358 research outputs found

    Spherical microphone array acoustic rake receivers

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    Several signal independent acoustic rake receivers are proposed for speech dereverberation using spherical microphone arrays. The proposed rake designs take advantage of multipaths, by separately capturing and combining early reflections with the direct path. We investigate several approaches in combining reflections with the direct path source signal, including the development of beam patterns that point nulls at all preceding reflections. The proposed designs are tested in experimental simulations and their dereverberation performances evaluated using objective measures. For the tested configuration, the proposed designs achieve higher levels of dereverberation compared to conventional signal independent beamforming systems; achieving up to 3.6 dB improvement in the direct-to-reverberant ratio over the plane-wave decomposition beamformer

    Blind MultiChannel Identification and Equalization for Dereverberation and Noise Reduction based on Convolutive Transfer Function

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    This paper addresses the problems of blind channel identification and multichannel equalization for speech dereverberation and noise reduction. The time-domain cross-relation method is not suitable for blind room impulse response identification, due to the near-common zeros of the long impulse responses. We extend the cross-relation method to the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain, in which the time-domain impulse responses are approximately represented by the convolutive transfer functions (CTFs) with much less coefficients. The CTFs suffer from the common zeros caused by the oversampled STFT. We propose to identify CTFs based on the STFT with the oversampled signals and the critical sampled CTFs, which is a good compromise between the frequency aliasing of the signals and the common zeros problem of CTFs. In addition, a normalization of the CTFs is proposed to remove the gain ambiguity across sub-bands. In the STFT domain, the identified CTFs is used for multichannel equalization, in which the sparsity of speech signals is exploited. We propose to perform inverse filtering by minimizing the â„“1\ell_1-norm of the source signal with the relaxed â„“2\ell_2-norm fitting error between the micophone signals and the convolution of the estimated source signal and the CTFs used as a constraint. This method is advantageous in that the noise can be reduced by relaxing the â„“2\ell_2-norm to a tolerance corresponding to the noise power, and the tolerance can be automatically set. The experiments confirm the efficiency of the proposed method even under conditions with high reverberation levels and intense noise.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    A Study into Speech Enhancement Techniques in Adverse Environment

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    This dissertation developed speech enhancement techniques that improve the speech quality in applications such as mobile communications, teleconferencing and smart loudspeakers. For these applications it is necessary to suppress noise and reverberation. Thus the contribution in this dissertation is twofold: single channel speech enhancement system which exploits the temporal and spectral diversity of the received microphone signal for noise suppression and multi-channel speech enhancement method with the ability to employ spatial diversity to reduce reverberation

    Optimization Scheme of Joint Noise Suppression and Dereverberation Based on Higher-Order Statistics

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    APSIPA ASC 2012 : Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association 2012 Annual Summit and Conference, December 3-6, 2012, Hollywood, California, USA.In this paper, we apply the higher-order statistics parameter to automatically improve the performance of blind speech enhancement. Recently, a method to suppress both diffuse background noise and late reverberation part of speech has been proposed combining blind signal extraction and Wiener filtering. However, this method requires a good strategy for choosing the set of its parameters in order to achieve the optimum result and to control the amount of musical noise, which is a common problem in non-linear signal processing. We present an optimization scheme to control the value of Wiener filter coefficients used in this method, which depends on the amount of musical noise generated, measured by higher-order statistics. The noise reduction rate and cepstral distortion are also evaluated to confirm the effectiveness of this scheme
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