1,845 research outputs found

    Representing a P-complete problem by small trellis automata

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    A restricted case of the Circuit Value Problem known as the Sequential NOR Circuit Value Problem was recently used to obtain very succinct examples of conjunctive grammars, Boolean grammars and language equations representing P-complete languages (Okhotin, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-74593-8_23 "A simple P-complete problem and its representations by language equations", MCU 2007). In this paper, a new encoding of the same problem is proposed, and a trellis automaton (one-way real-time cellular automaton) with 11 states solving this problem is constructed

    Grammars with two-sided contexts

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    In a recent paper (M. Barash, A. Okhotin, "Defining contexts in context-free grammars", LATA 2012), the authors introduced an extension of the context-free grammars equipped with an operator for referring to the left context of the substring being defined. This paper proposes a more general model, in which context specifications may be two-sided, that is, both the left and the right contexts can be specified by the corresponding operators. The paper gives the definitions and establishes the basic theory of such grammars, leading to a normal form and a parsing algorithm working in time O(n^4), where n is the length of the input string.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Context-Free Path Querying by Matrix Multiplication

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    Graph data models are widely used in many areas, for example, bioinformatics, graph databases. In these areas, it is often required to process queries for large graphs. Some of the most common graph queries are navigational queries. The result of query evaluation is a set of implicit relations between nodes of the graph, i.e. paths in the graph. A natural way to specify these relations is by specifying paths using formal grammars over the alphabet of edge labels. An answer to a context-free path query in this approach is usually a set of triples (A, m, n) such that there is a path from the node m to the node n, whose labeling is derived from a non-terminal A of the given context-free grammar. This type of queries is evaluated using the relational query semantics. Another example of path query semantics is the single-path query semantics which requires presenting a single path from the node m to the node n, whose labeling is derived from a non-terminal A for all triples (A, m, n) evaluated using the relational query semantics. There is a number of algorithms for query evaluation which use these semantics but all of them perform poorly on large graphs. One of the most common technique for efficient big data processing is the use of a graphics processing unit (GPU) to perform computations, but these algorithms do not allow to use this technique efficiently. In this paper, we show how the context-free path query evaluation using these query semantics can be reduced to the calculation of the matrix transitive closure. Also, we propose an algorithm for context-free path query evaluation which uses relational query semantics and is based on matrix operations that make it possible to speed up computations by using a GPU.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Parsing Unary Boolean Grammars Using Online Convolution

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    In contrast to context-free grammars, the extension of these grammars by explicit conjunction, the so-called conjunctive grammars can generate (quite complicated) non-regular languages over a single-letter alphabet (DLT 2007). Given these expressibility results, we study the parsability of Boolean grammars, an extension of context-free grammars by conjunction and negation, over a unary alphabet and show that they can be parsed in time O(|G| log^2(n) M(n)) where M(n) is the time to multiply two n-bit integers. This multiplication algorithm is transformed into a convolution algorithm which in turn is converted to an online convolution algorithm which is used for the parsing

    Conjunctive Grammars, Cellular Automata and Logic

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    The expressive power of the class Conj of conjunctive languages, i.e. languages generated by the conjunctive grammars of Okhotin, is largely unknown, while its restriction LinConj to linear conjunctive grammars equals the class of languages recognized by real-time one-dimensional one-way cellular automata. We prove two weakened versions of the open question Conj ?? RealTime1CA, where RealTime1CA is the class of languages recognized by real-time one-dimensional two-way cellular automata: 1) it is true for unary languages; 2) Conj ? RealTime2OCA, i.e. any conjunctive language is recognized by a real-time two-dimensional one-way cellular automaton. Interestingly, we express the rules of a conjunctive grammar in two Horn logics, which exactly characterize the complexity classes RealTime1CA and RealTime2OCA

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees

    On state-alternating context-free grammars

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    AbstractState-alternating context-free grammars are introduced, and the language classes obtained from them are compared to the classes of the Chomsky hierarchy as well as to some well-known complexity classes. In particular, state-alternating context-free grammars are compared to alternating context-free grammars (Theoret. Comput. Sci. 67 (1989) 75–85) and to alternating pushdown automata. Further, various derivation strategies are considered, and their influence on the expressive power of (state-) alternating context-free grammars is investigated
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