3 research outputs found

    Specifying Real-Time Finite-State Systems in Linear Logic

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    Real-time finite-state systems may be specified in linear logic by means of linear implications between conjunctions of fixed finite length. In this setting, where time is treated as a dense linear ordering, safety properties may be expressed as certain provability problems. These provability problems are shown to be in pspace. They are solvable, with some guidance, by finite proof search in concurrent logic programming environments based on linear logic and acting as sort of model-checkers. One advantage of our approach is that either it provides unsafe runs or it actually establishes safety. 1 Introduction There are a number of formalisms for expressing real-time processes, including [1, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 50, 44, 45, 38]. Many of these real-time formalisms are based on temporal logic or its variations [46, 38, 33] or on timed process algebras [14, 42, 43, 23, 12], or on Buchi automata [52, 3]. In some cases exact complexity-theoretic information is available, such as [51, 3, 5], while ..

    Specifying Real-Time Finite-State Systems in Linear Logic (Extended Abstract)

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    AbstractAbstractReal-time finite-state systems may be specified in linear logic by means of linear implications between conjunctions of fixed finite length. In this setting, where time is treated as a dense linear ordering, safety properties may be expressed as certain provability problems. These provability problems are shown to be in pspace. They are solvable, with some guidance, by finite proof search in concurrent logic programming environments based on linear logic and acting as sort of model-checkers. One advantage of our approach is that either it provides unsafe runs or it actually establishes safety