9 research outputs found

    Stable finite element approximations of two-phase flow with soluble surfactant

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    A parametric finite element approximation of incompressible two-phase flow with soluble surfactants is presented. The Navier–Stokes equations are coupled to bulk and surfaces PDEs for the surfactant concentrations. At the interface adsorption, desorption and stress balances involving curvature effects and Marangoni forces have to be considered. A parametric finite element approximation for the advection of the interface, which maintains good mesh properties, is coupled to the evolving surface finite element method, which is used to discretize the surface PDE for the interface surfactant concentration. The resulting system is solved together with standard finite element approximations of the Navier–Stokes equations and of the bulk parabolic PDE for the surfactant concentration. Semidiscrete and fully discrete approximations are analyzed with respect to stability, conservation and existence/uniqueness issues. The approach is validated for simple test cases and for complex scenarios, including colliding drops in a shear flow, which are computed in two and three space dimensions

    A cut finite element method for coupled bulk-surface problems on time-dependent domains

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    In this contribution we present a new computational method for coupled bulk-surface problems on time-dependent domains. The method is based on a space-time formulation using discontinuous piecewise linear elements in time and continuous piecewise linear elements in space on a fixed background mesh. The domain is represented using a piecewise linear level set function on the background mesh and a cut finite element method is used to discretize the bulk and surface problems. In the cut finite element method the bilinear forms associated with the weak formulation of the problem are directly evaluated on the bulk domain and the surface defined by the level set, essentially using the restrictions of the piecewise linear functions to the computational domain. In addition a stabilization term is added to stabilize convection as well as the resulting algebraic system that is solved in each time step. We show in numerical examples that the resulting method is accurate and stable and results in well conditioned algebraic systems independent of the position of the interface relative to the background mesh

    Phase field modelling of surfactants in multi-phase flow

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    A diffuse interface model for surfactants in multi-phase flow with three or more fluids is derived. A system of Cahn-Hilliard equations is coupled with a Navier-Stokes system and an advection-diffusion equation for the surfactant ensuring thermodynamic consistency. By an asymptotic analysis the model can be related to a moving boundary problem in the sharp interface limit, which is derived from first principles. Results from numerical simulations support the theoretical findings. The main novelties are centred around the conditions in the triple junctions where three fluids meet. Specifically the case of local chemical equilibrium with respect to the surfactant is considered, which allows for interfacial surfactant flow through the triple junctions

    Phase field modelling of surfactants in multi-phase flow

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    A diffuse interface model for surfactants in multi-phase flow with three or more fluids is derived. A system of Cahn–Hilliard equations is coupled with a Navier-Stokes system and an advection-diffusion equation for the surfactant ensuring thermodynamic consistency. By an asymptotic analysis the model can be related to a moving boundary problem in the sharp interface limit, which is derived from first principles. Results from numerical simulations support the theoretical findings. The main novelties are centred around the conditions in the triple junctions where three fluids meet. Specifically the case of local chemical equilibrium with respect to the surfactant is considered, which allows for interfacial surfactant flow through the triple junctions

    The numerical simulation of a three dimensional fluid sediment system on arbitrarily shaped domains

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    Current driven sediment processes and their impact on the fluid system and on the morphology is of large interest in environmental as well as in engineering sciences. In this thesis both aspects are regarded. In detail, in the first part a three dimensional two phase Navier Stokes solver is extended by a new and variable geometry handling using a level set. Further, the second part introduces a full current induced sediment model which includes the bed load transport, the suspension load transport and the morphological change of the sediment bed. A mass conserving interchange between both sediment models is realized by boundary conditions as well as by sink and source terms near the boundary. As a further aspect a model which limits the angle of the slope is developed, discretized, and tested numerically. The whole model is discretized with high order finite difference schemes in space and time. Conclusively, several numerical examples and convergence studies demonstrate the wide range of applications for the fully coupled fluid sediment model for two phase flows