426 research outputs found

    Janus: Statically-Driven and Profile-Guided Automatic Dynamic Binary Parallelisation

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    We present Janus, a framework that addresses the challenge of automatic binary parallelisation. Janus uses same-ISA dynamic binary modification to optimise application binaries, controlled by static analysis with judicious use of software speculation and runtime checks that ensure the safety of the optimisations. A static binary analyser first examines a binary executable, to determine the loops that are amenable to parallelisation and the transformations required. These are encoded as a series of rewrite rules, the steps needed to convert a serial loop into parallel form. The Janus dynamic binary modifier reads both the original executable and rewrite rules and carries out the transformations on a per-basic-block level just-in-time before execution. Lifting static analysis out of the runtime enables the global and profile-guided views of the application; ambiguities from static binary analysis can in turn be addressed through a combination of dynamic runtime checks and speculation guard against data dependence violations. It allows us to parallelise even those loops containing dynamically discovered code. We demonstrate Janus by parallelising a range of optimised SPEC CPU 2006 benchmarks, achieving average speedups of 2.1Ă— and 6.0Ă— in the best case.Arm Ltd Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/K026399/1), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P020011/1

    A compiler level intermediate representation based binary analysis system and its applications

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    Analyzing and optimizing programs from their executables has received a lot of attention recently in the research community. There has been a tremendous amount of activity in executable-level research targeting varied applications such as security vulnerability analysis, untrusted code analysis, malware analysis, program testing, and binary optimizations. The vision of this dissertation is to advance the field of static analysis of executables and bridge the gap between source-level analysis and executable analysis. The main thesis of this work is scalable static binary rewriting and analysis using compiler-level intermediate representation without relying on the presence of metadata information such as debug or symbolic information. In spite of a significant overlap in the overall goals of several source-code methods and executables-level techniques, several sophisticated transformations that are well-understood and implemented in source-level infrastructures have yet to become available in executable frameworks. It is a well known fact that a standalone executable without any meta data is less amenable to analysis than the source code. Nonetheless, we believe that one of the prime reasons behind the limitations of existing executable frameworks is that current executable frameworks define their own intermediate representations (IR) which are significantly more constrained than an IR used in a compiler. Intermediate representations used in existing binary frameworks lack high level features like abstract stack, variables, and symbols and are even machine dependent in some cases. This severely limits the application of well-understood compiler transformations to executables and necessitates new research to make them applicable. In the first part of this dissertation, we present techniques to convert the binaries to the same high-level intermediate representation that compilers use. We propose methods to segment the flat address space in an executable containing undifferentiated blocks of memory. We demonstrate the inadequacy of existing variable identification methods for their promotion to symbols and present our methods for symbol promotion. We also present methods to convert the physically addressed stack in an executable to an abstract stack. The proposed methods are practical since they do not employ symbolic, relocation, or debug information which are usually absent in deployed executables. We have integrated our techniques with a prototype x86 binary framework called \emph{SecondWrite} that uses LLVM as the IR. The robustness of the framework is demonstrated by handling executables totaling more than a million lines of source-code, including several real world programs. In the next part of this work, we demonstrate that several well-known source-level analysis frameworks such as symbolic analysis have limited effectiveness in the executable domain since executables typically lack higher-level semantics such as program variables. The IR should have a precise memory abstraction for an analysis to effectively reason about memory operations. Our first work of recovering a compiler-level representation addresses this limitation by recovering several higher-level semantics information from executables. In the next part of this work, we propose methods to handle the scenarios when such semantics cannot be recovered. First, we propose a hybrid static-dynamic mechanism for recovering a precise and correct memory model in executables in presence of executable-specific artifacts such as indirect control transfers. Next, the enhanced memory model is employed to define a novel symbolic analysis framework for executables that can perform the same types of program analysis as source-level tools. Frameworks hitherto fail to simultaneously maintain the properties of correct representation and precise memory model and ignore memory-allocated variables while defining symbolic analysis mechanisms. We exemplify that our framework is robust, efficient and it significantly improves the performance of various traditional analyses like global value numbering, alias analysis and dependence analysis for executables. Finally, the underlying representation and analysis framework is employed for two separate applications. First, the framework is extended to define a novel static analysis framework, \emph{DemandFlow}, for identifying information flow security violations in program executables. Unlike existing static vulnerability detection methods for executables, DemandFlow analyzes memory locations in addition to symbols, thus improving the precision of the analysis. DemandFlow proposes a novel demand-driven mechanism to identify and precisely analyze only those program locations and memory accesses which are relevant to a vulnerability, thus enhancing scalability. DemandFlow uncovers six previously undiscovered format string and directory traversal vulnerabilities in popular ftp and internet relay chat clients. Next, the framework is extended to implement a platform-specific optimization for embedded processors. Several embedded systems provide the facility of locking one or more lines in the cache. We devise the first method in literature that employs instruction cache locking as a mechanism for improving the average-case run-time of general embedded applications. We demonstrate that the optimal solution for instruction cache locking can be obtained in polynomial time. Since our scheme is implemented inside a binary framework, it successfully addresses the portability concern by enabling the implementation of cache locking at the time of deployment when all the details of the memory hierarchy are available

    05451 Abstracts Collection -- Beyond Program Slicing

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    From 06.11.05 to 11.11.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05451 ``Beyond Program Slicing\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Generation of Application Specific Hardware Extensions for Hybrid Architectures: The Development of PIRANHA - A GCC Plugin for High-Level-Synthesis

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    Architectures combining a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and a general-purpose processor on a single chip became increasingly popular in recent years. On the one hand, such hybrid architectures facilitate the use of application specific hardware accelerators that improve the performance of the software on the host processor. On the other hand, it obliges system designers to handle the whole process of hardware/software co-design. The complexity of this process is still one of the main reasons, that hinders the widespread use of hybrid architectures. Thus, an automated process that aids programmers with the hardware/software partitioning and the generation of application specific accelerators is an important issue. The method presented in this thesis neither requires restrictions of the used high-level-language nor special source code annotations. Usually, this is an entry barrier for programmers without deeper understanding of the underlying hardware platform. This thesis introduces a seamless programming flow that allows generating hardware accelerators for unrestricted, legacy C code. The implementation consists of a GCC plugin that automatically identifies application hot-spots and generates hardware accelerators accordingly. Apart from the accelerator implementation in a hardware description language, the compiler plugin provides the generation of a host processor interfaces and, if necessary, a prototypical integration with the host operating system. An evaluation with typical embedded applications shows general benefits of the approach, but also reveals limiting factors that hamper possible performance improvements

    A hybrid partitioning and scheduling technique for branch decoupling

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    Control hazards caused by conditional branches are one of the biggest obstacles to achieving performance in out-of-order superscalar processors. Branch prediction techniques help alleviate the penalties associated with branch instructions, but still exhibit mis-prediction rates due to their functioning principle. A new paradigm, Branch decoupled architectures, has been proposed as an alternative to reduce branch stalls. This paradigm supported by an accompanying compiler, has a two-execution-unit processor-a branch processor and a program processor. A program is decoupled during compile time into two instruction streams and executed on the branch decoupled processor. The objective of the decoupling process is to have the branch processor solve branch conditions and precompute branch target addresses in advance for the program processor. This thesis presents three contributions. An algorithm based on graph bi-partitioning and scheduling, used by the compiler for decoupling the program\u27s instruction stream into two streams is presented. This technique attempts to achieve maximal decoupling and at the same time attempts to reduce interaction between the two streams. Maximal decoupling allows both processors to run as independently as possible thereby extracting maximum benefit from the branch decoupled architecture paradigm. Application of the decoupling algorithm has been shown to result in 48.6% and 38.1% of the instructions on the average being executed on the branch and program processors. Simulations show a performance improvement of 7.7% and 5.5% on the average for integer and floating point benchmarks respectively. It then presents a toolchain consisting of a compiler, binary utilities (assembler, linker, loader) and associated libraries that has been retargeted to the branch decoupled architecture platform. Finally an overview of an out-of-order execution-driven superscalar processor simulator that has been developed for simulating the branch decoupled architecture is presented
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