7 research outputs found

    Deep learning as a tool for neural data analysis: Speech classification and cross-frequency coupling in human sensorimotor cortex.

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    A fundamental challenge in neuroscience is to understand what structure in the world is represented in spatially distributed patterns of neural activity from multiple single-trial measurements. This is often accomplished by learning a simple, linear transformations between neural features and features of the sensory stimuli or motor task. While successful in some early sensory processing areas, linear mappings are unlikely to be ideal tools for elucidating nonlinear, hierarchical representations of higher-order brain areas during complex tasks, such as the production of speech by humans. Here, we apply deep networks to predict produced speech syllables from a dataset of high gamma cortical surface electric potentials recorded from human sensorimotor cortex. We find that deep networks had higher decoding prediction accuracy compared to baseline models. Having established that deep networks extract more task relevant information from neural data sets relative to linear models (i.e., higher predictive accuracy), we next sought to demonstrate their utility as a data analysis tool for neuroscience. We first show that deep network's confusions revealed hierarchical latent structure in the neural data, which recapitulated the underlying articulatory nature of speech motor control. We next broadened the frequency features beyond high-gamma and identified a novel high-gamma-to-beta coupling during speech production. Finally, we used deep networks to compare task-relevant information in different neural frequency bands, and found that the high-gamma band contains the vast majority of information relevant for the speech prediction task, with little-to-no additional contribution from lower-frequency amplitudes. Together, these results demonstrate the utility of deep networks as a data analysis tool for basic and applied neuroscience

    Sintesi vocale attraverso speech BCI invasive: nuove prospettive verso un parlato intelligibile

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    Ogni anno milioni di persone risultano affette da numerose patologie neurodegenerative o traumatiche che comportano la perdita della capacità di parlare. Gli strumenti che permettono il ripristino della comunicazione sono le BCI (Brain Computer Interface), cioè delle interfacce che collegano l’attività celebrale ad un computer che ne registra e ne interpreta le variazioni. Una caratteristica comune alla maggior parte di tali strumenti è che la comunicazione permessa dalle BCIs risulta solitamente essere molto lenta rispetto alla capacità comunicativa del linguaggio naturale poiché si riescono a riprodurre solo 5/6 parole al minuto. Per questo motivo negli ultimi dieci anni la ricerca si è concentrata su altre possibili soluzioni in cui le tecniche di BCIs fossero in grado di controllare un sintetizzatore vocale in tempo reale al fine di ripristinare una comunicazione fluente. In questo contesto si inserisce l’obiettivo della tesi che consiste nel confrontare tre differenti sistemi di speech BCI in grado di riprodurre un discorso fluente e intelligibile. I metodi di BCI confrontati nel presente elaborato sintetizzano il parlato attraverso la rilevazione invasiva dell’attività cerebrale misurata tramite elettrocorticografia (ECoG) da specifiche aree del cervello deputate al linguaggio. Tutti i metodi descritti decodificano l’attività cerebrale attraverso delle reti neurali, e utilizzano l’attività cerebrale direttamente collegata alla produzione del linguaggio per controllare il sistema di speech BCI, attuando quindi una comunicazione diretta. Ad oggi questi innovativi sistemi di speech BCI rappresentano la soluzione più promettente per risolvere problemi di comunicazione per persone affette da SLA e LIS poiché permettono di ripristinare una capacità comunicativa molto simile a quella del linguaggio naturale migliorando la qualità della vita del paziente

    Computational and Perceptual Characterization of Auditory Attention

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    Humans are remarkably capable at making sense of a busy acoustic environment in real-time, despite the constant cacophony of sounds reaching our ears. Attention is a key component of the system that parses sensory input, allocating limited neural resources to elements with highest informational value to drive cognition and behavior. The focus of this thesis is the perceptual, neural, and computational characterization of auditory attention. Pioneering studies exploring human attention to natural scenes came from the visual domain, spawning a number of hypotheses on how attention operates among the visual pathway, as well as a considerable amount of computational work that attempt to model human perception. Comparatively, our understanding of auditory attention is yet very elementary, particularly pertaining to attention automatically drawn to salient sounds in the environment, such as a loud explosion. In this work, we explore how human perception is affected by the saliency of sound, characterized across a variety of acoustic features, such as pitch, loudness, and timbre. Insight from psychoacoustical data is complemented with neural measures of attention recorded directly from the brain using electroencephalography (EEG). A computational model of attention is presented, tracking the statistical regularities of incoming sound among a high-dimensional feature space to build predictions of future feature values. The model determines salient time points that will attract attention by comparing its predictions to the observed sound features. The high degree of agreement between the model and human experimental data suggests predictive coding as a potential mechanism of attention in the auditory pathway. We investigate different modes of volitional attention to natural acoustic scenes with a "cocktail-party" simulation. We argue that the auditory system can direct attention in at least three unique ways (globally, based on features, and based on objects) and that perception can be altered depending on how attention is deployed. Further, we illustrate how the saliency of sound affects the various modes of attention. The results of this work improve our understanding of auditory attention, highlighting the temporally evolving nature of sound as a significant distinction between audition and vision, with a focus on using natural scenes that engage the full capability of human attention

    EU privacy and data protection law applied to AI: unveiling the legal problems for individuals

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    AI-powered emotion recognition, typing with thoughts or eavesdropping virtual assistants: three non-fictional examples illustrate how AI may impact society. AI-related products and services increasingly find their way into daily life. Are the EU's fundamental rights to privacy and data protection equipped to protect individuals effectively? In addressing this question, the dissertation concludes that no new legal framework is needed. Instead, adjustments are required. First, the extent of adjustments depends on the AI discipline. There is nothing like 'the AI'. AI covers various concepts, including the disciplines machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, affective computing and automated reasoning. Second, the extent of adjustments depends on the type of legal problem: legal provisions are violated (type 1), cannot be enforced (type 2) or are not fit for purpose (type 3). Type 2 and 3 problems require either adjustments of current provisions or new judicial interpretations. Two instruments might be helpful for more effective legislation: rebuttable presumptions and reversal of proof. In some cases, the solution is technical, not legal. Research in AI should solve reasoning deficiencies in AI systems and their lack of common sense.Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl