the lack of a fixed external time. The dynamics of general relativistic systems can be expressed with respect to an arbitrarily chosen internal degree of freedom, the so called internal clock. We investigate the way in which the choice of internal clock determines the quantum dynamics and how much different quantum dynamics induced by different clocks are. We develop our method of comparison by extending the Hamilton-Jacobi theory of contact transformations to include a new type of transformations which transform both the canonical variables and the internal clock. We employ our method to study the quantum dynamics of the Friedmann-Lemaitre model and obtain semiclassical corrections to the classical dynamics, which depend on the choice of internal clock. For a unique quantisation map we find the abundance of inequivalent semiclassical corrections induced by quantum dynamics taking place in different internal clocks. It follows that the concepts like minimal volume, maximal curvature and the number of quantum bounces, often used to describe quantum effects in cosmological models, depend on the choice of internal clock.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure