532 research outputs found

    Logic Negation with Spiking Neural P Systems

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    Nowadays, the success of neural networks as reasoning systems is doubtless. Nonetheless, one of the drawbacks of such reasoning systems is that they work as black-boxes and the acquired knowledge is not human readable. In this paper, we present a new step in order to close the gap between connectionist and logic based reasoning systems. We show that two of the most used inference rules for obtaining negative information in rule based reasoning systems, the so-called Closed World Assumption and Negation as Finite Failure can be characterized by means of spiking neural P systems, a formal model of the third generation of neural networks born in the framework of membrane computing.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    On spiking neural P systems

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    This work deals with several aspects concerning the formal verification of SN P systems and the computing power of some variants. A methodology based on the information given by the transition diagram associated with an SN P system is presented. The analysis of the diagram cycles codifies invariants formulae which enable us to establish the soundness and completeness of the system with respect to the problem it tries to resolve. We also study the universality of asynchronous and sequential SN P systems and the capability these models have to generate certain classes of languages. Further, by making a slight modification to the standard SN P systems, we introduce a new variant of SN P systems with a special I/O mode, called SN P modules, and study their computing power. It is demonstrated that, as string language acceptors and transducers, SN P modules can simulate several types of computing devices such as finite automata, a-finite transducers, and systolic trellis automata.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía TIC-58

    On The Delays In Spiking Neural P Systems

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    In this work we extend and improve the results done in a previous work on simulating Spiking Neural P systems (SNP systems in short) with delays using SNP systems without delays. We simulate the former with the latter over sequential, iteration, join, and split routing. Our results provide constructions so that both systems halt at exactly the same time, start with only one spike, and produce the same number of spikes to the environment after halting.Comment: Presented at the 6th Symposium on the Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science (SMACS2012), Boracay, Philippines. 6 figures, 6 pages, 2 column

    Asynchronous spiking neural P systems

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    We consider here spiking neural P systems with a non-synchronized (i.e., asynchronous) use of rules: in any step, a neuron can apply or not apply its rules which are enabled by the number of spikes it contains (further spikes can come, thus changing the rules enabled in the next step). Because the time between two firings of the output neuron is now irrelevant, the result of a computation is the number of spikes sent out by the system, not the distance between certain spikes leaving the system. The additional non-determinism introduced in the functioning of the system by the non-synchronization is proved not to decrease the computing power in the case of using extended rules (several spikes can be produced by a rule). That is, we obtain again the equivalence with Turing machines (interpreted as generators of sets of (vectors of) numbers). However, this problem remains open for the case of standard spiking neural P systems, whose rules can only produce one spike. On the other hand we prove that asynchronous systems, with extended rules, and where each neuron is either bounded or unbounded, are not computationally complete. For these systems, the configuration reachability, membership (in terms of generated vectors), emptiness, infiniteness, and disjointness problems are shown to be decidable. However, containment and equivalence are undecidable. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    An Improved GPU Simulator For Spiking Neural P Systems

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    Spiking Neural P (SNP) systems, variants of Psystems (under Membrane and Natural computing), are computing models that acquire abstraction and inspiration from the way neurons 'compute' or process information. Similar to other P system variants, SNP systems are Turing complete models that by nature compute non-deterministically and in a maximally parallel manner. P systems usually trade (often exponential) space for (polynomial to constant) time. Due to this nature, P system variants are currently limited to parallel simulations, and several variants have already been simulated in parallel devices. In this paper we present an improved SNP system simulator based on graphics processing units (GPUs). Among other reasons, current GPUs are architectured for massively parallel computations, thus making GPUs very suitable for SNP system simulation. The computing model, hardware/software considerations, and simulation algorithm are presented, as well as the comparisons of the CPU only and CPU-GPU based simulators.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems revisited: A formalization

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    Research interest within membrane computing is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary.In particular, one of the latest applications is fault diagnosis. The underlying mechanismwas conceived by bridging spiking neural P systems with fuzzy rule-based reasoning systems. Despite having a number of publications associated with it, this research line stilllacks a proper formalization of the foundations.National Natural Science Foundation of China No 61320106005National Natural Science Foundation of China No 6147232

    Simulating Spiking Neural P systems without delays using GPUs

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    We present in this paper our work regarding simulating a type of P system known as a spiking neural P system (SNP system) using graphics processing units (GPUs). GPUs, because of their architectural optimization for parallel computations, are well-suited for highly parallelizable problems. Due to the advent of general purpose GPU computing in recent years, GPUs are not limited to graphics and video processing alone, but include computationally intensive scientific and mathematical applications as well. Moreover P systems, including SNP systems, are inherently and maximally parallel computing models whose inspirations are taken from the functioning and dynamics of a living cell. In particular, SNP systems try to give a modest but formal representation of a special type of cell known as the neuron and their interactions with one another. The nature of SNP systems allowed their representation as matrices, which is a crucial step in simulating them on highly parallel devices such as GPUs. The highly parallel nature of SNP systems necessitate the use of hardware intended for parallel computations. The simulation algorithms, design considerations, and implementation are presented. Finally, simulation results, observations, and analyses using an SNP system that generates all numbers in N\mathbb N - {1} are discussed, as well as recommendations for future work.Comment: 19 pages in total, 4 figures, listings/algorithms, submitted at the 9th Brainstorming Week in Membrane Computing, University of Seville, Spai

    Small Universal Spiking Neural P Systems

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    In search for small universal computing devices of various types, we consider here the case of spiking neural P systems (SN P systems), in two versions: as devices computing functions and as devices generating sets of numbers. We start with the first case and we produce a universal spiking neural P system with 84 neurons. If a slight generalization of the used rules is adopted, namely, we allow rules for producing simultaneously several spikes, then a considerable improvement, to 49 neurons, is obtained. For SN P systems used as generators of sets of numbers, we find a universal system with restricted rules having 76 neurons, and one with extended rules having 50 neurons

    Spiking Neural P systems with weights

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    A variant of spiking neural P systems with positive or negative weights on synapses is introduced, where the rules of a neuron fire when the potential of that neuron equals a given value. The involved values—weights, firing thresholds, potential consumed by each rule—can be real (computable) numbers, rational numbers, integers, and natural numbers. The power of the obtained systems is investigated. For instance, it is proved that integers (very restricted: 1, −1 for weights, 1 and 2 for firing thresholds, and as parameters in the rules) suffice for computing all Turing computable sets of numbers in both the generative and the accepting modes. When only natural numbers are used, a characterization of the family of semilinear sets of numbers is obtained. It is shown that spiking neural P systems with weights can efficiently solve computationally hard problems in a nondeterministic way. Some open problems and suggestions for further research are formulated.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC-0420