63,117 research outputs found

    Cross-border Market Co-creation, Dynamic Capabilities and the Entrepreneurial Theory of the Multinational Enterprise

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    The concepts of asset co-specialization and dynamic capabilities have been instrumental in furthering the organization and strategy scholarship agenda, but have so far had limited impact to the theory of the MNE and FDI. In addition, the role of entrepreneurial management in orchestrating system-wide value creation through market and eco-system creation and co-creation, in order to advance private appropriation, has been all but ignored. We claim that these ideas can help explicate the nature of the MNE in the knowledge-based, semi-globalized economy. The nature of the MNE in its turn should not be seen as separable from either the objectives of the agents (entrepreneurs) who set them up or its essence – the employment of strategy to capture co-created value.Asset Co-specialisation; Dynamic Capabilities; Cross-border Market and Ecosystem Co-creation; Theory of MNE and FDI; Entrepreneurial Theory

    Appropriating value from external technology: Absorptive capacity dimensions and innovation strategy

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    Innovation from external sources has continued to grow in importance in recent years, in defiance of conventional wisdom advocating internal sourcing of core technologies. One important reason for the previous emphasis on internal sourcing of core technologies relates to concerns of horizontal and vertical appropriability. Thus, the question arises of whether and how firms can reconcile horizontal and vertical appropriability with the rise of the external sourcing of new technologies. Must firms sacrifice value appropriation on the altar of value creation? To answer these questions, we delve beneath individual technological innovations to examine the technical and market capabilities underlying them. Specifically, we show how the amount of value a firm stands to appropriate relative to competitors and relative to technology suppliers depends on the fit between its innovation strategy and its previous investments in distinct dimensions of absorptive capacity. At the same time, we also show how first-order capabilities and dynamic capabilities interact to determine firm performance. Thus, we shed light on how and when the move to 'open' innovation will affect the amount of value innovating firms stand to appropriate.Innovation strategy; external sourcing; technology innovation; value appropriation;

    Creating the N-Form Corporation as a Managerial Competence

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    This paper discusses key properties of the N-form corporation or internal network forms of organizing from three mutually related perspectives: structure, knowledge flows and management processes. To operationalize knowledge flows, a key property of N-forms, the paper suggests a new measure, the H/V ratio, to empirically assess the configuration of knowledge flows. The argument is illustrated by a case study of a firm showing that top management's perception about having an internal network contradicts with reality as vertical knowledge flows appear to dominate the horizontal ones. The managerial competence required for creating internal networks aimed at knowledge creation and sharing will be discussed.internal networks;knowledge flows;N-form Corporation;Organizational forms;managerial competence

    Appropriation of value in Biomedical research outcome at Public Research Organisations

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    Transactions on biomedical research outcomes bring into play strategies that are determined by leveraging resources into quasi-markets and on options based on expectations. To govern such transactions, the choice of appropriate governance structures and the governance of interaction are all too often in remittance of risk and uncertainty. Organisation and communities are prompted by issues concerning intellectual property (IP) to underwrite information, which is inherently fraught with difficulties of discerning ownership and quantifying qualitative business variables. Against that backdrop, we enquire on the mechanisms underpinning value dissipation and value appropriation of biomedical research outcomes to make proposition on the organisational antecedence to innovation. It is a preamble study with the view to developing a meso-level framework to describe mechanisms of value appropriation of upstream biomedical (non-invasive) research at Public Research Organisation. Its underpinning is largely based on the availability appropriability regimes and viability of organizational governance decisions and how the choice of organizational governance form affects both the creation and appropriation of economic value

    Planning and Leveraging Event Portfolios: Towards a Holistic Theory

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    This conceptual paper seeks to advance the discourse on the leveraging and legacies of events by examining the planning, management, and leveraging of event portfolios. This examination shifts the common focus from analyzing single events towards multiple events and purposes that can enable cross-leveraging among different events in pursuit of attainment and magnification of specific ends. The following frameworks are proposed: (1) event portfolio planning and leveraging, and (2) analyzing events networks and inter-organizational linkages. These frameworks are intended to provide, at this infancy stage of event portfolios research, a solid ground for building theory on the management of different types and scales of events within the context of a portfolio aimed to obtain, optimize and sustain tourism, as well as broader community benefits

    Sustainability, stakeholders and business. Editorial

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    Over the past 20 years, there has been an increasing attention on the drivers of value in organizations. Both the strategic management literature and practice have remarked the importance for managers to be aware of the impact of firm activities, products and services on either the external and internal environment and, more generally, on all firm stakeholders. The emergence of the notions of “sustainable development” and “sustainability” reflects a profound change in global thinking, which forces firms to move beyond trade-offs between business and society

    Facilitating Meaningful Change Within U.S. Law Schools

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    Despite the widely recognized challenges and complaints facing U.S. legal education, very little is understood about how law schools can adapt faster and better. This Article uses institutional theory, behavioral economics, and psychology to explain why change has proven so difficult for U.S. law schools. Next, using institutional entrepreneurship, the Article explains the theoretical steps necessary to overcome the institutional resistance to change. The Article then discusses the characteristics of opportunities that are most likely to better meet the needs of law students while also providing sustainable benefits to the individually innovating law schools. Using management theory, the Article then proposes a seven-step change process model to enable individual law schools to systematically overcome institutional resistance, formulate unique strategies, and actually achieve meaningful change

    The (new) nature and essence of the firm

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    Extant explanations of the nature and scope of firms, such as transaction costs, property rights, metering and “resources” can be integrated into a more general (capability based) theory of the nature and essence of the firm that recognizes the importance to the firm of creating (and capturing) value from innovation. We note that the appropriability of returns from creative and innovative activity often requires the entrepreneurial creation and co-creation of markets. Accordingly, market failure and transaction costs approaches need to be revamped to capture the essence of entrepreneurial and managerial activity that extends beyond the mere exercise of authority. We suggest that the nature and objective of the firm in an economy with innovation and incomplete markets is to capture value (profit) from its advantages and actions; and that the way in which the firm tries to achieve this (by establishing quasisustainable competitive advantage) is its essence. This is non-separable from its nature and objectives.firm, nature, essence, innovation, dynamic capabilities