25,609 research outputs found

    Passive exercise adaptation for ankle rehabilitation based on learning control framework

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Human-Robot Interaction.Ankle injuries are among the most common injuries in sport and daily life. However, for their recovery, it is important for patients to perform rehabilitation exercises. These exercises are usually done with a therapist's guidance to help strengthen the patient's ankle joint and restore its range of motion. However, in order to share the load with therapists so that they can offer assistance to more patients, and to provide an efficient and safe way for patients to perform ankle rehabilitation exercises, we propose a framework that integrates learning techniques with a 3-PRS parallel robot, acting together as an ankle rehabilitation device. In this paper, we propose to use passive rehabilitation exercises for dorsiflexion/plantar flexion and inversion/eversion ankle movements. The therapist is needed in the first stage to design the exercise with the patient by teaching the robot intuitively through learning from demonstration. We then propose a learning control scheme based on dynamic movement primitives and iterative learning control, which takes the designed exercise trajectory as a demonstration (an input) together with the recorded forces in order to reproduce the exercise with the patient for a number of repetitions defined by the therapist. During the execution, our approach monitors the sensed forces and adapts the trajectory by adding the necessary offsets to the original trajectory to reduce its range without modifying the original trajectory and subsequently reducing the measured forces. After a predefined number of repetitions, the algorithm restores the range gradually, until the patient is able to perform the originally designed exercise. We validate the proposed framework with both real experiments and simulation using a Simulink model of the rehabilitation parallel robot that has been developed in our lab

    When and how to help: An iterative probabilistic model for learning assistance by demonstration

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    How to Deploy a Wire with a Robotic Platform: Learning from Human Visual Demonstrations

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    In this paper, we address the problem of deploying a wire along a specific path selected by an unskilled user. The robot has to learn the selected path and pass a wire through the peg table by using the same tool. The main contribution regards the hybrid use of Cartesian positions provided by a learning procedure and joint positions obtained by inverse kinematics and motion planning. Some constraints are introduced to deal with non-rigid material without breaks or knots. We took into account a series of metrics to evaluate the robot learning capabilities, all of them over performed the targets

    Using humanoid robots to study human behavior

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    Our understanding of human behavior advances as our humanoid robotics work progresses-and vice versa. This team's work focuses on trajectory formation and planning, learning from demonstration, oculomotor control and interactive behaviors. They are programming robotic behavior based on how we humans “program” behavior in-or train-each other

    The ITALK project : A developmental robotics approach to the study of individual, social, and linguistic learning

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Frank Broz et al, “The ITALK Project: A Developmental Robotics Approach to the Study of Individual, Social, and Linguistic Learning”, Topics in Cognitive Science, Vol 6(3): 534-544, June 2014, which has been published in final form at doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tops.12099 This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving." Copyright © 2014 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.This article presents results from a multidisciplinary research project on the integration and transfer of language knowledge into robots as an empirical paradigm for the study of language development in both humans and humanoid robots. Within the framework of human linguistic and cognitive development, we focus on how three central types of learning interact and co-develop: individual learning about one's own embodiment and the environment, social learning (learning from others), and learning of linguistic capability. Our primary concern is how these capabilities can scaffold each other's development in a continuous feedback cycle as their interactions yield increasingly sophisticated competencies in the agent's capacity to interact with others and manipulate its world. Experimental results are summarized in relation to milestones in human linguistic and cognitive development and show that the mutual scaffolding of social learning, individual learning, and linguistic capabilities creates the context, conditions, and requisites for learning in each domain. Challenges and insights identified as a result of this research program are discussed with regard to possible and actual contributions to cognitive science and language ontogeny. In conclusion, directions for future work are suggested that continue to develop this approach toward an integrated framework for understanding these mutually scaffolding processes as a basis for language development in humans and robots.Peer reviewe

    Improving Task-Parameterised Movement Learning Generalisation with Frame-Weighted Trajectory Generation

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    Learning from Demonstration depends on a robot learner generalising its learned model to unseen conditions, as it is not feasible for a person to provide a demonstration set that accounts for all possible variations in non-trivial tasks. While there are many learning methods that can handle interpolation of observed data effectively, extrapolation from observed data offers a much greater challenge. To address this problem of generalisation, this paper proposes a modified Task-Parameterised Gaussian Mixture Regression method that considers the relevance of task parameters during trajectory generation, as determined by variance in the data. The benefits of the proposed method are first explored using a simulated reaching task data set. Here it is shown that the proposed method offers far-reaching, low-error extrapolation abilities that are different in nature to existing learning methods. Data collected from novice users for a real-world manipulation task is then considered, where it is shown that the proposed method is able to effectively reduce grasping performance errors by 30%{\sim30\%} and extrapolate to unseen grasp targets under real-world conditions. These results indicate the proposed method serves to benefit novice users by placing less reliance on the user to provide high quality demonstration data sets.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    Towards One Shot Learning by Imitation for Humanoid Robots

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