190 research outputs found

    NASA JSC neural network survey results

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    A survey of Artificial Neural Systems in support of NASA's (Johnson Space Center) Automatic Perception for Mission Planning and Flight Control Research Program was conducted. Several of the world's leading researchers contributed papers containing their most recent results on artificial neural systems. These papers were broken into categories and descriptive accounts of the results make up a large part of this report. Also included is material on sources of information on artificial neural systems such as books, technical reports, software tools, etc

    Neural network based architectures for aerospace applications

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    A brief history of the field of neural networks research is given and some simple concepts are described. In addition, some neural network based avionics research and development programs are reviewed. The need for the United States Air Force and NASA to assume a leadership role in supporting this technology is stressed

    Communication of Internal Speech with Communicative Associative Robot via Spectral Neurointerface

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    Thought communications with an associative-communicative robot are carried out through the spectral neurointerface of internal speech.Internal speech is an energy physiological process.Internal speech is vibration from the mental vibration of thought.Mental vibration of thought is a process in the mental ethereal field.The vibrations of thoughts are reflected and observed by the mind in the form of semantic sensual images.Vibrations of semantic sensual images generate vibrations of internal speech action (internal speech) in the form of language communicative and associative stereotypes which are perceived by a touch zone of a brain of Wernicke.Internal speech is a linguistic mental vibration.It is felt and becomes internally audible and drawn to attention.The perception of vibrations of internal speech is carried out through energy channels,such as the internal posterior median canal of the spine.The spectral neurointerface perceives these vibrations.Neocortex makes us a reasonable person - allows us to think and talk.The spectral neurointerface is based on the principles of biosensors,bioenergy detectors,spectral analyzers and electrocorticography for neuroimaging parts of the brain that record vibrations of internal speech,such as the lower frontal gyrus,the upper and middle temporal gyrus,the medial prefrontal cortex,the hind parts of the wedge and precline and the dark temporal region,including the posterior Internal speech activity is associated with the semantic memory of the neocortex

    Artificial Neural Networks and Their Application

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    В данной статье рассматриваются принципы работы, возможности и использование искусственных нейронных сетей. Приводится общая характеристика нейронных сетей, описываются принципы их функционирования, достоинства, недостатки и возможности применения в современном мире

    Структура нейрокомпьютерной системы классификации сигналов

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    Обосновывается построение нейрокомпьютерной системы, использующей двумерные бинарные карты признаков сигналов, и приводится её структура, реализующая метод классификации сигналов с явным представлением времени, что приводит к повышению эффективности (быстродействия) сет

    From neural-based object recognition toward microelectronic eyes

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    Engineering neural network systems are best known for their abilities to adapt to the changing characteristics of the surrounding environment by adjusting system parameter values during the learning process. Rapid advances in analog current-mode design techniques have made possible the implementation of major neural network functions in custom VLSI chips. An electrically programmable analog synapse cell with large dynamic range can be realized in a compact silicon area. New designs of the synapse cells, neurons, and analog processor are presented. A synapse cell based on Gilbert multiplier structure can perform the linear multiplication for back-propagation networks. A double differential-pair synapse cell can perform the Gaussian function for radial-basis network. The synapse cells can be biased in the strong inversion region for high-speed operation or biased in the subthreshold region for low-power operation. The voltage gain of the sigmoid-function neurons is externally adjustable which greatly facilitates the search of optimal solutions in certain networks. Various building blocks can be intelligently connected to form useful industrial applications. Efficient data communication is a key system-level design issue for large-scale networks. We also present analog neural processors based on perceptron architecture and Hopfield network for communication applications. Biologically inspired neural networks have played an important role towards the creation of powerful intelligent machines. Accuracy, limitations, and prospects of analog current-mode design of the biologically inspired vision processing chips and cellular neural network chips are key design issues

    Multi-authored monograph

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles. Perspectives. Management. Power supply : Multi-authored monograph / V. V. Holovenskiy, T. F. Shmelova,Y. M. Shmelev and oth.; Science Editor DSc. (Engineering), T. F. Shmelova. – Warsaw, 2019. – 100 p. - ISBN 978-83-66216-10-5.У монографії аналізуються можливі варіанти енергопостачання та управління безпілотними літальними апаратами. Також розглядається питання прийняття рішення оператором безпілотного літального апарату при управлінні у надзвичайних ситуаціях. Рекомендується для фахівців, аспірантів і студентів за спеціальностями 141 - «Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка», 173 - «Авіоніка» та інших суміжних спеціальностей.The monograph analyzes the possible options for energy supply and control of unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, the issue of decision-making by the operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the management of emergencies is considered.