56 research outputs found

    Comparative exploration on bifurcation behavior for integer-order and fractional-order delayed BAM neural networks

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    In the present study, we deal with the stability and the onset of Hopf bifurcation of two type delayed BAM neural networks (integer-order case and fractional-order case). By virtue of the characteristic equation of the integer-order delayed BAM neural networks and regarding time delay as critical parameter, a novel delay-independent condition ensuring the stability and the onset of Hopf bifurcation for the involved integer-order delayed BAM neural networks is built. Taking advantage of Laplace transform, stability theory and Hopf bifurcation knowledge of fractional-order differential equations, a novel delay-independent criterion to maintain the stability and the appearance of Hopf bifurcation for the addressed fractional-order BAM neural networks is established. The investigation indicates the important role of time delay in controlling the stability and Hopf bifurcation of the both type delayed BAM neural networks. By adjusting the value of time delay, we can effectively amplify the stability region and postpone the time of onset of Hopf bifurcation for the fractional-order BAM neural networks. Matlab simulation results are clearly presented to sustain the correctness of analytical results. The derived fruits of this study provide an important theoretical basis in regulating networks

    Periodic Solution for a Complex-valued Network Model with Discrete Delay

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    For a tridiagonal two-layer real six-neuron model, the Hopf bifurcation was investigated by studying the eigenvalue equations of the related linear system in the literature. In the present paper, we extend this two-layer real six-neuron network model into a complex-valued delayed network model. Based on the mathematical analysis method, some sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence of periodic oscillatory solutions are established under the assumption that the activation function can be separated into its real and imaginary parts. Our sufficient conditions obtained by the mathematical analysis method in this paper are simpler than those obtained by the Hopf bifurcation method. Computer simulation is provided to illustrate the correctness of the theoretical results

    Stability and Hopf bifurcation of controlled complex networks model with two delays

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    none3siopenJinde Cao, Luca Guerrini, Zunshui ChengCao, Jinde; Guerrini, Luca; Cheng, Zunshu

    Hopf-pitchfork bifurcation of coupled van der Pol oscillator with delay

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    In this paper, the Hopf-pitchfork bifurcation of coupled van der Pol with delay is studied. The interaction coefficient and time delay are taken as two bifurcation parameters. Firstly, the normal form is gotten by performing a center manifold reduction and using the normal form theory developed by Faria and Magalhães. Secondly, bifurcation diagrams and phase portraits are given through analyzing the unfolding structure. Finally, numerical simulations are used to support theoretical analysis

    Non-Convex Multi-species Hopfield models

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    In this work we introduce a multi-species generalization of the Hopfield model for associative memory, where neurons are divided into groups and both inter-groups and intra-groups pair-wise interactions are considered, with different intensities. Thus, this system contains two of the main ingredients of modern Deep neural network architectures: Hebbian interactions to store patterns of information and multiple layers coding different levels of correlations. The model is completely solvable in the low-load regime with a suitable generalization of the Hamilton-Jacobi technique, despite the Hamiltonian can be a non-definite quadratic form of the magnetizations. The family of multi-species Hopfield model includes, as special cases, the 3-layers Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) with Gaussian hidden layer and the Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) model.Comment: This is a pre-print of an article published in J. Stat. Phy

    Stability and Bifurcation of a Class of Discrete-Time Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Delays

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    A class of discrete-time Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with delays is investigated in this paper. By analyzing the corresponding characteristic equations, the asymptotical stability of the null solution and the existence of Neimark-Sacker bifurcations are discussed. By applying the normal form theory and the center manifold theorem, the direction of the Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and the stability of bifurcating periodic solutions are obtained. Numerical simulations are given to illustrate the obtained results

    Local Bifurcations for a Delay Differential Model of Plankton Allelopathy

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    Abstract: This paper is concerned with a two-species competitive system of plankton allelopathy with delay. A modified differential equation model of plankton allelopathy having stimulatory effects on each other is investigated in this paper. By regarding the delay Ï„ as the bifurcation parameter, firstly, the stability of the positive equilibrium and the existence of Hopf bifurcation are investigated. Furthermore, the direction of Hopf bifurcation and the stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions are determined by the normal form theory and the center manifold theorem for functional differential equations. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out for illustrating the theoretical results
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