87 research outputs found

    Detailed Overview of Software Smells

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    This document provides an overview of literature concerning software smells covering various dimensions of smells along with their corresponding references

    Resource Allocation Modeling Framework to Refactor Software Design Smells

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    The domain to study design flaws in the software environment has created enough opportunity for the researchers. These design flaws i.e., code smells, were seen hindering the quality aspects of the software in many ways. Once detected, the segment of the software which was found to be infected with such a flaw has to be passed through some refactoring steps in order to remove it. To know about their working phenomenon in a better way, authors have innovatively talked about the smell detection mechanism using the NHPP modeling framework. Further the authors have also chosen to investigate about the amount of resources/efforts which should be allotted to various code smell categories. The authors have developed an optimization problem for the said purpose which is being validated on the real-life smell data set belonging to an open-source software system. The obtained results are in acceptable range and are justifying the applicability of the model

    Semper floreat

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    Title varies: Gamut; Time off: Semper; The press. Numbering system very erratic

    From theoretical foundation to analytical application by 3D solid representations of open public spaces

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Teoria e Prática do Projeto apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor.Num meio construido sobre-edificado contemporâneo, reconheceu-se a sua parte não edificada, o Vazio Arquitetónico-Urbano, como um elemento gradiente e estrutural, que contribui para as suas qualidades formais e funcionais. Baseado nas referências do urbanismo, arquitetura e geografia humana, e com o fim de analisar o Espaço Aberto Público, este estudo propõe, defina e captura o fenómeno do Vazio Arquitetónico-Urbano - Vazio UrbArq. Começando com uma abordagem teórica mais ampla a partir da qual o Vazio UrbArq é conceptualizado, desenvolve-se um método de representação do domínio do negativo do ambiente construído, objetivando-o em novas representações sólidas 3D (Convex, Solid and Fragmented Voids) e combinando-os com as representações do campo visual já existentes (Isovist and Viewsheds). Esses modelos de representação são usados para capturar os atributos de Espaços Públicos Abertos, abordando as suas propriedades mensuráveis, que estão posteriormente relacionadas com os usos espaciais como expressões das qualidades dos espaços urbanos. As expressões de qualidade são inferidas através da análise fenomenológica in-situ e da observação natural, a partir das quais foram estabelecidas correlações preliminares entre as propriedades quantitativas e qualidades dos Espaços Públicos Abertos. Combinando metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas, a investigação utiliza a representação sólida 3D e investiga o papel do Vazio UrbArch na geração de atributos e qualidades de Espaços Públicos Abertos na zona ribeirinha de Lisboa. Para esse efeito: a) Introduziu-se o conceito de vazio como base inspiradora e teórica da pesquisa (capítulo 2); B) Definiu-se o foco da pesquisa - Vazio UrbArch (capítulo 3); C) Desenvolveram-se os modelos de representação de Espaços Públicos Abertos abordando o foco do Vazio UrbArch (capítulo 4); D) Definiram-se os atributos específicos dos Espaços Públicos Abertos para serem abordados (capítulo 5); Aplicou-se a metodologia a partir da qual se estabeleceu a correlação entre atributos, propriedades qualitativas e qualidades espaciais (capítulo 6).ABSTRACT: In the nowadays tightly built environment we recognize the unbuilt part of urban-architectural space as its gradient and structural element, which influences its formal and functional qualities. Based on the references of urbanism, architecture and human geography and in order to analyse Open Public Spaces through the prism of its unbuilt part, the study proposes, defines and captures the notion of urban-architectural emptiness – UrbArch Emptiness. It starts from a theoretical analysis of emptiness wherefrom the UrbArch Emptiness was conceptualised. It further develops a way to represent the realm of the negative of built environment by objectifying it into novel 3D solid representations (Convex, Solid and Fragmented Voids) which are combined with already existing View field representations (Isovist and Viewsheds) and applied on case study of Lisbon Riverside. These representation models are used for capturing attributes of Open Public Spaces by approaching their measurable properties which are further related to spatial experiences and usages as expressions of spatial qualities. The expressions of qualities are inferred through first person in-situ phenomenological analysis and natural observation wherefrom correlations between Open Public Spaces’ quantitative properties and qualities were preliminarily established. Combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the research takes the 3D solid representation and investigates the role of UrbArch Emptiness in generating qualities of Open Public Spaces in Lisbon riverside. To do so research: a) Introduces the concept of Emptiness as inspirational and theoretical basis of research (chapter 2); b) Defines objectified focus of research – UrbArch Emptiness (chapter 3); c) Develops models for Open Public Spaces representation and analysis based on UrbArch Emptiness (chapter 4); d) Defines specific Open Public Spaces’ attributes to be approached (chapter 5); Applies the methodology wherefrom correlations between attributes, qualitative properties and spatial qualities are preliminarily established (chapter 6).N/

    Nonlocal Models in Biology and Life Sciences: Sources, Developments, and Applications

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    Nonlocality is important in realistic mathematical models of physical and biological systems at small-length scales. It characterizes the properties of two individuals located in different locations. This review illustrates different nonlocal mathematical models applied to biology and life sciences. The major focus has been given to sources, developments, and applications of such models. Among other things, a systematic discussion has been provided for the conditions of pattern formations in biological systems of population dynamics. Special attention has also been given to nonlocal interactions on networks, network coupling and integration, including models for brain dynamics that provide us with an important tool to better understand neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, we have discussed nonlocal modelling approaches for cancer stem cells and tumor cells that are widely applied in the cell migration processes, growth, and avascular tumors in any organ. Furthermore, the discussed nonlocal continuum models can go sufficiently smaller scales applied to nanotechnology to build biosensors to sense biomaterial and its concentration. Piezoelectric and other smart materials are among them, and these devices are becoming increasingly important in the digital and physical world that is intrinsically interconnected with biological systems. Additionally, we have reviewed a nonlocal theory of peridynamics, which deals with continuous and discrete media and applies to model the relationship between fracture and healing in cortical bone, tissue growth and shrinkage, and other areas increasingly important in biomedical and bioengineering applications. Finally, we provided a comprehensive summary of emerging trends and highlighted future directions in this rapidly expanding field.Comment: 71 page


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    "The landscape of trauma is scattered with ghosts. Wolves hunkering in the shadows. Memory’s spectral persistence and evasion. Leaky bodies and selves gathered up in the storm of pain. Genders imposed and genders made. History’s cruel excisions, scars, the spillage of wounds. A landscape in which we are nevertheless called to build home. Here, “storytelling is a kind of suturing.” Combining memoir, lyrical essay, and cultural criticism, KJ Cerankowski's Suture: Trauma and Trans Becoming stitches together an embodied history of trauma and its ongoing impacts on the lived realities of trans, queer, and other marginalized subjects. Suture is a conjuration, a patchwork knitting of ghost stories attending to the wound as its own archive. It is a journey through many “transitions”: of gender; through illness and chronic pain; from childhood to adulthood and back again; of psyche and form in the wake of abuse and through the work of healing; and of the self, becoming in and through the ongoingness of settler colonial violence and its attendant subjugations of diverse forms of life. Refusing a traditional binary-based gender transition narrative, as well as dominant psychoanalytic narratives of trauma that center an individual process of symptom, diagnosis, and cure, Suture explores the refractive nature of trauma’s dispersed roots and lingering effects. If the wounds of trauma are disquiet apparitions—repetitions within the cut—these stories tend the seams through which the simultaneous loneliness of mourning and togetherness of queer intersubjective relations converge. Across these essays, healing, and indeed living, is a state of perpetual becoming, surviving, and loving, in the nonlinearities of trauma time, body-time, and queer time.

    Study into the ultrasonic cleaning of wool

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    This research studied the use of ultrasonic irradiation during wool cleaning with an aim to improve the cleaning process and reduce its impact on the environment. The research found that ultrasonic cleaning reduced energy, detergent and chemicals consumption, reduced fibre entanglement and had no significant effect on fibre properties

    Toxic truths

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    This book examines the relationship between environmental justice and citizen science, focusing on enduring issues and new challenges in a post-truth age. Debates over science, facts, and values have always been pivotal within environmental justice struggles. For decades, environmental justice activists have campaigned against the misuses of science, while at the same time engaging in community-led citizen science. However, post-truth politics has threatened science itself. This book makes the case for the importance of science, knowledge, and data that are produced by and for ordinary people living with environmental risks and hazards. The international, interdisciplinary contributions range from grassroots environmental justice struggles in American hog country and contaminated indigenous communities, to local environmental controversies in Spain and China, to questions about “knowledge justice,” citizenship, participation, and data in citizen science surrounding toxicity. The book features inspiring studies of community-based participatory environmental health and justice research; different ways of sensing, witnessing, and interpreting environmental injustice; political strategies for seeking environmental justice; and ways of expanding the concepts and forms of engagement of citizen science around the world. While the book will be of critical interest to specialists in social and environmental sciences, it will also be accessible to graduate and postgraduate audiences. More broadly, the book will appeal to members of the public interested in social justice issues, as well as community members who are thinking about participating in citizen science and activism. Toxic Truths includes distinguished contributing authors in the field of environmental justice, alongside cutting-edge research from emerging scholars and community activists

    Effect of store environment and website characteristics on impulse buying behaviour of university students

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyConsumer behaviour is determined by various factors, therefore it is considered as very complex and difficult to predict. This study is an attempt to explore and establish the relationships between various factors that result in impulse buying behaviour during online and offline buying. A preliminary qualitative study was carried out to understand the various situations in which impulse buying takes place. For the preliminary study data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis approach has been used for data analysis. The results of the study reveal that in the offline buying store environment, presence of others and crowding plays a vital role, while in online buying website quality, visual appeal and usability of the website increases the chances of impulse buying. In addition it has been found that situational factors such as mood, sales promotion, availability of time and availability of money also have an influence. Important literature was reviewed first and a conceptual framework consisting of the different hypotheses was proposed; then those hypotheses were empirically tested. Quantitative data was collected for the main study by using questionnaires and a self-administrative technique; a total of 312 respondents took part in this study, for which a pilot study was carried out to refine the final questionnaire. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to evaluate the model fit and for further refinement of the constructs. Data was analysed by using structured equation modelling and this approach was used for testing the hypothesized relationship between independent variables (store environment, website characteristics) and dependent variable (impulse buying behaviour). Results of the mediating test shows that situational factors fully mediate the relationship between store environment and impulse buying behaviour. While on the other hand situational factors partially mediate between website characteristics and impulse buying behaviour. The results further reveal that apparel products are impulsively purchased by females most of the time. Food and food items are purchased impulsively by most of the respondents (140) most of the time, whereas a very small number of respondents mentioned that they purchase books impulsively. Results also reveal that situational factors partially mediate between store environment, website characteristics and impulse buying behaviour

    Trash, a curatorial : an ethnographic and visual study of waste in urban Hong Kong

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    This is an ethnography of waste in the streets of urban Hong Kong and a curatorial inquiry into the significance of its visuality. Presented in the form of a triptych, the dissertation probes and portrays fragments of urban life in Hong Kong, consequently opening up a new vista for intellectual and social engagement at the juncture of aesthetics, lived experiences, and power. While urban density provides for its equivalent in trash, much of Hong Kong’s refuse first lands in the streets. It is thereupon regulated to be rendered invisible through government organisation which corresponds with what Gay Hawkins (2007) calls “the modern imaginary of the tidy city” where order and hygiene are brought together towards a ‘smooth running of things’ (Žižek 2006 in Moore 2012). Hawkins (2007) also states, however, that no city \u27can hide the excesses of consumption\u27. Indeed, no matter the attempts at the ridding of rubbish in the modern city, trash keeps reappearing. Also Hong Kong has a waste problem that goes beyond its exhausting landfills. ‘It’s everywhere!’, as its collectors indicate. Both formal and informal collectors continuously pick up trash. This conflicting location between desired tidiness, persistent trash, and constant collection, it is argued here, is a political sphere that is largely negotiated visually. Taking on the collectors’ views of “trash in place” (in the streets; the city), I therefore rethink what is commonly understood as “matter out of place” (Douglas 2002) in the modern city. Emphasising the significance of the visuality of trash – understanding visuality as “an embodied process of situation, positioning, re-memory, encounter, cognition and interpretation” (Rose and Tolia Kelly 2012) – I advance the ethnographic project with curatorial practices, putting the collectors’ perspectives on trash and those of local artists in dialogue. From this dialogue, this thesis presents three “panels” on waste in urban Hong Kong. The “panels” engage in matters of order and duty, social networks and places, and the visuality and instantaneous of the everyday, to then reconsider the aesthetics of trash and the politics of urban life more generally. The thesis presents a range of different stories, therefore, about the instant undoing of disorder in the modern city, the (re)valuing of discards via social networks of excess, and the “unordering of the sensible” by means of a repositioning of trash. The triptych in its entirety, finally, manifests possibilities for methodological innovations on everyday matters of aesthetics and power