101,064 research outputs found

    Patents that match your standards: firm-level evidence on competition and innovation

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    When a technology becomes the new standard, the firms that are leaders in producing this technology have a competitive advantage. Matching the semantic content of patents to standards and exploiting the exogenous timing of standardization, we show that firms closer to the new technological frontier increase their market share and sales. In addition, if they operate in a very competitive market, these firms also increase their R&D expenses and investment. Yet, these effects are temporary since standardization creates a common technological basis for everyone, which allows followers to catch up and the economy to grow

    Corporate brand architecture in cross-border mergers and acquisitions

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    Crossborder merger and acquisition (CBM&A) is a dynamic and sustainable competitive strategy. However, the related issue of corporate brand architecture (CBA) has been emphasized to a limited extent in the last five decades of CBM&A studies. Consequently, this research endeavors to scrutinize the antecedents and performance of functionally effective CBA standardization in the postCBM&A phase. This study develops a theoretical framework based on the ResourceBased View and Industrial Organization theory in view of the StructureConductPerformance model. A web survey was conducted based on 124 acquiring companies in 29 countries that were engaged in CBM&A deals between 1990 and 2014. The PLSSEM method was applied to analyze the survey data using SmartPLS professional version 3. The empirical findings show that the firm’s intangible and strategic resources – such as the acquirer’s stronger brand management system, corporate reputation, corporate brand power and acquisition motives (i.e., global presence and extension of sales opportunities) – lead to a high degree of CBA standardization, while the stronger customerbased equity of the target yields a low degree of such standardization. Also, market orientation has a positive impact on the brand management system. Market factors such as the micro and macro environmental distance lead to a high degree of CBA standardization, while the acquirer’s country brand equity indirectly influences the high degree of CBA standardization through brand management system and corporate reputation. Remarkably, competitive intensity has no effect on CBA standardization. Moreover, a high degree of CBA standardization yields superior financial performance indirectly through synergistic competitive advantage and market performance in postCBM&A. Particularly, market performance has a substantial direct effect on financial performance compared to synergistic competitive advantage. This study suggests that the acquirer’s executives should sequentially apply firm and marketlevel factors such as brand management system, corporate reputation, corporate brand power, low customerbased equity of the target, micro and macro environmental distance, country brand equity, and acquisition motives to achieve an optimum degree of CBA standardization in postCBM&A. Similarly, the synergistic competitive advantage and market performance should be regarded sequentially as well to achieve superior financial performance in terms of the degree of CBA standardization. It is deemed that the findings as a whole establish a framework for the practice of corporate brand architecture in postCBM&A.KansainvĂ€linen fuusio ja yritysosto (CBM&A) on dynaaminen ja kestĂ€vĂ€ kilpailustrategia. Siihen liittyvÀÀ kysymystĂ€ yrityksen brĂ€ndiarkkitehtuurista (CBA) ei kuitenkaan ole painotettu riittĂ€vĂ€sti CBM&A:ta koskevassa tutkimuksessa viimeisten viiden vuosikymmenen aikana. TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöstutkimus pyrkiikin selvittĂ€mÀÀn brĂ€ndiarkkitehtuurin tehokkaan standardoinnin lĂ€htökohtia ja tuloksia fuusion tai yrityskaupan jĂ€lkeisessĂ€ tilanteessa. Tutkimuksessa kehitetÀÀn resurssiperustaiseen nĂ€kemykseen (RVB) ja teollisen organisaation (IO) teoriaan pohjautuva teoreettinen viitekehys yrityksen kilpailutilannetta arvioivan SCPmallin (StructureConductPerformance) nĂ€kökulmasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin tekemĂ€llĂ€ verkkokysely 124:lle yritysjĂ€rjestelyissĂ€ vuosien 1990–2014 aikana mukana olleelle yritykselle 29 maassa. Tulokset analysoitiin kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ osittaisten pienimpien neliösummien ja rakenneyhtĂ€lömallinnusta (PLSSEM) SmartPLS professional ohjelmiston versiolla 3. Empiirisen tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ yrityksen resurssit, kuten esimerkiksi ostajan vahvemmat brĂ€ndijohtamisjĂ€rjestelmĂ€t, yrityksen maine, yrityksen brĂ€ndin voima ja ostomotiivit – vaikuttavat positiivisesti brĂ€ndiarkkitehtuurin korkeaan standardointiasteeseen. Toisaalta ostokohteen vahvempi asiakaslĂ€htöinen brĂ€ndin pÀÀoma johtaa matalampaan standardointiasteeseen. Myös markkinaÂŹorientoituneisuudella on positiivinen vaikutus brĂ€ndin johtamisjĂ€rjestelmiin. MarkkinatekijöillĂ€ kuten myyjĂ€n ja ostokohteen mikro ja makroympĂ€ristöjen etĂ€isyydellĂ€ on positiivinen vaikutus brĂ€ndiarkkitehtuurin standardointiin. TĂ€stĂ€ huolimatta ostajan maan brĂ€ndipÀÀoma vaikuttaa epĂ€suorasti standardoinnin asteeseen brĂ€ndijohtamisjĂ€rjestelmien ja yrityksen maineen kautta. YllĂ€ttĂ€vÀÀ kyllĂ€, kilpailuintensiteetillĂ€ ei ollut vaikutusta standardointiin. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi korkea standardointiaste johtaa epĂ€suorasti synergististen kilpailuetujen ja yrityksen markkinoilla menestymisen kautta parempaan taloudelliseen tulokseen yritysjĂ€rjestelyn jĂ€lkeisessĂ€ tilanteessa. Erityisesti markkkinoilla menestymisellĂ€ on tuntuva suora vaikutus taloudelliseen tulokseen synergistiseen kilpailuetuun verrattuna. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen mukaan ostajan johtajien tulisi jĂ€rjestelmĂ€llisesti kĂ€yttÀÀ yritys ja markkinatason tekijöitĂ€ kuten brĂ€ndin johtamisjĂ€rjestelmiĂ€, yrityksen mainetta, yrityksen brĂ€ndivoimaa, ostokohteen matalaa asiakaslĂ€htöistĂ€ brĂ€ndipÀÀomaa, mikro ja makroympĂ€ristön etĂ€isyyttĂ€, maan brĂ€ndipÀÀomaa ja ostomotiiveita pÀÀstĂ€kseen tehokkaaseen brĂ€ndiarkkitehtuurin standardisointiin yritysoston tai fuusion jĂ€lkeisessĂ€ tilanteessa. Samalla tavoin synergististĂ€ kilpailuetua ja markkinatulosta tulisi tarkastella sÀÀnnöllisesti, jotta brĂ€ndiarkkitehtuurin standardisoinnin kautta voitaisiin saavuttaa taloudellista menestystĂ€. Kokonaisuudessaan tulokset muodostavat viitekehyksen yritysoston tai fuusion jĂ€lkeiselle brĂ€ndiarkkitehtuurin soveltamiselle.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A competitive advantage from the implementation timing of ISO management standards

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    With the rise of globalization, firms increasingly implement management standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to assure they can meet their customersñ expectations. ISO management standards reduce performance variability among suppliers and promote global trade. However, ISO standards also promote a certain degree of commonality or isomorphism between firms. If the very notion of ñ standardsñ encourages a certain level of commonality between firms, then how can firms achieve a competitive advantage from implementing ISO standards? This research argues that the timing of when a firm implements an ISO standard relative to their rivals has strategic benefits. Drawing on the competitive dynamics literature we argue that firms can achieve an early mover advantage when implementing ISO 14001. However, an early mover advantage depends on the level of a firm’s absorptive capacity (prior experience with ISO 9001) and the competitive intensity of their industry. This study uses longitudinal data from firms that implemented ISO 14001 at varying points in time to examine the benefits of an early mover advantage. More broadly, this research sheds light on when firms benefit the most from implementing new management standards. The results provide insights into implementing other emerging management standards.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146957/1/joom31.pd

    The strategic choice between "standardization" and "differentiation" in R&D

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    Thesis (S.M.M.O.T.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Management of Technology Program, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-59).In today's world of advanced technology and global reach, one company cannot necessarily make a significant technological innovation. A company that pursues a technological advantage needs to manage global collaboration or competition appropriately. Over the years, the "standardization" of technology has been one of the major strategies with which to encourage technological innovation and acquire a competitive advantage. However, a standardized technology does not necessarily contribute to creating a competitive advantage, and the "differentiation" of technology sometimes provides a better competitive advantage than standardization can. This thesis focuses on the strategic differences between the "standardization" and "differentiation" of a technology. The purpose is to gain insight into standardization and differentiation, looking them as drivers of R&D activities in a company pursuing technical competence. The thesis suggests advantages and disadvantages of each strategy and analyzes circumstances that affect strategic differences. The first part of the thesis establishes the fact that the strategic difference has a less impact on business activities and commercial success than on R&D.(cont.) The second part clarifies the impact of the difference on R&D activities, and it consists of three case studies from the technological areas in which the author has experience. The observations from the case studies lead to a decision matrix for the strategic choice between standardization and differentiation. If a market requirement is uncertain, the differentiation better facilitates effective R&D by means of its flexibility; the technology consolidation linked to standardization would not work well in this situation. Also, if technology elements which satisfy market requirements or target performance are immature, differentiation makes R&D more effective because of its relative lack of restrictions; inherent competition and selection to avoid redundant work linked to standardization would not work well in this situation.by Satoru Adachi.S.M.M.O.T

    The Theoretical Aspect of Management Culture as Part of Organizational Culture

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    This chapter introduces the theoretical concept of the management culture. The management culture is discussed as an integral element of organizational culture, which ensures a qualitative functionality of the processes within the organization and enables the changes in the organizational culture and the competitive advantage. Management culture is not identical to organizational culture, as it covers certain parts of formal and informal organizational culture. Management, educational, information, communication, standardization and regulatory, and other functions of the management culture and the categories comprising this phenomenon of the organization are distinguished

    The Global Networked Value Circle: A new model for best-in-class manufacturing

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    As companies face deflation, slowing production and declining prices, they will need to assess their entire value chain as they look for ways to keep costs low and improve efficiencies while continuing to innovate. To help address this challenge, this report reflects fresh research undertaken by Capgemini in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh into the ?Best-in-Class Global Manufacturing Value Chain?

    Capacity building for transnationalisation of higher education

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    Purpose – Transnationalism and transnational concept are extensively researched in many social science areas; however, transnational management and transnational marketing is relatively a less explored research domain. Also, knowledge management for transnational education (TNE) marketing is not well-researched. Capacity building is an established research-stream, with a key focus on socio-economic and ecological development; however, prior research on capacity building from the context of TNE’s knowledge management and marketing is scarce. The purpose of this study is to analyse TNE marketing mix, to understand the influence of transnational stakeholders’ causal scope(s) on knowledge management in TNE to uphold their transnatioalisation processes through capacity building in TNEs’ marketing management. Design/methodology/approach – An inductive constructivist method is followed. Findings – Organisational learning from the context of transnational market and socio-economic competitive factors, based on analysing the transnational stakeholders’ causal scope(s) is imperative for proactive knowledge management capacity in TNE marketing. Following the analysis of transnational stakeholders’ causal scope(s) to learn about the cause and consequence of the transnational stakeholders’ relationships and interactions, an initial conceptual framework of knowledge management for TNE marketing is proposed. Practical insights from different TNE markets are developed in support of this novel knowledge management capacity building framework of TNE, and its generalisation perspectives and future research areas are discussed. Practical implications – These insights will be useful for TNE administrators to better align their knowledge management perspectives and propositions with their transnational stakeholders to underpin TNE marketing. Academics will be able to use these insights as a basis for future research. Originality/value – This study proposes a novel conceptual stakeholder-centred capacity building framework for TNE’s knowledge management to uphold TNE marketing and supports the framework, based on practical insights from three different transnational markets

    Enterprise resource planning in construction: An evaluation of recent implementations

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    In a large number of construction firms, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have replaced non-integrated information systems by integrated and maintainable software. The implementation of ERP systems in the construction industry is a difficult task. So far, ERP implementations have yielded more failures than successes in this industry. Our study tries to understand the underlying factors that cause success or failure of ERP in construction by analysing how ERP fits into the IT and business strategy of a firm. Empirical research was conducted by a multiple case study of three ERP-implementations in different business environments. Based on the results of this study, propositions are developed that relate factors for the success of ERP in construction to concepts of the existing literature on IT and strategy. These propositions are indicative, but present nevertheless a clear overall tren
