14 research outputs found

    Neurally inspired mechanisms of the dynamic visual attention map generation task

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    A model for dynamic visual attention is briefly introduced in this paper. A PSM (problem-solving method) for a generic ?Dynamic Attention Map Generation? task to obtain a Dynamic Attention Map from a dynamic scene is proposed. Our approach enables tracking objects that keep attention in accordance with a set of characteristics defined by the observer. This paper mainly focuses on those subtasks of the model inspired in neuronal mechanisms, such as accumulative computation and lateral interaction. The subtasks which incorporate these biologically plausible capacities are called ?Working Memory Generation? and ?Thresholded Permanency Calculation?

    A historical perspective of algorithmic lateral inhibition and accumulative computation in computer vision

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    Certainly, one of the prominent ideas of Professor José Mira was that it is absolutely mandatory to specify the mechanisms and/or processes underlying each task and inference mentioned in an architecture in order to make operational that architecture. The conjecture of the last fifteen years of joint research has been that any bottom-up organization may be made operational using two biologically inspired methods called ?algorithmic lateral inhibition?, a generalization of lateral inhibition anatomical circuits, and ?accumulative computation?, a working memory related to the temporal evolution of the membrane potential. This paper is dedicated to the computational formulation of both methods. Finally, all of the works of our group related to this methodological approximation are mentioned and summarized, showing that all of them support the validity of this approximation

    Modelling the stereovision-correspondence-analysis task by lateral inhibition in accumulative computation problem-solving method.

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    Recently, the Algorithmic Lateral Inhibition (ALI) method and the Accumulative Computation (AC) method have proven to be efficient in modelling at the knowledge level for general-motion-detection tasks in video sequences. More precisely, the task of persistent motion detection has been widely expressed by means of the AC method, whereas the ALI method has been used with the objective of moving objects detection, labelling and further tracking. This paper exploits the current knowledge of our research team on the mentioned problem-solving methods to model the Stereovision-Correspondence-Analysis (SCA) task. For this purpose, ALI and AC methods are combined into the Lateral Inhibition in Accumulative Computation (LIAC) method. The four basic subtasks, namely ?LIAC 2D Charge-Memory Calculation?, ?LIAC 2D Charge-Disparity Analysis? and ?LIAC 3D Charge-Memory Calculation? in our proposal of SCA are described in detail by inferential CommonKADS schemes. It is shown that the LIAC method may perfectly be used to solve a complex task based on motion information inherent to binocular video sequences

    Stereovision depth analysis by two-dimensional motion charge memories

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    Several strategies to retrieve depth information from a sequence of images have been described so far. In this paper a method that turns around the existing symbiosis between stereovision and motion is introduced; motion minimizes correspondence ambiguities, and stereovision enhances motion information. The central idea behind our approach is to transpose the spatially defined problem of disparity estimation into the spatial?temporal domain. Motion is analyzed in the original sequences by means of the so-called permanency effect and the disparities are calculated from the resulting two-dimensional motion charge maps. This is an important contribution to the traditional stereovision depth analysis, where disparity is got from the image luminescence. In our approach, disparity is studied from a motion-based persistency charge measure

    Real-time motion detection by lateral inhibition in accumulative computation.

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    Many researchers have explored the relationship between recurrent neural networks and finite state machines. Finite state machines constitute the best characterized computational model, whereas artificial neural networks have become a very successful tool for modeling and problem solving. In the few last years, the neurally inspired lateral inhibition in accumulative computation (LIAC) method and its application to the motion detection task have been introduced. The article shows how to implement the tasks directly related to LIAC in motion detection by means of a formal model described as finite state machines. This paper introduces two steps towards that direction: (a) A simplification of the general LIAC method is performed by formally transforming it into a finite state machine. (b) A hardware implementation of such a designed LIAC module, as well as an 8×8 LIAC module, has been tested on several video sequences, providing promising performance results

    Motion features to enhance scene segmentation in active visual attention

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    A new computational model for active visual attention is introduced in this paper. The method extracts motion and shape features from video image sequences, and integrates these features to segment the input scene. The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of the motion features present in our algorithms in the task of refining and/or enhancing scene segmentation in the method proposed. The estimation of these motion parameters is performed at each pixel of the input image by means of the accumulative computation method, using the so-called permanency memories. The paper shows some examples of how to use the ?motion presence?, ?module of the velocity? and ?angle of the velocity? motion features, all obtained from accumulative computation method, to adjust different scene segmentation outputs in this dynamic visual attention method

    Knowledge modelling for the motion detection task

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    In this article knowledge modelling at the knowledge level for the task of moving objects detection in image sequences is introduced. Three items have been the focus of the approach: (1) the convenience of knowledge modelling of tasks and methods in terms of a library of reusable components and in advance to the phase of operationalization of the primitive inferences; (2) the potential utility of looking for inspiration in biology; (3) the convenience of using these biologically inspired problem-solving methods (PSMs) to solve motion detection tasks. After studying a summary of the methods used to solve the motion detection task, the moving targets in indefinite sequences of images detection task is approached by means of the algorithmic lateral inhibition (ALI) PSM. The task is decomposed in four subtasks: (a) thresholded segmentation; (b) motion detection; (c) silhouettes parts obtaining; and (d) moving objects silhouettes fusion. For each one of these subtasks, first, the inferential scheme is obtained and then each one of the inferences is operationalized. Finally, some experimental results are presented along with comments on the potential value of our approach

    Development of intelligent multi-sensor surveillance systems with agents

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    Intelligent multisensor surveillance systems consist of several types of sensors, which are installed on fixed and mobile devices. These components provide a huge quantity of information that has to be contrasted, correlated and integrated in order to recognize and react on special situations. These systems work in highly dynamic environments, with severe security and robustness requirements. All these characteristics imply the need for distributed solutions. In these solutions, scattered components can decide and act with some degree of autonomy (for instance, if they become isolated), or cooperate and coordinate for a complete tracking of special situations. In order to cope with these requirements and to better structure the solution, we have decided to design surveillance system control as a multiagent system. This is done by applying an agent-orientated methodology, which is assessed with concrete scenarios

    Parametric improvement of lateral interaction in accumulative computation in motion-based segmentation

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    Segmentation of moving objects is an essential component of any vision system. However, its accomplishment is hard due to some challenges such as the occlusion treatment or the detection of objects with deformable appearance. In this paper an artificial neuronal network approach for moving object segmentation, called lateral interaction in accumulative computation (LIAC), which uses accumulative computation and recurrent lateral interaction is revisited. Although the results reported for this approach so far may be considered relevant, the problems faced each time (environment, objects of interest, etc.) make that the system outcome varies. Hence, our aim is to improve segmentation provided by LIAC in a double sense: by removing the detected objects not matching some size or compactness constraints, and by learning suitable parameters that improve the segmentation behavior through a genetic algorithm

    A conceptual frame with two neural mechanisms to model selective visual attention processes

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    An important problem in artificial intelligence (AI) is to find calculation procedures to save the semantic gap between the analytic formulations of the neuronal models and the concepts of the natural language used to describe the cognitive processes. In this work we explore a way of saving this gap for the case of the attentional processes, consisting in (1) proposing in first place a conceptual model of the attention double bottom-up/top-down organization, (2) proposing afterwards a neurophysiological model of the cortical and sub-cortical involved structures, (3) establishing the correspondences between the entities of (1) and (2), (4) operationalizing the model by using biologically inspired calculation mechanisms (algorithmic lateral inhibition and accumulative computation) formulated at symbolic level, and, (5) assessing the validity of the proposal by accommodating the works of the research team on diverse aspects of attention associated to visual surveillance tasks. The results obtained support in a reasonable way the validity of the proposal and enable its application in surveillance tasks different from the ones considered in this work. In particular, this is the case when linking the geometric descriptions of a scene with the corresponding activity level