145 research outputs found

    Present and Future of SLAM in Extreme Underground Environments

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    This paper reports on the state of the art in underground SLAM by discussing different SLAM strategies and results across six teams that participated in the three-year-long SubT competition. In particular, the paper has four main goals. First, we review the algorithms, architectures, and systems adopted by the teams; particular emphasis is put on lidar-centric SLAM solutions (the go-to approach for virtually all teams in the competition), heterogeneous multi-robot operation (including both aerial and ground robots), and real-world underground operation (from the presence of obscurants to the need to handle tight computational constraints). We do not shy away from discussing the dirty details behind the different SubT SLAM systems, which are often omitted from technical papers. Second, we discuss the maturity of the field by highlighting what is possible with the current SLAM systems and what we believe is within reach with some good systems engineering. Third, we outline what we believe are fundamental open problems, that are likely to require further research to break through. Finally, we provide a list of open-source SLAM implementations and datasets that have been produced during the SubT challenge and related efforts, and constitute a useful resource for researchers and practitioners.Comment: 21 pages including references. This survey paper is submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics for pre-approva

    Flexible Supervised Autonomy for Exploration in Subterranean Environments

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    While the capabilities of autonomous systems have been steadily improving in recent years, these systems still struggle to rapidly explore previously unknown environments without the aid of GPS-assisted navigation. The DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge aimed to fast track the development of autonomous exploration systems by evaluating their performance in real-world underground search-and-rescue scenarios. Subterranean environments present a plethora of challenges for robotic systems, such as limited communications, complex topology, visually-degraded sensing, and harsh terrain. The presented solution enables long-term autonomy with minimal human supervision by combining a powerful and independent single-agent autonomy stack, with higher level mission management operating over a flexible mesh network. The autonomy suite deployed on quadruped and wheeled robots was fully independent, freeing the human supervision to loosely supervise the mission and make high-impact strategic decisions. We also discuss lessons learned from fielding our system at the SubT Final Event, relating to vehicle versatility, system adaptability, and re-configurable communications.Comment: Field Robotics special issue: DARPA Subterranean Challenge, Advancement and Lessons Learned from the Final

    ArtPlanner: Robust Legged Robot Navigation in the Field

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    Due to the highly complex environment present during the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, all six funded teams relied on legged robots as part of their robotic team. Their unique locomotion skills of being able to step over obstacles require special considerations for navigation planning. In this work, we present and examine ArtPlanner, the navigation planner used by team CERBERUS during the Finals. It is based on a sampling-based method that determines valid poses with a reachability abstraction and uses learned foothold scores to restrict areas considered safe for stepping. The resulting planning graph is assigned learned motion costs by a neural network trained in simulation to minimize traversal time and limit the risk of failure. Our method achieves real-time performance with a bounded computation time. We present extensive experimental results gathered during the Finals event of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge, where this method contributed to team CERBERUS winning the competition. It powered navigation of four ANYmal quadrupeds for 90 minutes of autonomous operation without a single planning or locomotion failure

    GPGM-SLAM: a Robust SLAM System for Unstructured Planetary Environments with Gaussian Process Gradient Maps

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) techniques play a key role towards long-term autonomy of mobile robots due to the ability to correct localization errors and produce consistent maps of an environment over time. Contrarily to urban or man-made environments, where the presence of unique objects and structures offer unique cues for localization, the apperance of unstructured natural environments is often ambiguous and self-similar, hindering the performances of loop closure detection. In this paper, we present an approach to improve the robustness of place recognition in the context of a submap-based stereo SLAM based on Gaussian Process Gradient Maps (GPGMaps). GPGMaps embed a continuous representation of the gradients of the local terrain elevation by means of Gaussian Process regression and Structured Kernel Interpolation, given solely noisy elevation measurements. We leverage the imagelike structure of GPGMaps to detect loop closures using traditional visual features and Bag of Words. GPGMap matching is performed as an SE(2) alignment to establish loop closure constraints within a pose graph. We evaluate the proposed pipeline on a variety of datasets recorded on Mt. Etna, Sicily and in the Morocco desert, respectively Moon- and Mars-like environments, and we compare the localization performances with state-of-the-art approaches for visual SLAM and visual loop closure detection

    Vision-based legged robot navigation: localisation, local planning, learning

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    The recent advances in legged locomotion control have made legged robots walk up staircases, go deep into underground caves, and walk in the forest. Nevertheless, autonomously achieving this task is still a challenge. Navigating and acomplishing missions in the wild relies not only on robust low-level controllers but also higher-level representations and perceptual systems that are aware of the robot's capabilities. This thesis addresses the navigation problem for legged robots. The contributions are four systems designed to exploit unique characteristics of these platforms, from the sensing setup to their advanced mobility skills over different terrain. The systems address localisation, scene understanding, and local planning, and advance the capabilities of legged robots in challenging environments. The first contribution tackles localisation with multi-camera setups available on legged platforms. It proposes a strategy to actively switch between the cameras and stay localised while operating in a visual teach and repeat context---in spite of transient changes in the environment. The second contribution focuses on local planning, effectively adding a safety layer for robot navigation. The approach uses a local map built on-the-fly to generate efficient vector field representations that enable fast and reactive navigation. The third contribution demonstrates how to improve local planning in natural environments by learning robot-specific traversability from demonstrations. The approach leverages classical and learning-based methods to enable online, onboard traversability learning. These systems are demonstrated via different robot deployments on industrial facilities, underground mines, and parklands. The thesis concludes by presenting a real-world application: an autonomous forest inventory system with legged robots. This last contribution presents a mission planning system for autonomous surveying as well as a data analysis pipeline to extract forestry attributes. The approach was experimentally validated in a field campaign in Finland, evidencing the potential that legged platforms offer for future applications in the wild

    Airborne laser scanning raster data visualization

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    This guide provides an insight into a range of visualization techniques for high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs). It is provided in the context of investigation and interpretation of various types of historical and modern, cultural and natural small-scale relief features and landscape structures. It also provides concise guidance for selecting the best techniques when looking at a specific type of landscape and/or looking for particular kinds of forms.The three main sections – descriptions of visualization techniques, guidance for selection of the techniques, and visualization tools – accompany examples of visualizations, exemplar archaeological and geomorphological case studies, a glossary of terms, and a list of references and recommendations for further reading. The structure facilitates people of different academic background and level of expertise to understand different visualizations, how to read them, how to manipulate the settings in a calculation, and choose the best suited for the purpose of the intended investigation.A smaller amount of books is also available in hardcover (ISBN 978-961-05-0011-7, 24 EUR).Monografija nudi vpogled v nabor tehnik prikaza visokoločljivih modelov višin. Napisana je v kontekstu preučevanja in interpretacije različnih tipov zgodovinskih in modernih, kulturnih in naravnih majhnih reliefnih oblik. Daje jedrnate napotke za izbiro najboljših tehnik prikaza določenih tipov pokrajine in izrazitih oblik.Tri glavna poglavja – opis tehnik prikazovanja digitalnih modelov višin, napotki za njihovo izbiro in orodja za izračun prikazov –, spremljajo izbrani primeri tipičnih arheoloških in geomorfoloških študij, slovarček pojmov ter seznam literature in priporočenega branja. Posameznikom z različnih znanstvenih področij in z različnim predznanjem o tematiki je struktura v pomoč pri razumevanju različnih tehnik prikazov, kako jih brati, kako izbrati prave nastavitve pri njihovem izračunu in kako prepoznati najbolj primerne za namen zasnovane raziskave

    Three Gorges Dam, China

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 66).by Elizabeth W. Craun.M.Eng

    Quantitative Analysis of Non-Linear Probabilistic State Estimation Filters for Deployment on Dynamic Unmanned Systems

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    The work conducted in this thesis is a part of an EU Horizon 2020 research initiative project known as DigiArt. This part of the DigiArt project presents and explores the design, formulation and implementation of probabilistically orientated state estimation algorithms with focus towards unmanned system positioning and three-dimensional (3D) mapping. State estimation algorithms are considered an influential aspect of any dynamic system with autonomous capabilities. Possessing the ability to predictively estimate future conditions enables effective decision making and anticipating any possible changes in the environment. Initial experimental procedures utilised a wireless ultra-wide band (UWB) based communication network. This system functioned through statically situated beacon nodes used to localise a dynamically operating node. The simultaneous deployment of this UWB network, an unmanned system and a Robotic Total Station (RTS) with active and remote tracking features enabled the characterisation of the range measurement errors associated with the UWB network. These range error metrics were then integrated into an Range based Extended Kalman Filter (R-EKF) state estimation algorithm with active outlier identification to outperform the native approach used by the UWB system for two-dimensional (2D) pose estimation.The study was then expanded to focus on state estimation in 3D, where a Six Degreeof-Freedom EKF (6DOF-EKF) was designed using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) as its primary observation source. A two step method was proposed which extracted information between consecutive LiDAR scans. Firstly, motion estimation concerning Cartesian states x, y and the unmanned system’s heading (ψ) was achieved through a 2D feature matching process. Secondly, the extraction and alignment of ground planes from the LiDAR scan enabled motion extraction for Cartesian position z and attitude angles roll (θ) and pitch (φ). Results showed that the ground plane alignment failed when two scans were at 10.5◦ offset. Therefore, to overcome this limitation an Error State Kalman Filter (ES-KF) was formulated and deployed as a sub-system within the 6DOF-EKF. This enabled the successful tracking of roll, pitch and the calculation of z. The 6DOF-EKF was seen to outperform the R-EKF and the native UWB approach, as it was much more stable, produced less noise in its position estimations and provided 3D pose estimation

    Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop no. 5: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, March 8-9, 1982

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    Includes bibliographies.High Altitude Revegetation Workshop (5th : 1982 : Fort Collins, Colo.