5 research outputs found

    Spicing up map generation

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    We describe a search-based map generator for the classic real-time strategy game Dune 2. The generator is capable of creating playable maps in seconds, which can be used with a partial recreation of Dune 2 that has been implemented using the Strategy Game Description Language. Map genotypes are represented as low-resolution matrices, which are then converted to higher-resolution maps through a stochastic process involving cellular automata. Map phenotypes are evaluated using a set of heuristics based on the gameplay requirements of Dune 2.peer-reviewe

    Procedural Content Generation for Real-Time Strategy Games

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    Videogames are one of the most important and profitable sectors in the industry of entertainment. Nowadays, the creation of a videogame is often a large-scale endeavor and bears many similarities with, e.g., movie production. On the central tasks in the development of a videogame is content generation, namely the definition of maps, terrains, non-player characters (NPCs) and other graphical, musical and AI-related components of the game. Such generation is costly due to its complexity, the great amount of work required and the need of specialized manpower. Hence the relevance of optimizing the process and alleviating costs. In this sense, procedural content generation (PCG) comes in handy as a means of reducing costs by using algorithmic techniques to automatically generate some game contents. PCG also provides advantages in terms of player experience since the contents generated are typically not fixed but can vary in different playing sessions, and can even adapt to the player herself. For this purpose, the underlying algorithmic technique used for PCG must be also flexible and adaptable. This is the case of computational intelligence in general and evolutionary algorithms in particular. In this work we shall provide an overview of the use of evolutionary intelligence for PCG, with special emphasis on its use within the context of real-time strategy games. We shall show how these techniques can address both playability and aesthetics, as well as improving the game AI

    Optimización en videojuegos: retos para la comunidad cientí­fica

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    Este artículo analiza algunos de los desafíos más interesantes a los cuales los miembros de la comunidad MAEB pueden enfrentarse en el área de la aplicación de técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial/Computacional al diseño y creación de videojuegos. El artículo se centra en tres líneas, que en un futuro cercano, seguramente van a influenciar de forma significativa la industria del desarrollo de videojuegos, en concreto se enfoca en la Generación Automática de Contenido, en la Computación Afectiva aplicada a los videojuegos y en la Generación de Comportamientos que gestionen la toma de decisiones de las entidades no controladas por el jugador humano.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Este trabajo está parcialmente financiado por la Junta de Andalucía dentro del proyecto P10-TIC-6083 (DNEMESIS), por el MICINN dentro del proyecto TIN2011-28627-C04-01 (ANYSELF

    PSMAGE: Balanced map generation for StarCraft

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    Modeling and Generating Strategy Games Mechanics

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