2,142 research outputs found

    Vision-based deep execution monitoring

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    Execution monitor of high-level robot actions can be effectively improved by visual monitoring the state of the world in terms of preconditions and postconditions that hold before and after the execution of an action. Furthermore a policy for searching where to look at, either for verifying the relations that specify the pre and postconditions or to refocus in case of a failure, can tremendously improve the robot execution in an uncharted environment. It is now possible to strongly rely on visual perception in order to make the assumption that the environment is observable, by the amazing results of deep learning. In this work we present visual execution monitoring for a robot executing tasks in an uncharted Lab environment. The execution monitor interacts with the environment via a visual stream that uses two DCNN for recognizing the objects the robot has to deal with and manipulate, and a non-parametric Bayes estimation to discover the relations out of the DCNN features. To recover from lack of focus and failures due to missed objects we resort to visual search policies via deep reinforcement learning

    Assembly via disassembly: A case in machine perceptual development

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    First results in the effort of learning about representations of objects is presented. The questions attempted to be answered are: What is innate and what must be derived from the environment. The problem is casted in the framework of disassembly of an object into two parts

    Visual Conveyor Tracking in High-Speed Robotics Tasks

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    How do robots take two parts apart

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    This research is a natural progression of efforts which begun with the introduction of a new research paradigm in machine perception, called Active Perception. There it was stated that Active Perception is a problem of intelligent control strategies applied to data acquisition processes which will depend on the current state of the data interpretation, including recognition. The disassembly/assembly problem is treated as an Active Perception problem, and a method for autonomous disassembly based on this framework is presented

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for 3D-based Object Grasping

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    Nowadays, collaborative robots based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms are very common to see in workstations and laboratories and they are expected to help their human colleagues in their everyday work. However, this type of robots can also assist in a domestic home, in tasks such as separate and organizing cutlery objects, but for that they need an algorithm to tell them which object to grasp and where to it. The main focus of this thesis is to create or improve an existing algorithm based on a Deep Reinforcement Learning for 3D-based Object Grasping, aiming to help collaborative robots on such tasks. Therefore, this work aims to present the state of the art and the study carried out, that enables the implementation of the proposed model that will help such robots to detect, grasp and separate each type of cutlery objects and consecutive experiments and results, as well as the retrospective of all the work done.Hoje em dia, ouve-se falar mais de robôs e do crescimento da robótica do que se ouviria há duas décadas atrás. A indústria da robótica tem vindo a evoluir imenso e a prova disso é a existência de robôs em estações de trabalho e laboratórios, cujo seu propósito é colaborar nas tarefas dos seus colegas trabalhadores humanos. A este tipo de robôs dá-se o nome de Cobot ou robô colaborativo. Estes robôs têm de suporte algoritmos da Inteligência Artificial para os ajudar a tomar as decisões mais corretas nas tarefas que têm de desempenhar. Contudo, este tipo de robôs já começa a ser adotado para tarefas domésticas. O tema desta dissertação envolve três grandes áreas: Inteligência Artificial, Visão Computacional e Robótica e tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo de Aprendizagem por Reforço, que dê suporte a um robô universal, versão 3, na tomada de decisões para apanhar e separar objetos de cozinha por tipo. Assim sendo optou-se pelo uso de um algoritmo já desenvolvido, chamado Visual Pushing-for-Grasping, que permite simular robôs colaborativos a empurrar e apanhar objetos. Todavia, os objetos utilizados por este algoritmo em simulação não eram objetos de cozinha e o algoritmo apenas realiza apanha de objetos sem realizar a separação dos mesmos. Como tal, propomos uma nova abordagem com base no algoritmo anteriormente referido, e que passará a utilizar modelos 3D de objetos de cozinha, fará a deteção do tipo de objeto no cenário com recurso a um modelo de deteção de objetos exterior ao algoritmo base e que procederá à separação dos objetos por tipo. Os resultados experimentais permitem concluir que esta nova abordagem ainda precisa de ser melhorada, contudo e por ser uma abordagem nova tanto no ramo da Robótica como no ramo da Inteligència Artificial, para uso com o robôs universais da versão 3, afirmamos que os resultados estão melhores do que o esperado e expectamos que um dia esta possa ser aplicada a um robô físico em contexto real

    On CAD Informed Adaptive Robotic Assembly

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    We introduce a robotic assembly system that streamlines the design-to-make workflow for going from a CAD model of a product assembly to a fully programmed and adaptive assembly process. Our system captures (in the CAD tool) the intent of the assembly process for a specific robotic workcell and generates a recipe of task-level instructions. By integrating visual sensing with deep-learned perception models, the robots infer the necessary actions to assemble the design from the generated recipe. The perception models are trained directly from simulation, allowing the system to identify various parts based on CAD information. We demonstrate the system with a workcell of two robots to assemble interlocking 3D part designs. We first build and tune the assembly process in simulation, verifying the generated recipe. Finally, the real robotic workcell assembles the design using the same behavior

    The automaticity of visual perspective-taking in autism spectrum conditions

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    The thesis investigated visual perspective-taking differences between adults on the autism spectrum and a neurotypical control group. In Experiment 1, participants were required to explicitly make a left/right judgement to the spatial location of a target object from two different perspectives, one’s own perspective (self) and the actor’s perspective (other). The two perspectives were interleaved in a block of trials. The reaction time findings revealed that the ASC were slower overall compared to the matched control group. In Experiment 2, participants explicitly judged the spatial location of the target object from only the other perspective. The reaction time findings showed that there was no difference between the ASC group and the matched control group when making a judgement from the other perspective. Experiment 3 was conducted online to measure the proportion of spontaneous self or other responses to three pictures, each with a corresponding question. The findings suggest that there was no difference between the proportion of self or other response for the ASC group and control group. There was no evidence found for impaired explicit and spontaneous perspective-taking in ASC. However, the findings demonstrate that when ASC participants have to devote more cognitive resources to shift between the two perspectives, consequently their reaction time suffers. This suggests that visual perspective level 2 appears to be intact, although poorer executive functioning in ASC could partially contribute to worse performance on tasks that are more cognitively demanding

    HEAP: A Sensory Driven Distributed Manipulation System

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    We address the problems of locating, grasping, and removing one or more unknown objects from a given area. In order to accomplish the task we use HEAP, a system of coordinating the motions of the hand and arm. HEAP also includes a laser range finer, mounted at the end of a PUMA 560, allowing the system to obtain multiple views of the workspace. We obtain volumetric information of the objects we locate by fitting superquadric surfaces on the raw range data. The volumetric information is used to ascertain the best hand configuration to enclose and constrain the object stably. The Penn Hand used to grasp the object, is fitted with 14 tactile sensors to determine the contact area and the normal components of the grasping forces. In addition the hand is used as a sensor to avoid any undesired collisions. The objective in grasping the objects is not to impart arbitrary forces on the object, but instead to be able to grasp a variety of objects using a simple grasping scheme assisted with a volumetric description and force and touch sensing

    ARNOLD: A Benchmark for Language-Grounded Task Learning With Continuous States in Realistic 3D Scenes

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    Understanding the continuous states of objects is essential for task learning and planning in the real world. However, most existing task learning benchmarks assume discrete(e.g., binary) object goal states, which poses challenges for the learning of complex tasks and transferring learned policy from simulated environments to the real world. Furthermore, state discretization limits a robot's ability to follow human instructions based on the grounding of actions and states. To tackle these challenges, we present ARNOLD, a benchmark that evaluates language-grounded task learning with continuous states in realistic 3D scenes. ARNOLD is comprised of 8 language-conditioned tasks that involve understanding object states and learning policies for continuous goals. To promote language-instructed learning, we provide expert demonstrations with template-generated language descriptions. We assess task performance by utilizing the latest language-conditioned policy learning models. Our results indicate that current models for language-conditioned manipulations continue to experience significant challenges in novel goal-state generalizations, scene generalizations, and object generalizations. These findings highlight the need to develop new algorithms that address this gap and underscore the potential for further research in this area. See our project page at: https://arnold-benchmark.github.ioComment: The first two authors contributed equally; 20 pages; 17 figures; project availalbe: https://arnold-benchmark.github.io

    Composing Diverse Policies for Temporally Extended Tasks

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    Robot control policies for temporally extended and sequenced tasks are often characterized by discontinuous switches between different local dynamics. These change-points are often exploited in hierarchical motion planning to build approximate models and to facilitate the design of local, region-specific controllers. However, it becomes combinatorially challenging to implement such a pipeline for complex temporally extended tasks, especially when the sub-controllers work on different information streams, time scales and action spaces. In this paper, we introduce a method that can compose diverse policies comprising motion planning trajectories, dynamic motion primitives and neural network controllers. We introduce a global goal scoring estimator that uses local, per-motion primitive dynamics models and corresponding activation state-space sets to sequence diverse policies in a locally optimal fashion. We use expert demonstrations to convert what is typically viewed as a gradient-based learning process into a planning process without explicitly specifying pre- and post-conditions. We first illustrate the proposed framework using an MDP benchmark to showcase robustness to action and model dynamics mismatch, and then with a particularly complex physical gear assembly task, solved on a PR2 robot. We show that the proposed approach successfully discovers the optimal sequence of controllers and solves both tasks efficiently.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1906.1009