31 research outputs found

    A Note on Symmetries in the Rauzy Graph and Factor Frequencies

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    We focus on infinite words with languages closed under reversal. If frequencies of all factors are well defined, we show that the number of different frequencies of factors of length n+1 does not exceed 2C(n+1)-2C(n)+1.Comment: 7 page


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    Two infinite words that are connected with some significant univoque numbers are studied. It is shown that their factor and palindromic complexities almost coincide with the factor and palindromic complexities of the famous Thue-Morse word

    Complexity and fractal dimensions for infinite sequences with positive entropy

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    The complexity function of an infinite word ww on a finite alphabet AA is the sequence counting, for each non-negative nn, the number of words of length nn on the alphabet AA that are factors of the infinite word ww. The goal of this work is to estimate the number of words of length nn on the alphabet AA that are factors of an infinite word ww with a complexity function bounded by a given function ff with exponential growth and to describe the combinatorial structure of such sets of infinite words. We introduce a real parameter, the {\it word entropy} EW(f)E_W(f) associated to a given function ff and we determine the fractal dimensions of sets of infinite sequences with complexity function bounded by ff in terms of its word entropy. We present a combinatorial proof of the fact that EW(f)E_W(f) is equal to the topological entropy of the subshift of infinite words whose complexity is bounded by ff and we give several examples showing that even under strong conditions on ff, the word entropy EW(f)E_W(f) can be strictly smaller than the limiting lower exponential growth rate of ff.Comment: 24 page

    Bispecial factors in circular non-pushy D0L languages

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    We study bispecial factors in fixed points of morphisms. In particular, we propose a simple method of how to find all bispecial words of non-pushy circular D0L-systems. This method can be formulated as an algorithm. Moreover, we prove that non-pushy circular D0L-systems are exactly those with finite critical exponent.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Towards a statement of the S-adic conjecture through examples

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    The SS-adic conjecture claims that there exists a condition CC such that a sequence has a sub-linear complexity if and only if it is an SS-adic sequence satisfying Condition CC for some finite set SS of morphisms. We present an overview of the factor complexity of SS-adic sequences and we give some examples that either illustrate some interesting properties or that are counter-examples to what could be believed to be "a good Condition CC".Comment: 2

    Factor frequencies in languages invariant under more symmetries

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    The number of frequencies of factors of length n+1n+1 in a recurrent aperiodic infinite word does not exceed 3\Delta \C(n), where \Delta \C (n) is the first difference of factor complexity, as shown by Boshernitzan. Pelantov\'a together with the author derived a better upper bound for infinite words whose language is closed under reversal. In this paper, we further diminish the upper bound for uniformly recurrent infinite words whose language is invariant under all elements of a finite group of symmetries and we prove the optimality of the obtained upper bound.Comment: 13 page

    Characterization of infinite LSP words and endomorphisms preserving the LSP property

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    Answering a question of G. Fici, we give an SS-adic characterization of thefamily of infinite LSP words, that is, the family of infinite words having all their left special factors as prefixes.More precisely we provide a finite set of morphisms SS and an automaton A{\cal A} such that an infinite word is LSP if and only if it is SS-adic and one of its directive words is recognizable by A{\cal A}.Then we characterize the endomorphisms that preserve the property of being LSP for infinite words.This allows us to prove that there exists no set SS' of endomorphisms for which the set of infinite LSP words corresponds to the set of SS'-adic words. This implies that an automaton is required no matter which set of morphisms is used.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0578