4 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal Partitioning And Description Of Full-Length Routine Fetal Anomaly Ultrasound Scans

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    This paper considers automatic clinical workflow description of full-length routine fetal anomaly ultrasound scans using deep learning approaches for spatio-temporal video analysis. Multiple architectures consisting of 2D and 2D + t CNN, LSTM, and convolutional LSTM are investigated and compared. The contributions of short-term and long-term temporal changes are studied, and a multi-stream framework analysis is found to achieve the best top-l accuracy =0.77 and top-3 accuracy =0.94. Automated partitioning and characterisation on unlabelled full-length video scans show high correlation (ρ=0.95, p=0.0004) with workflow statistics of manually labelled videos, suggesting practicality of proposed methods

    Articles That Use Artificial Intelligence for Ultrasound: A Reader’s Guide

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) transforms medical images into high-throughput mineable data. Machine learning algorithms, which can be designed for modeling for lesion detection, target segmentation, disease diagnosis, and prognosis prediction, have markedly promoted precision medicine for clinical decision support. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of articles, including articles on ultrasound with AI, published in only a few years. Given the unique properties of ultrasound that differentiate it from other imaging modalities, including real-time scanning, operator-dependence, and multi-modality, readers should pay additional attention to assessing studies that rely on ultrasound AI. This review offers the readers a targeted guide covering critical points that can be used to identify strong and underpowered ultrasound AI studies

    Transforming obstetric ultrasound into data science using eye tracking, voice recording, transducer motion and ultrasound video.

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    Ultrasound is the primary modality for obstetric imaging and is highly sonographer dependent. Long training period, insufficient recruitment and poor retention of sonographers are among the global challenges in the expansion of ultrasound use. For the past several decades, technical advancements in clinical obstetric ultrasound scanning have largely concerned improving image quality and processing speed. By contrast, sonographers have been acquiring ultrasound images in a similar fashion for several decades. The PULSE (Perception Ultrasound by Learning Sonographer Experience) project is an interdisciplinary multi-modal imaging study aiming to offer clinical sonography insights and transform the process of obstetric ultrasound acquisition and image analysis by applying deep learning to large-scale multi-modal clinical data. A key novelty of the study is that we record full-length ultrasound video with concurrent tracking of the sonographer's eyes, voice and the transducer while performing routine obstetric scans on pregnant women. We provide a detailed description of the novel acquisition system and illustrate how our data can be used to describe clinical ultrasound. Being able to measure different sonographer actions or model tasks will lead to a better understanding of several topics including how to effectively train new sonographers, monitor the learning progress, and enhance the scanning workflow of experts

    Machine learning-based analysis of operator pupillary response to assess cognitive workload in clinical ultrasound imaging.

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    INTRODUCTION: Pupillometry, the measurement of eye pupil diameter, is a well-established and objective modality correlated with cognitive workload. In this paper, we analyse the pupillary response of ultrasound imaging operators to assess their cognitive workload, captured while they undertake routine fetal ultrasound examinations. Our experiments and analysis are performed on real-world datasets obtained using remote eye-tracking under natural clinical environmental conditions. METHODS: Our analysis pipeline involves careful temporal sequence (time-series) extraction by retrospectively matching the pupil diameter data with tasks captured in the corresponding ultrasound scan video in a multi-modal data acquisition setup. This is followed by the pupil diameter pre-processing and the calculation of pupillary response sequences. Exploratory statistical analysis of the operator pupillary responses and comparisons of the distributions between ultrasonographic tasks (fetal heart versus fetal brain) and operator expertise (newly-qualified versus experienced operators) are performed. Machine learning is explored to automatically classify the temporal sequences into the corresponding ultrasonographic tasks and operator experience using temporal, spectral, and time-frequency features with classical (shallow) models, and convolutional neural networks as deep learning models. RESULTS: Preliminary statistical analysis of the extracted pupillary response shows a significant variation for different ultrasonographic tasks and operator expertise, suggesting different extents of cognitive workload in each case, as measured by pupillometry. The best-performing machine learning models achieve receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area under curve (AUC) values of 0.98 and 0.80, for ultrasonographic task classification and operator experience classification, respectively. CONCLUSION: We conclude that we can successfully assess cognitive workload from pupil diameter changes measured while ultrasound operators perform routine scans. The machine learning allows the discrimination of the undertaken ultrasonographic tasks and scanning expertise using the pupillary response sequences as an index of the operators' cognitive workload. A high cognitive workload can reduce operator efficiency and constrain their decision-making, hence, the ability to objectively assess cognitive workload is a first step towards understanding these effects on operator performance in biomedical applications such as medical imaging