7 research outputs found

    Frequency estimation in DSOGI cells by means of the teager energy operator

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    Second Order Generalized Integrator (SOGI) cells are used for notch filtering due to their simplicity and their harmonic rejection capability. SOGI and Dual SOGI (DSOGI) filter cells, combined with Frequency Locked Loops (FLL) to adjust the notch frequency, are commonly used in both 1f and 3f grid following (GFL) power converters for synchronization, i.e. SOGI-FLL and DSOGI-FLL, respectively. The FLL relies on a gradient descent method to minimize a cost function built up around one inner SOGI cell variable, e.g., the in-quadrature voltage estimation, and one outer variable, i.e. the error signal due to the SOGI filter cell. As a result, the FLL manages relatively large DC offsets and harmonic distortion passing through the outer SOGI cell variable, which deteriorates the frequency estimation and then, the SOGI-FLL performance. To attenuate such issues, the method proposed in this digest only uses inner SOGI cell variables. It minimizes the deviation between the estimated grid frequency and the frequency of the signal across the SOGI cell, which is detected through the Teager Energy Operator (TEO). The proposal is validated in simulation and experimentally.This work has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the project RTI2018-095138-B-C31:"Electr贸nica de potencia aplicada a la red el茅ctrica y a procesos industriales": PEGIA

    LTP Modeling of Single-Phase T/4 Delay-Based PLLs

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    More-stable EPLL

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    The enhanced phase-locked loop (EPLL) is one of the most famous PLLs in single-phase applications and a versatile tool for different signal processing applications, especially for the grid synchronization of power converters. Recently, it has been proved that the EPLL has a quite narrow stable zone (compared to its unstable zone) in the positive parameter space from a small-signal point of view. This zone will be even more narrow if maintaining a minimum stability margin is required. This article aims to modify the EPLL structure to improve its stability margin, and at the same time, make it unconditionally stable in the positive parameter space from a small-signal point of view.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Enhance OF SOGI-FLL and SOGI-PLL response to voltage sags and swells perturbations

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    The scope of this thesis is related to the enhancement of the operation of distributed generators (DGs) based on renewable energies (REs) when connected to the conventional grid network. Synchronization of those DGs, i.e. their front-end inverters, with the grid is critical for injecting power into the grid. Internal control loops of voltage source inverters (VSIs) monitor parameters such as the utility voltage's phase, amplitude, and frequency to achieve proper synchronization and inject power into the grid. Therefore, an appropriate estimation of the grid parameters is needed for completing the mentioned goals. The different existing monitoring techniques still face technical challenges when appearing faults on the grid, particularly voltage sags and voltage swells. From those techniques, SOGI-FLL and SOGI-PLL are widely spread in power inverters. In the mentioned faulty conditions, a degradation of the estimated parameters occurs due to the impact of the grid defaults on the dynamic performance of the SOGI-FLL and SOGI-PLL estimators. In the literature, it was not found contributions to those problems. This research aimed to contribute by providing a fast and accurate detection of the faults, yielding a robust dynamical response of the VSIs control structure in front of such perturbations, thanks to a fast and precise estimation of grid parameters. This faults detection strategy was accompanied by minimization of the monitored parameters drift due to inherent harmonic pollution of the faults. Then a first contribution has been the design and implementation of a Finite State Machine on a synchronization structure known as SOGI-PLL and in SOGI-FLL, enhancing their dynamical response regarding transient time and steady-state response in front of voltage sags. A second contribution has been implementing the strategy to face the problems derived from voltage swells with satisfactory results. The research was carried out in the E3PACS laboratory facilities of EEBE-UPC. This work is organized as follows: In Section 1, the study is contextualized. Section 2 describes Power Quality indexes benchmarking for assessing the problem to solve and the obtained results. It is then followed by Section 3, where the SOGI-FLL response against voltage sags and swells is analyzed. Therefore, Section 4 summarizes the different approaches and results for mitigating the grid faults studied. Section 5 is devoted to showing SOGI-PLL amelioration by applying SOGI Error-Based algorithm. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the main contributions of this work, along with the general conclusions. Section 7 lists future work, in Section 8 are listed the published JCR indexed papers.L'abast d'aquesta tesi est脿 relacionat amb la millora del funcionament dels generadors distribu茂ts (DG, distributed generation en angl猫s) basats en energies renovables quan es connecten a la xarxa el猫ctrica convencional. La sincronitzaci贸 d'aquests DG amb la xarxa 茅s fonamental per injectar energia a aquesta, especialment quan es tracta d'inversors de pot猫ncia. Els lla莽os de control interns dels inversors de font de tensi贸 (VSI, Voltage Source Inverters en angl猫s) controlen par脿metres com ara la fase, l'amplitud i la freq眉猫ncia de la tensi贸 de la xarxa per aconseguir una sincronitzaci贸requerida. Per tant, es necessita una estimaci贸 adequada dels par脿metres del bus de tensi贸 per assolir els objectius esmentats. Les diferents t猫cniques de monitoritzaci贸 existents encara s'enfronten a reptes t猫cnics a l'hora d'apar猫ixer fallades a la xarxa, especialment caigudes i augments abruptes de tensi贸 ("Voltage sags" i "Voltage swells" en angl猫s, respectivament). En el cas dels inversors, les t猫cniques basades en estructures SOGI-FLL i SOGI-PLL estan 脿mpliament esteses i, en les esmentades condicions de fallada, es produeix una degradaci贸 dels par脿metres estimats a causa de l'impacte dels defectes de la xarxa en el seu comportament din脿mic . A la literatura, no es van trobar contribucions rellevants per mitigar aquests problemes. Aquesta investigaci贸 pret茅n doncs contribuir proporcionant una detecci贸 r脿pida i precisa de les fallades, donant una resposta din脿mica robusta de l'estructura de control dels VSI davant d'aquestes pertorbacions, gr脿cies a una estimaci贸 r脿pida i precisa dels par脿metres de la xarxa. Aquesta estrat猫gia de detecci贸 de fallades s'acompanya de la minimitzaci贸 de la deriva dels par脿metres monitoritzats a causa de la contaminaci贸 harm貌nica inherent de les fallades. Aix铆 doncs, una primera contribuci贸 ha estat el disseny i la implementaci贸 d'una m脿quina d'estats finits en una estructura de sincronitzaci贸 coneguda com SOGI-PLL i en SOGI-FLL, millorant la seva resposta din脿mica pel que fa al temps transitori i la resposta en estat estacionari davant les caigudes de tensi贸. Una segona aportaci贸 ha estat la implementaci贸 de l'estrat猫gia per afrontar amb resultats satisfactoris els problemes derivats de les pujades de tensi贸 (voltage swells). La investigaci贸 es va dur a terme a les instal路lacions del laboratori E3PACS de l'EEBE-UPC. Aquest treball s'organitza de la seg眉ent manera: A l'apartat 1 es contextualitza l'estudi. La secci贸 2 descriu el la referenciaci贸 dels 铆ndexs de qualitat de l'energia per avaluar el problema a resoldre i els resultats obtinguts. A continuaci贸, segueix la Secci贸 3, on s'analitza la resposta SOGI-FLL contra les caigudes i les inflors de tensi贸. Per tant, la Secci贸 4 resumeix els diferents enfocaments i resultats per mitigar les falles de la xarxa estudiades. La secci贸 5 est脿 dedicada a mostrar la millora SOGI-PLL aplicant l'algorisme SOGI basat en errors. Finalment, l'apartat 6 resumeix les principals aportacions d'aquest treball, juntament amb les conclusions generals. La secci贸 7 enumera els treballs futurs, a la secci贸 8 s'enumeren els articles indexats JCR publicats.Postprint (published version