5,880 research outputs found

    Assessing Teacher Attentiveness to Student Mathematical Thinking

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    This article illustrates an argument-based approach to presenting validity evidence for assessment items intended to measure a complex construct. Our focus is developing a measure of teachers’ ability to analyze and respond to students’ mathematical thinking for the purpose of program evaluation. Our validity argument consists of claims addressing connections between our item-development process and the theoretical model for the construct we are trying to measure: attentiveness. Evidence derived from theoretical arguments in conjunction with our multiphased item-development process is used to support the claims, including psychometric evidence of Rasch model fit and category ordering. Taken collectively, the evidence provides support for the claim that our selected-response items can measure increasing levels of attentiveness. More globally, our goal in presenting this work is to demonstrate how theoretical arguments and empirical evidence fit within an argument to support claims about how well a construct is represented, operationalized, and structured

    Problem space of modern society: philosophical-communicative and pedagogical interpretations. Part II

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    This collective monograph offers the description of philosophical bases of definition of communicative competence and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communication skills. The authors of individual chapters have chosen such point of view for the topic which they considered as the most important and specific for their field of study using the methods of logical and semantic analysis of concepts, the method of reflection, textual reconstruction and comparative analysis. The theoretical and applied problems of modern society are investigated in the context of philosophical, communicative and pedagogical interpretations

    Professional competency of modern specialist: means of formation, development and improvement

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    The modern scientific and methodical approaches to the study and analysis of professional competence that are in line with the state requirements for reforming education and the tendencies of introducing a competent approach as one of the key factors of today's vocational education are analyzed. The emphasis is placed on the fact that implementation of the competence approach should include the use of professional training of real professional tasks with the orientation of future professionals to analyze the results of their own professional activities and decisions. The basic principles of professional training of future managers of economic security are determined. It has been established that the professional training of future managers of economic security should be carried out on a modular basis

    Academic Achievement and Failure in University Studies: Motivational and Emotional Factors

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    Universities are committed to offering quality education; however, a high rate of academic failure is often observed in the first year of studies. Considering the impact that motivation and emotional aspects can have on students’ commitment to study and therefore on their academic performance, achievement, and well-being, this study aims to identify the factors associated with academic success or failure in 1071 students entering the National Polytechnic School (Quito, Ecuador). The data were compiled from the existing computer records of the university with the permission of the responsible administrative staff. A predictive model has been used and a binary logistic regression analysis was carried out through the step-forward regression procedure based on the Wald statistic to analyze the predictive capacity of the variables related to emotional intelligence, motivational and self- regulated socio-cognitive skills, goal orientation, and prior academic achievement (measured by university entrance marks and through a knowledge test carried out at the beginning of the university academic year). To determine the cut-off point for the best discriminatory power of each of the variables, a Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve analysis has been used. The results indicate that the variables that are significant in the prediction of academic success or failure are the two academic performance measures: the emotional attention variable, and the performance-approach goals and the motivational self-efficacy variable. Additionally, the highest predictive power is displayed by the prior academic performance measure obtained through the knowledge test conducted at the beginning of the university course.This research was supported by National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science and Technology, SENESCYT (PIC-18-INE-EPN-002)

    Helplessness among university students: an empirical study based on a modified framework of implicit personality theories

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and within a very short period of time, teaching in the 2020 summer term changed from predominantly on-site to online instruction. Students suddenly faced having to adapt their learning process to new demands for which they may have had both insufficient digital skills and a lack of learning resources. Such a situation carries the risk that a substantial number of students become helpless. The aim of our empirical study was to test a hybrid framework of helplessness that includes both objective causes of helplessness and students’ subjective interpretations of them. Before lectures or courses began, students of a full-scale university were invited to participate in an online survey. The final sample consists of 1690 students. Results indicate that objective factors as well as their subjective interpretations contributed to the formation of helplessness

    Pedagogical Approaches to Enhancing Student Self-Efficacy and Addressing Gender Inequality in Undergraduate STEM

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    Previous research has shown that the success and retention of students in STEM university programmes are highly correlated with their self-efficacy beliefs, and women and gender minority students in STEM have been consistently found to possess lower self-efficacy than men. Since specific teaching and learning practices are known to contribute to increased self-efficacy and help diversify STEM education, this study sought to identify which pedagogical approaches are effective in creating a more equitable learning environment in introductory STEM classes by positively contributing to students’ self-efficacy. This study employed methodological triangulation and synthesised findings from self-efficacy questionnaires, classroom observations, and a focus group interview. Statistically significant effects on self-efficacy were identified based on student profile (gender, study field, and previous performance) and class setting (class size and instruction week). Examination of the teaching and learning practices in the observed classes revealed that didactic teaching methods were linked to a higher prevalence of students with low confidence levels, both within lectures and practical classes, although this tendency was less pronounced in the case of lectures. Subsequent investigation through a Classification and Regression Tree (CRT) analysis of teaching and learning activities within the lecture context indicated that optimal time management and engagement in active learning exercises were the best predictors of higher levels of student confidence. The focus group interview with female and gender minority students identified positive class atmosphere, student-staff relationships, and teaching and assessment practices that prioritise student comfort and provide students with ample knowledge application and achievement opportunities as the main factors contributing to their confidence positively. Implications for instruction are discussed

    The potential of a classroom network to support teacher feedback:a study in statistics education.

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    In het wiskundeonderwijs ervaren docenten voortdurend een gebrek aan tijd om hun leerlingen goed te instrueren. In Nederland is daarbij de contacttijd voor wiskunde in de afgelopen vijftien jaar nog eens afgenomen. Wiskunde wordt door leerlingen bovendien als moeilijk ervaren. Dit onderzoek richt zich op de vraag: hoe kunnen we de contacttijd in het wiskundeonderwijs beter benutten? Meta-analyses van leeropbrengsten, zoals die beschreven door Hattie (2009), laten zien dat feedback één van de krachtigste enkelvoudige middelen is om die leeropbrengst te verhogen. In dit onderzoek benutten we de mogelijkheid van grafische rekenmachines (GR), verbonden met de computer van de docent via een draadloos netwerk, om de feedback in wiskundeonderwijs te verbeteren. Enerzijds kregen de leerlingen via hun GR onmiddellijke feedback op bepaalde opgaven en anderzijds gaf de docent, meestal in de volgende les, feedback op het werk van de leerlingen, daarbij ondersteund door een analyse van dat werk door het systeem. Het onderzoek richtte zich in eerste instantie op het ontwikkelen van zogenaamde 'gegevens geletterdheid' bij de leerlingen, waarbij de 'algoritmische vaardigheden' niet vergeten werden. Gedurende vier empirische rondes is deze wijze van werken in negen klassen ontworpen, getest, geëvalueerd en bijgesteld. De wiskundedocenten en hun leerlingen waren over het algemeen enthousiast over het resultaat. Zo adviseren zij bijvoorbeeld om de helft van de lessen aan deze werkvorm te besteden. De docenten geven daarbij aan dat ze een hoge werkdruk hebben ervaren om deze manier van doceren onder de knie te krijgen. De studie expliciteert de voorwaarden waaraan moet worden voldaan voordat de werkwijze succesvol kan zijn. In mathematics education teachers experience a constant lack of time to properly instruct their students. In the Netherlands the contact time for mathematics in secondary education during the last fifteen years again declined. Mathematics is also perceived as difficult by students. This research focuses on the question: how can we better utilize contact time in mathematics education? Meta-analyses of learning outcomes, such as those described by Hattie (2009), show that feedback is one of the most powerful single tools for improving learning achievements. In this study we explore the possibility of graphing calculators (GR), connected to the teacher computer through the use of a wireless network, to improve the feedback in mathematics education. First, students received immediate feedback on their worked out mathematics assignments GR and second, the teacher, usually in the next lesson, gave feedback on the work of the students, supported by an analysis of that work through the system. This study focused primarily on the development of 'data literacy' among students, while the 'algorithmic skills' were not forgotten. In four stages, a prototype of the intervention designed, tested, evaluated and adjusted in nine groups of students. The mathematics teachers and their students are generally enthusiastic about the results. They for instance recommend to spend half of each lesson working this way. Though, the teachers explicitly state that they have experienced a tough workload while mastering this way of teaching. The study makes the conditions to be met before the method can be successful explicit.

    Problem space of modern society: philosophical-communicative and pedagogical interpretations. Part I

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    This collective monograph offers the description of philosophical bases of definition of communicative competence and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communication skills. The authors of individual chapters have chosen such point of view for the topic which they considered as the most important and specific for their field of study using the methods of logical and semantic analysis of concepts, the method of reflection, textual reconstruction and comparative analysis. The theoretical and applied problems of modern society are investigated in the context of philosophical, communicative and pedagogical interpretations

    Research on reflective-evaluative competence in pupils with intellectual disabilities

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    The aim is to conduct empirical research on the formation of reflective-evaluative competence in primary pupils with intellectual disabilities and to determine effective methods to develop it. Methods: tests with standardized questionnaires, methods for checking the logic of motivating dialogue, comparative analysis, quantitative and qualitative content-analysis. We established that disorders in the functioning of reflection in primary pupils are observed in changeable or unfamiliar situations: rejection to solve a problem, desire to simplify a task, justification of their inability, avoidance of difficulties. We registered that insufficient development of self-control and self-esteem causes faults in programming and performing activity. We identified difficulties in verbalizing a plan of actions showing the respondents’ inability to compare and substantiate practical and mental operations. Disorders in reflective-evaluative competence are insufficient development of reflection, self-control, self-esteem and self-correction that does not allow primary pupils to organize their mental actions purposefully
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