352 research outputs found

    Merlin: A Language for Provisioning Network Resources

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    This paper presents Merlin, a new framework for managing resources in software-defined networks. With Merlin, administrators express high-level policies using programs in a declarative language. The language includes logical predicates to identify sets of packets, regular expressions to encode forwarding paths, and arithmetic formulas to specify bandwidth constraints. The Merlin compiler uses a combination of advanced techniques to translate these policies into code that can be executed on network elements including a constraint solver that allocates bandwidth using parameterizable heuristics. To facilitate dynamic adaptation, Merlin provides mechanisms for delegating control of sub-policies and for verifying that modifications made to sub-policies do not violate global constraints. Experiments demonstrate the expressiveness and scalability of Merlin on real-world topologies and applications. Overall, Merlin simplifies network administration by providing high-level abstractions for specifying network policies and scalable infrastructure for enforcing them

    The development of trust at multiple levels in strategic alliances

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    Most of prior multilevel studies on trust in inter-organizational relationships place much emphasis on specifying the level of analysis at which trust occurs (i.e. individual, group, or organization level) while overlooking the level of management, which refers to the hierarchical echelons within an organization. In addition, more often than not, the inter-organizational context where trust develops is not specified. Integrating both levels-of-analysis and levels-of-management perspectives, the dissertation investigates the distinctive trust dynamics at two hierarchical echolons, to understand the cross-level interaction between these echelons which leads to the establishment of shared trust in the partner organization and the formation of organization-level trust, and to contemplate the factors that might lead to within-organization trust heterogeneity. The focus on the management level also enables to discern contingencies associated with the trust development process in horizontal alliances as opposed to vertical alliances. Adopting the case stud method, the alliance between KLM and Northwest Airlines is investigated to illustrate key concepts in the developed theoretical framework and to buld a stronger case for future large-scale empirical studies.:CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Motivation for the dissertation 1.2. Objectives of the dissertation 1.3. Key contributions of the dissertation 1.4. Structure of the dissertation CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 The concept of trust in strategic alliances 2.1.1 Definition of trust 2.1.2 Levels of trust 2.1.3 Trust development in strategic alliances 2.2 Boundary spanning roles in strategic alliances 2.2.1 Nature of boundary spanning roles in strategic alliances 2.2.2 Hierarchical perspective on boundary spanning roles CHAPTER 3: THEORETICAL FRAMING 3.1 Theoretical model of trust development in strategic alliances 3.1.1 Initiation stage 3.1.2 Negotiation stage 3.1.3 Formation stage 3.1.4 Implementation stage 3.2 Boundary condition of trust development 3.2.1 Interpersonal-level characteristics 3.2.2 Firm-level characteristics 3.2.3 Alliance-level characteristics 3.3 Discussion 3.3.1 Integration of level of analysis and level of management 3.3.2 Within-organization trust homogeneity vs. heterogeneity 3.3.3 Context of analysis: vertical alliances vs. horizontal alliances CHAPTER 4: ILLUSTRATIVE CASE STUDY 4.1 Objective of the empirical study 4.2 Rationale for case study methodology 4.3 Research Design 4.3.1 Data collection 4.3.2 Data analysis 4.3.3 Validity and reliability of the study 4.4 Results 4.4.1 Alliance background 4.4.2 Impact of corporate-level trust on operating-level trust 4.4.3 Influence of operating-level trust on corporate-level trust CHAPTER 5: IMPLICATIONS, LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Implications of the dissertation 5.2 Limitations of the dissertation 5.3 Conclusion REFERENCES APPENDI

    Cell shape analysis of random tessellations based on Minkowski tensors

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    To which degree are shape indices of individual cells of a tessellation characteristic for the stochastic process that generates them? Within the context of stochastic geometry and the physics of disordered materials, this corresponds to the question of relationships between different stochastic models. In the context of image analysis of synthetic and biological materials, this question is central to the problem of inferring information about formation processes from spatial measurements of resulting random structures. We address this question by a theory-based simulation study of shape indices derived from Minkowski tensors for a variety of tessellation models. We focus on the relationship between two indices: an isoperimetric ratio of the empirical averages of cell volume and area and the cell elongation quantified by eigenvalue ratios of interfacial Minkowski tensors. Simulation data for these quantities, as well as for distributions thereof and for correlations of cell shape and volume, are presented for Voronoi mosaics of the Poisson point process, determinantal and permanental point processes, and Gibbs hard-core and random sequential absorption processes as well as for Laguerre tessellations of polydisperse spheres and STIT- and Poisson hyperplane tessellations. These data are complemented by mechanically stable crystalline sphere and disordered ellipsoid packings and area-minimising foam models. We find that shape indices of individual cells are not sufficient to unambiguously identify the generating process even amongst this limited set of processes. However, we identify significant differences of the shape indices between many of these tessellation models. Given a realization of a tessellation, these shape indices can narrow the choice of possible generating processes, providing a powerful tool which can be further strengthened by density-resolved volume-shape correlations.Comment: Chapter of the forthcoming book "Tensor Valuations and their Applications in Stochastic Geometry and Imaging" in Lecture Notes in Mathematics edited by Markus Kiderlen and Eva B. Vedel Jense

    26. Theorietag Automaten und Formale Sprachen 23. Jahrestagung Logik in der Informatik: Tagungsband

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    Der Theorietag ist die Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Automaten und Formale Sprachen der Gesellschaft für Informatik und fand erstmals 1991 in Magdeburg statt. Seit dem Jahr 1996 wird der Theorietag von einem eintägigen Workshop mit eingeladenen Vorträgen begleitet. Die Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Logik in der Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik fand erstmals 1993 in Leipzig statt. Im Laufe beider Jahrestagungen finden auch die jährliche Fachgruppensitzungen statt. In diesem Jahr wird der Theorietag der Fachgruppe Automaten und Formale Sprachen erstmalig zusammen mit der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Logik in der Informatik abgehalten. Organisiert wurde die gemeinsame Veranstaltung von der Arbeitsgruppe Zuverlässige Systeme des Instituts für Informatik an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel vom 4. bis 7. Oktober im Tagungshotel Tannenfelde bei Neumünster. Während des Tre↵ens wird ein Workshop für alle Interessierten statt finden. In Tannenfelde werden • Christoph Löding (Aachen) • Tomás Masopust (Dresden) • Henning Schnoor (Kiel) • Nicole Schweikardt (Berlin) • Georg Zetzsche (Paris) eingeladene Vorträge zu ihrer aktuellen Arbeit halten. Darüber hinaus werden 26 Vorträge von Teilnehmern und Teilnehmerinnen gehalten, 17 auf dem Theorietag Automaten und formale Sprachen und neun auf der Jahrestagung Logik in der Informatik. Der vorliegende Band enthält Kurzfassungen aller Beiträge. Wir danken der Gesellschaft für Informatik, der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel und dem Tagungshotel Tannenfelde für die Unterstützung dieses Theorietags. Ein besonderer Dank geht an das Organisationsteam: Maike Bradler, Philipp Sieweck, Joel Day. Kiel, Oktober 2016 Florin Manea, Dirk Nowotka und Thomas Wilk

    Creative Support Musical Composition System: a study on Multiple Viewpoints Representations in Variable Markov Oracle

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    Em meados do século XX, assistiu-se ao surgimento de uma área de estudo focada na geração au-tomática de conteúdo musical por meios computacionais. Os primeiros exemplos concentram-se no processamento offline de dados musicais mas, recentemente, a comunidade tem vindo a explorar maioritariamente sistemas musicais interativos e em tempo-real. Além disso, uma tendência recente enfatiza a importância da tecnologia assistiva, que promove uma abordagem centrada em escolhas do utilizador, oferecendo várias sugestões para um determinado problema criativo. Nesse contexto, a minha investigação tem como objetivo promover novas ferramentas de software para sistemas de suporte criativo, onde algoritmos podem participar colaborativamente no fluxo de composição. Em maior detalhe, procuro uma ferramenta que aprenda com dados musicais de tamanho variável para fornecer feedback em tempo real durante o processo de composição. À luz das características de multi-dimensionalidade e hierarquia presentes nas estruturas musicais, pretendo estudar as representações que abstraem os seus padrões temporais, para promover a geração de múltiplas soluções ordenadas por grau de optimização para um determinado contexto musical. Por fim, a natureza subjetiva da escolha é dada ao utilizador, ao qual é fornecido um número limitado de soluções 'ideais'. Uma representação simbólica da música manifestada como Modelos sob múltiplos pontos de vista, combinada com o autómato Variable Markov Oracle (VMO), é usada para testar a interação ideal entre a multi-dimensionalidade da representação e a idealidade do modelo VMO, fornecendo soluções coerentes, inovadoras e estilisticamente diversas. Para avaliar o sistema, foram realizados testes para validar a ferramenta num cenário especializado com alunos de composição, usando o modelo de testes do índice de suporte à criatividade.The mid-20th century witnessed the emergence of an area of study that focused on the automatic generation of musical content by computational means. Early examples focus on offline processing of musical data and recently, the community has moved towards interactive online musical systems. Furthermore, a recent trend stresses the importance of assistive technology, which pro-motes a user-in-loop approach by offering multiple suggestions to a given creative problem. In this context, my research aims to foster new software tools for creative support systems, where algorithms can collaboratively participate in the composition flow. In greater detail, I seek a tool that learns from variable-length musical data to provide real-time feedback during the composition process. In light of the multidimensional and hierarchical structure of music, I aim to study the representations which abstract its temporal patterns, to foster the generation of multiple ranked solutions to a given musical context. Ultimately, the subjective nature of the choice is given to the user to which a limited number of 'optimal' solutions are provided. A symbolic music representation manifested as Multiple Viewpoint Models combined with the Variable Markov Oracle (VMO) automaton, are used to test optimal interaction between the multi-dimensionality of the representation with the optimality of the VMO model in providing both style-coherent, novel, and diverse solutions. To evaluate the system, an experiment was conducted to validate the tool in an expert-based scenario with composition students, using the creativity support index test
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