70 research outputs found

    Aspects of Java program verification

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    Realizing Change-Driven Consistency for Component Code, Architectural Models, and Contracts in Vitruvius

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    During the development of component-based software systems, it is often impractical or even impossible to include all development information into the source code. Instead, specialized languages are used to describe components and systems on different levels of abstraction or from different viewpoints: Component-based architecture models and contracts, for example, can be used to describe the system on a high level of abstraction, and to formally specify component constraints. Since models, contracts, and code contain redundant information, inconsistencies can occur if they are modified independently. Keeping this information consistent manually can require considerable effort, and can lead to costly errors, for example, when security-relevant components are verified against inconsistent contracts. In this technical report, we present details on realizing an approach for keeping component-based architecture models and contracts specified in the Java Modeling Language (JML) consistent with Java source code. We use change-driven incremental transformations and the Vitruvius framework to automate the consistency preservation where this is possible. Using two case studies, we demonstrate how to detect and propagate changes and refactoring operations to keep models and contracts consistent with the source code

    Verifying the Mondex Case Study - The KeY Approach

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    The Mondex Case study is still the most substantial contribution to the Grand Challenge repository. It has been the target of a number of formal verification efforts. Those efforts concentrated on correctness proofs for refinement steps of the specification in various specification formalisms using different verification tools. Here, the results of full functional verification of a Javacard implementation of the case study is reported. The functional behavior of the application as well as the security properties to be proven were formalized in JML and verified using the KeY tool, a verification tool for deductive verifying Javacard code. The implementation developed followed, as closely as possible, the concrete layer of the case study\u27s original Z specification. The result demonstrates that, with an appropriate specification language and verification tool, it is possible to bridge the gap between specification and implementation ensuring a fully verified result. The complete material - source code, proofs and binaries of the verification system - is available at http://www.key-project.org/case_studies/mondex.htm

    Change-Driven Consistency for Component Code, Architectural Models, and Contracts

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    During the development of component-based software systems, it is often impractical or even impossible to include all development information into the source code. Instead, specialized languages are used to describe components and systems on different levels of abstraction or from different viewpoints: Component-based architecture models and contracts, for example, can be used to describe the system on a high level of abstraction, and to formally specify component constraints. Since models, contracts, and code contain redundant information, inconsistencies can occur if they are modified independently. Keeping this information consistent manually can require considerable effort, and can lead to costly errors, for example, when security-relevant components are verified against inconsistent contracts. In this technical report, we present details on realizing an approach for keeping component-based architecture models and contracts specified in the Java Modeling Language (JML) consistent with Java source code. We use change-driven incremental transformations and the Vitruvius framework to automate the consistency preservation where this is possible. Using two case studies, we demonstrate how to detect and propagate changes and refactoring operations to keep models and contracts consistent with the source code

    The Belgian Electronic Identity Card: a Verification Case Study

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    In the field of annotation-based source code level program verification for Java-like languages, separation-logic based verifiers offer a promising alternative to classic JML based verifiers such as ESC/Java2, the Mobius tool or Spec#. Researchers have demonstrated the advantages of separation logic based verification by showing that it is feasible to verify very challenging (though very small) sample code, such as design patterns, or highly concurrent code. However, there is little experience in using this new breed of verifiers on real code. In this paper we report on our experience of verifying several thousands of lines of Java Card code using VeriFast, one of the state-of-the-art separation logic based verifiers. We quantify annotation overhead, verification performance, and impact on code quality (number of bugs found). Finally, our experiments suggest a number of potential improvements to the VeriFast tool

    Mobile Resource Guarantees for Smart Devices

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    Abstract. We present the Mobile Resource Guarantees framework: a system for ensuring that downloaded programs are free from run-time violations of resource bounds. Certificates are attached to code in the form of efficiently checkable proofs of resource bounds; in contrast to cryptographic certificates of code origin, these are independent of trust networks. A novel programming language with resource constraints encoded in function types is used to streamline the generation of proofs of resource usage.

    From Finite State Machines to Provably Correct Java Card Applets

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    Principles of Contract Languages:Dagstuhl Seminar 22451

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    This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 22451 "Principles of Contract Languages". At the seminar, participants discussed the fundamental aspects of software contracts. Topics included the format and expressiveness of contracts, their use cases in software development and analysis, and contract composition and decomposition

    JCML: A specification language for the runtime verification of Java Card programs

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    AbstractJava Card is a version of Java developed to run on devices with severe storage and processing restrictions. The applets that run on these devices are frequently intended for use in critical, highly distributed, mobile conditions. They are required to be portable and safe. Often, the requirements of the application impose the use of dynamic, on-card verifications, but most of the research developed to improve the safety of Java Card applets concentrates on static verification methods. This work presents a runtime verification approach based on Design by Contract to improve the safety of Java Card applications. To this end, we propose JCML (Java Card Modelling Language) a specification language derived from JML (Java Modelling Language) and its implementation: a compiler that generates runtime verification code. We also present some experiments and quality indicators. This paper extends previous published work from the authors with a more complete and precise definition of the JCML language and new experiments and results
