4 research outputs found

    Stabilizability and Disturbance Rejection with State-Derivative Feedback

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    In some practical problems, for instance in the control of mechanical systems using accelerometers as sensors, it is easier to obtain the state-derivative signals than the state signals. This paper shows that (i) linear time-invariant plants given by the state-space model matrices {A,B,C,D} with output equal to the state-derivative vector are not observable and can not be stabilizable by using an output feedback if det⁡(A)=0 and (ii) the rejection of a constant disturbance added to the input of the aforementioned plants, considering det⁡(A)≠0, and a static output feedback controller is not possible. The proposed results can be useful in the analysis and design of control systems with state-derivative feedback

    Fast convergence of dynamical ADMM via time scaling of damped inertial dynamics

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    In this paper, we propose in a Hilbertian setting a second-order time-continuous dynamic system with fast convergence guarantees to solve structured convex minimization problems with an affine constraint. The system is associated with the augmented Lagrangian formulation of the minimization problem. The corresponding dynamics brings into play three general time-varying parameters, each with specific properties, and which are respectively associated with viscous damping, extrapolation and temporal scaling. By appropriately adjusting these parameters, we develop a Lyapunov analysis which provides fast convergence properties of the values and of the feasibility gap. These results will naturally pave the way for developing corresponding accelerated ADMM algorithms, obtained by temporal discretization

    Stabilizability and stability robustness of state derivative feedback controllers

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    We study the stabilizability of a linear controllable system using state derivative feedback control. As a special feature the stabilized system may be fragile, in the sense that arbitrarily small modeling and implementation errors may destroy the asymptotic stability. First, we discuss the pole placement problem and illustrate the fragility of stability with examples of a different nature. We also define a notion of stability, called pp-stability, which explicitly takes into account the effect of small modeling and implementation errors. Next, we investigate the effect on the fragility of including a low-pass filter in the control loop. Finally, we completely characterize the stabilizability and pp-stabilizability of linear controllable systems using state derivative feedback. In the stabilizability characterization the odd number limitation, well known in the context of the stabilization of unstable periodic orbits using Pyragas-type time-delayed feedback, plays a crucial role