18 research outputs found

    Spectral convergence in tapping and physiological fluctuations: coupling and independence of 1/f noise in the central and autonomic nervous systems.

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    When humans perform a response task or timing task repeatedly, fluctuations in measures of timing from one action to the next exhibit long-range correlations known as 1/f noise. The origins of 1/f noise in timing have been debated for over 20 years, with one common explanation serving as a default: humans are composed of physiological processes throughout the brain and body that operate over a wide range of timescales, and these processes combine to be expressed as a general source of 1/f noise. To test this explanation, the present study investigated the coupling vs. independence of 1/f noise in timing deviations, key-press durations, pupil dilations, and heartbeat intervals while tapping to an audiovisual metronome. All four dependent measures exhibited clear 1/f noise, regardless of whether tapping was synchronized or syncopated. 1/f spectra for timing deviations were found to match those for key-press durations on an individual basis, and 1/f spectra for pupil dilations matched those in heartbeat intervals. Results indicate a complex, multiscale relationship among 1/f noises arising from common sources, such as those arising from timing functions vs. those arising from autonomic nervous system (ANS) functions. Results also provide further evidence against the default hypothesis that 1/f noise in human timing is just the additive combination of processes throughout the brain and body. Our findings are better accommodated by theories of complexity matching that begin to formalize multiscale coordination as a foundation of human behavior

    Spatiotemporal perturbations in paced finger tapping suggest a common mechanism for the processing of time errors

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    Paced finger tapping is a sensorimotor synchronization task where a subject has to keep pace with a metronome while the time differences (asynchronies) between each stimulus and its response are recorded. A usual way to study the underlying error correction mechanism is to perform unexpected temporal perturbations to the stimuli sequence. An overlooked issue is that at the moment of a temporal perturbation two things change: the stimuli period (a parameter) and the asynchrony (a variable). In terms of experimental manipulation, it would be desirable to have separate, independent control of parameter and variable values. In this work we perform paced finger tapping experiments combining simple temporal perturbations (tempo step change) and spatial perturbations with temporal effect (raised or lowered point of contact). In this way we decouple the parameter-and-variable confounding, performing novel perturbations where either the parameter or the variable changes. Our results show nonlinear features like asymmetry and are compatible with a common error correction mechanism for all types of asynchronies. We suggest taking this confounding into account when analyzing perturbations of any kind in finger tapping tasks but also in other areas of sensorimotor synchronization, like music performance experiments and paced walking in gait coordination studies.Fil: Lopez, Sabrina Laura. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Laje, Rodrigo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Small perturbations in a finger-tapping task reveal inherent nonlinearities of the underlying error correction mechanism

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    Time estimation is critical for survival and control of a variety of behaviors, both in humans and other animals. Time processing in the few hundred milliseconds range, known as millisecond timing, is involved in motor control, speech generation and recognition, and sensorimotor synchronization like playing music or finger tapping to an external beat. In finger tapping, a mechanistic explanation in terms of neuronal activations of how the brain achieves average synchronization against inherent noise and perturbations in the stimulus sequence is still missing despite considerable research. In this work we show that nonlinear effects are important for the recovery of synchronization following a perturbation (a step change in stimulus period), even for perturbation magnitudes smaller than 10% of the period, which is well below the amount of perturbation needed to display other nonlinear effects like saturation. We build a mathematical model for the error correction mechanism and test its predictions, and further propose a framework that allows us to unify the description of the three common types of perturbations and all perturbation magnitudes with a single set of parameter values. While previous works have proposed that multiple mechanisms/strategies are used for correcting different perturbation conditions (based on fitting the model?s parameters separately to different perturbation types and sizes), our results suggest that the synchronization behavior can be interpreted as the outcome of a single mechanism/strategy, and call for a revision of the idea of multiple strategies.Fil: Bavassi, Mariana Luz. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina;Fil: Tagliazucchi, Enzo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina;Fil: Laje, Rodrigo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina; University Of California; Estados Unidos de América

    Theories and models for 1/f b noise in human movement science

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    a b s t r a c t Human motor behavior is often characterized by long-range, slowly decaying serial correlations or 1/f b noise. Despite its prevalence, the role of the 1/f b phenomenon in human movement research has been rather modest and unclear. The goal of this paper is to outline a research agenda in which the study of 1/f b noise can contribute to scientific progress. In the first section of this article we discuss two popular perspectives on 1/f b noise: the nomothetic perspective that seeks general explanations, and the mechanistic perspective that seeks domain-specific models. We believe that if 1/f b noise is to have an impact on the field of movement science, researchers should develop and test domain-specific mechanistic models of human motor behavior. In the second section we illustrate our claim by showing how a mechanistic model of 1/f b noise can be successfully integrated with currently established models for rhythmic self-paced, synchronized, and bimanual tapping. This model synthesis results in a unified account of the observed longrange serial correlations across a range of different tasks

    Dynamic Systems Approach in Sensorimotor Synchronization: Adaptation to Tempo Step-Change

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    This paper presents a dynamic systems model of a sensorimotor synchronization (SMS) task. An SMS task typically gives temporally discrete human responses to some temporally discrete stimuli. Here, a dynamic systems modeling approach is applied after converting the discrete events to regularly sampled time signals. To collect data for model parameter fitting, a previously published pilot study was expanded. Three human participants took part in an experiment: to tap a finger on a keyboard, following a metronome which changed tempo in steps. System identification was used to estimate the transfer function that represented the relationship between the stimulus and the step response signals, assuming a separate linear, time-invariant system for each tempo step. Different versions of model complexity were investigated. As a minimum, a second-order linear system with delay, two poles, and one zero was needed to model the most important features of the tempo step response by humans, while an additional third pole could give a somewhat better fit to the response data. The modeling results revealed the behavior of the system in two distinct regimes: tempo steps below and above the conscious awareness of tempo change, i.e., around 12% of the base tempo. For the tempo steps above this value, model parameters were derived as linear functions of step size for the group of three participants. The results were interpreted in the light of known facts from other fields like SMS, psychoacoustics and behavioral neuroscience

    Visual cues in musical synchronisation

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    Although music performance is generally thought of as an auditory activity in the Western tradition, the presence of continuous visual information in live music contributes to the cohesiveness of music ensembles, which presents an interesting psychological phenomenon in which audio and visual cues are presumably integrated. In order to investigate how auditory and visual sensory information are combined in the basic process of synchronising movements with music, this thesis focuses on both musicians and nonmusicians as they respond to two sources of visual information common to ensembles: the conductor, and the ancillary movements (movements that do not directly create sound; e.g. body sway or head nods) of co-performers. These visual cues were hypothesized to improve the timing of intentional synchronous action (matching a musical pulse), as well as increasing the synchrony of emergent ancillary movements between participant and stimulus. The visual cues were tested in controlled renderings of ensemble music arrangements, and were derived from real, biological motion. All three experiments employed the same basic synchronisation task: participants drummed along to the pulse of tempo-changing music while observing various visual cues. For each experiment, participants’ drum timing and upper-body movements were recorded as they completed the synchronisation task. The analyses used to quantify drum timing and ancillary movements came from theoretical approaches to movement timing and entrainment: information processing and dynamical systems. Overall, this thesis shows that basic musical timing is a common ability that is facilitated by visual cues in certain contexts, and that emergent ancillary movements and intentional synchronous movements in combination may best explain musical timing and synchronisation