11 research outputs found

    Spiking Neural P Systems with Neuron Division and Budding

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    In order to enhance the e±ciency of spiking neural P systems, we introduce the features of neuron division and neuron budding, which are processes inspired by neural stem cell division. As expected (as it is the case for P systems with active membranes), in this way we get the possibility to solve computationally hard problems in polynomial time. We illustrate this possibility with SAT problem.Junta de Andalucía P08 – TIC 0420

    On The Delays In Spiking Neural P Systems

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    In this work we extend and improve the results done in a previous work on simulating Spiking Neural P systems (SNP systems in short) with delays using SNP systems without delays. We simulate the former with the latter over sequential, iteration, join, and split routing. Our results provide constructions so that both systems halt at exactly the same time, start with only one spike, and produce the same number of spikes to the environment after halting.Comment: Presented at the 6th Symposium on the Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science (SMACS2012), Boracay, Philippines. 6 figures, 6 pages, 2 column

    Spiking Neural P Systems

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    Spiking neural P systems are a class of distributed and parallel computing models inspired by the neurophysiological behavior of neurons sending electrical impulses (spikes) along axons to other neurons. In this thesis, we consider that the spiking neural P systems are universal even if the systems work in limited asynchronous mode. And we also investigated different variants of spiking neural P systems with other additional features, such as the axon functioning, the growth of dendritic trees in neurons, the positive or negative weights on synapses, and the astrocytes having excitatory and inhibitory influence on synapses.UBL - phd migration 201

    A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Circular Single-stranded DNA Tiles Secondary Structure Prediction

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    Solving Vertex Cover Problem by Tissue P Systems with Cell Division

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    A Novel Clustering Algorithm Inspired by Membrane Computing

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    P systems are a class of distributed parallel computing models; this paper presents a novel clustering algorithm, which is inspired from mechanism of a tissue-like P system with a loop structure of cells, called membrane clustering algorithm. The objects of the cells express the candidate centers of clusters and are evolved by the evolution rules. Based on the loop membrane structure, the communication rules realize a local neighborhood topology, which helps the coevolution of the objects and improves the diversity of objects in the system. The tissue-like P system can effectively search for the optimal partitioning with the help of its parallel computing advantage. The proposed clustering algorithm is evaluated on four artificial data sets and six real-life data sets. Experimental results show that the proposed clustering algorithm is superior or competitive to k-means algorithm and several evolutionary clustering algorithms recently reported in the literature

    Implementation of Arithmetic Operations by SN P Systems with Communication on Request

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    Spiking neural P systems (SN P systems, for short) are a class of distributed and parallel computing devices inspired from the way neurons communicate by means of spikes. In most of the SN P systems investigated so far, the system communicates on command, and the application of evolution rules depends on the contents of a neuron. However, inspired from the parallel-cooperating grammar systems, it is natural to consider the opposite strategy: the system communicates on request, which means spikes are requested from neighboring neurons, depending on the contents of the neuron. Therefore, SN P systems with communication on request were proposed, where the spikes should be moved from a neuron to another one when the receiving neuron requests that. In this paper, we consider implementing arithmetical operations by means of SN P systems with communication on request. Specifically, adder, subtracter and multiplier are constructed by using SN P systems with communication on request

    Matrix representation and simulation algorithm of spiking neural P systems with structural plasticity

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    Abstract(#br)In this paper, we create a matrix representation for spiking neural P systems with structural plasticity (SNPSP, for short), taking inspiration from existing algorithms and representations for related variants. Using our matrix representation, we provide a simulation algorithm for SNPSP systems. We prove that the algorithm correctly simulates an SNPSP system: our representation and algorithm are able to capture the syntax and semantics of SNPSP systems, e.g. plasticity rules, dynamism in the synapse set. Analyses of the time and space complexity of our algorithm show that its implementation can benefit using parallel computers. Our representation and simulation algorithm can be useful when implementing SNPSP systems and related variants with a dynamic topology, in software or..

    Spiking Neural P Systems with Neuron Division and Dissolution.

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    Spiking neural P systems are a new candidate in spiking neural network models. By using neuron division and budding, such systems can generate/produce exponential working space in linear computational steps, thus provide a way to solve computational hard problems in feasible (linear or polynomial) time with a "time-space trade-off" strategy. In this work, a new mechanism called neuron dissolution is introduced, by which redundant neurons produced during the computation can be removed. As applications, uniform solutions to two NP-hard problems: SAT problem and Subset Sum problem are constructed in linear time, working in a deterministic way. The neuron dissolution strategy is used to eliminate invalid solutions, and all answers to these two problems are encoded as indices of output neurons. Our results improve the one obtained in Science China Information Sciences, 2011, 1596-1607 by Pan et al