556 research outputs found

    Predicting 3D lip shapes using facial surface EMG

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    Aim The aim of this study is to prove that facial surface electromyography (sEMG) conveys sufficient information to predict 3D lip shapes. High sEMG predictive accuracy implies we could train a neural control model for activation of biomechanical models by simultaneously recording sEMG signals and their associated motions. Materials and methods With a stereo camera set-up, we recorded 3D lip shapes and simultaneously performed sEMG measurements of the facial muscles, applying principal component analysis (PCA) and a modified general regression neural network (GRNN) to link the sEMG measurements to 3D lip shapes. To test reproducibility, we conducted our experiment on five volunteers, evaluating several sEMG features and window lengths in unipolar and bipolar configurations in search of the optimal settings for facial sEMG. Conclusions The errors of the two methods were comparable. We managed to predict 3D lip shapes with a mean accuracy of 2.76 mm when using the PCA method and 2.78 mm when using modified GRNN. Whereas performance improved with shorter window lengths, feature type and configuration had little influence

    SDAV 1.0: A Low-Cost sEMG Data Acquisition & Processing System For Rehabilitatio

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    Over the last two decades, myoelectric signals have been widely used in fields including rehabilitation devices and human-machine interfaces. This study aimed to develop an algorithm for surface electromyography (sEMG) data acquisition utilizing low-cost hardware and validate its performance using English vowels as silent speech content. The sEMG data were collected from the three facial muscles of one healthy subject. The sEMG signals were pre-processed, and various time-domain and statistical features were extracted in real time. The raw data and features were then used to train and test three customized machine learning classifiers: k-nearest neighbor (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), and artificial neural network (ANN). All customized classifiers achieved almost equivalent accuracy rates of 0.83 ± 0.01 in recognizing the English vowels with an improvement of 27.27% (KNN), 3.75% (SVM), and 51.85% (ANN) utilizing the same low-cost data acquisition hardware. Our findings are substantially closers to the results of commercial hardware setups, which raise the possibility of potential usage of low-cost sEMG data acquisition systems with the proposed algorithm in place of commercial hardware setups for rehabilitation devices and other related sectors of human-machine interaction

    Chronic-Pain Protective Behavior Detection with Deep Learning

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    In chronic pain rehabilitation, physiotherapists adapt physical activity to patients' performance based on their expression of protective behavior, gradually exposing them to feared but harmless and essential everyday activities. As rehabilitation moves outside the clinic, technology should automatically detect such behavior to provide similar support. Previous works have shown the feasibility of automatic protective behavior detection (PBD) within a specific activity. In this paper, we investigate the use of deep learning for PBD across activity types, using wearable motion capture and surface electromyography data collected from healthy participants and people with chronic pain. We approach the problem by continuously detecting protective behavior within an activity rather than estimating its overall presence. The best performance reaches mean F1 score of 0.82 with leave-one-subject-out cross validation. When protective behavior is modelled per activity type, performance is mean F1 score of 0.77 for bend-down, 0.81 for one-leg-stand, 0.72 for sit-to-stand, 0.83 for stand-to-sit, and 0.67 for reach-forward. This performance reaches excellent level of agreement with the average experts' rating performance suggesting potential for personalized chronic pain management at home. We analyze various parameters characterizing our approach to understand how the results could generalize to other PBD datasets and different levels of ground truth granularity.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 7 tables. Accepted by ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcar

    Multimodal corpora for silent speech interaction

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    A Silent Speech Interface (SSI) allows for speech communication to take place in the absence of an acoustic signal. This type of interface is an alternative to conventional Automatic Speech Recognition which is not adequate for users with some speech impairments or in the presence of environmental noise. The work presented here produces the conditions to explore and analyze complex combinations of input modalities applicable in SSI research. By exploring non-invasive and promising modalities, we have selected the following sensing technologies used in human-computer interaction: Video and Depth input, Ultrasonic Doppler sensing and Surface Electromyography. This paper describes a novel data collection methodology where these independent streams of information are synchronously acquired with the aim of supporting research and development of a multimodal SSI. The reported recordings were divided into two rounds: a first one where the acquired data was silently uttered and a second round where speakers pronounced the scripted prompts in an audible and normal tone. In the first round of recordings, a total of 53.94 minutes were captured where 30.25% was estimated to be silent speech. In the second round of recordings, a total of 30.45 minutes were obtained and 30.05% of the recordings were audible speech.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge Distilled Ensemble Model for sEMG-based Silent Speech Interface

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    Voice disorders affect millions of people worldwide. Surface electromyography-based Silent Speech Interfaces (sEMG-based SSIs) have been explored as a potential solution for decades. However, previous works were limited by small vocabularies and manually extracted features from raw data. To address these limitations, we propose a lightweight deep learning knowledge-distilled ensemble model for sEMG-based SSI (KDE-SSI). Our model can classify a 26 NATO phonetic alphabets dataset with 3900 data samples, enabling the unambiguous generation of any English word through spelling. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of KDE-SSI, achieving a test accuracy of 85.9\%. Our findings also shed light on an end-to-end system for portable, practical equipment.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Neuromechanical Modelling of Articulatory Movements from Surface Electromyography and Speech Formants

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    Speech articulation is produced by the movements of muscles in the larynx, pharynx, mouth and face. Therefore speech shows acoustic features as formants which are directly related with neuromotor actions of these muscles. The first two formants are strongly related with jaw and tongue muscular activity. Speech can be used as a simple and ubiquitous signal, easy to record and process, either locally or on e-Health platforms. This fact may open a wide set of applications in the study of functional grading and monitoring neurodegenerative diseases. A relevant question, in this sense, is how far speech correlates and neuromotor actions are related. This preliminary study is intended to find answers to this question by using surface electromyographic recordings on the masseter and the acoustic kinematics related with the first formant. It is shown in the study that relevant correlations can be found among the surface electromyographic activity (dynamic muscle behavior) and the positions and first derivatives of the first formant (kinematic variables related to vertical velocity and acceleration of the joint jaw and tongue biomechanical system). As an application example, it is shown that the probability density function associated to these kinematic variables is more sensitive than classical features as Vowel Space Area (VSA) or Formant Centralization Ratio (FCR) in characterizing neuromotor degeneration in Parkinson's Disease.This work is being funded by Grants TEC2016-77791-C4-4-R from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness of Spain, Teka-Park 55 02 CENIE-0348_CIE_6_E POCTEP (InterReg Programme) and 16-30805A, SIX Research Center (CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0072), and LO1401 from the Czech Republic Government

    Towards a silent speech interface for Portuguese: Surface electromyography and the nasality challenge

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    A Silent Speech Interface (SSI) aims at performing Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in the absence of an intelligible acoustic signal. It can be used as a human-computer interaction modality in high-background-noise environments, such as living rooms, or in aiding speech-impaired individuals, increasing in prevalence with ageing. If this interaction modality is made available for users own native language, with adequate performance, and since it does not rely on acoustic information, it will be less susceptible to problems related to environmental noise, privacy, information disclosure and exclusion of speech impaired persons. To contribute to the existence of this promising modality for Portuguese, for which no SSI implementation is known, we are exploring and evaluating the potential of state-of-the-art approaches. One of the major challenges we face in SSI for European Portuguese is recognition of nasality, a core characteristic of this language Phonetics and Phonology. In this paper a silent speech recognition experiment based on Surface Electromyography is presented. Results confirmed recognition problems between minimal pairs of words that only differ on nasality of one of the phones, causing 50% of the total error and evidencing accuracy performance degradation, which correlates well with the exiting knowledge.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio