2,258 research outputs found

    A Tale of Two Direction Codes in Rat Retrosplenial Cortex: Uncovering the Neural Basis of Spatial Orientation in Complex Space

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    Head direction (HD) cells only become active whenever a rat faces one direction and stay inactive when it faces others, producing a unimodal activity distribution. Working together in a network, HD cells are considered the neural basis supporting a sense of direction. The retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is part of the HD circuit and contains neurons that express multiple spatial signals, including a pattern of bipolar directional tuning – as recently reported in rats exploring a rotationally symmetric two-compartment space. This suggests an unexplored mechanism of the neural compass. In this thesis, I investigated whether the association between the two-way firing symmetry and twofold environment symmetry reveals a general environment symmetry-encoding property of these RSC neurons. I recorded RSC neurons in environments having onefold, twofold and fourfold symmetry. The current study showed that RSC HD cells maintained a consistent global signal, whereas other RSC directional cells showed multi-fold symmetric firing patterns that reflected environment symmetry, not just globally (across all sub-compartments) but also locally (within each sub-compartment). The analyses also showed that the pattern was independent of egocentric boundary vector coding but represented an allocentric spatial code. It means that these RSC cells use environmental cues to organise multiple singular tuning curves which sometimes are combined to form a multidirectional pattern, likely via an interaction with the global HD signal. Thus, both local and global environment symmetry are encoded by local firing patterns in subspaces. This interestingly suggests cognitive mapping and abstraction of space beyond immediate perceptual bounds in RSC. The data generated from this study provides important insights for modelling of direction computation. Taken together, I discuss how having two types of direction codes in RSC may help us to orient more accurately and flexibly in complex and ambiguous space

    Experience-driven formation of parts-based representations in a model of layered visual memory

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    Growing neuropsychological and neurophysiological evidence suggests that the visual cortex uses parts-based representations to encode, store and retrieve relevant objects. In such a scheme, objects are represented as a set of spatially distributed local features, or parts, arranged in stereotypical fashion. To encode the local appearance and to represent the relations between the constituent parts, there has to be an appropriate memory structure formed by previous experience with visual objects. Here, we propose a model how a hierarchical memory structure supporting efficient storage and rapid recall of parts-based representations can be established by an experience-driven process of self-organization. The process is based on the collaboration of slow bidirectional synaptic plasticity and homeostatic unit activity regulation, both running at the top of fast activity dynamics with winner-take-all character modulated by an oscillatory rhythm. These neural mechanisms lay down the basis for cooperation and competition between the distributed units and their synaptic connections. Choosing human face recognition as a test task, we show that, under the condition of open-ended, unsupervised incremental learning, the system is able to form memory traces for individual faces in a parts-based fashion. On a lower memory layer the synaptic structure is developed to represent local facial features and their interrelations, while the identities of different persons are captured explicitly on a higher layer. An additional property of the resulting representations is the sparseness of both the activity during the recall and the synaptic patterns comprising the memory traces.Comment: 34 pages, 12 Figures, 1 Table, published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Special Issue on Complex Systems Science and Brain Dynamics), http://www.frontiersin.org/neuroscience/computationalneuroscience/paper/10.3389/neuro.10/015.2009

    Associative memory of phase-coded spatiotemporal patterns in leaky Integrate and Fire networks

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    We study the collective dynamics of a Leaky Integrate and Fire network in which precise relative phase relationship of spikes among neurons are stored, as attractors of the dynamics, and selectively replayed at differentctime scales. Using an STDP-based learning process, we store in the connectivity several phase-coded spike patterns, and we find that, depending on the excitability of the network, different working regimes are possible, with transient or persistent replay activity induced by a brief signal. We introduce an order parameter to evaluate the similarity between stored and recalled phase-coded pattern, and measure the storage capacity. Modulation of spiking thresholds during replay changes the frequency of the collective oscillation or the number of spikes per cycle, keeping preserved the phases relationship. This allows a coding scheme in which phase, rate and frequency are dissociable. Robustness with respect to noise and heterogeneity of neurons parameters is studied, showing that, since dynamics is a retrieval process, neurons preserve stablecprecise phase relationship among units, keeping a unique frequency of oscillation, even in noisy conditions and with heterogeneity of internal parameters of the units

    Spatial encoding in primate hippocampus during free navigation.

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    The hippocampus comprises two neural signals-place cells and θ oscillations-that contribute to facets of spatial navigation. Although their complementary relationship has been well established in rodents, their respective contributions in the primate brain during free navigation remains unclear. Here, we recorded neural activity in the hippocampus of freely moving marmosets as they naturally explored a spatial environment to more explicitly investigate this issue. We report place cells in marmoset hippocampus during free navigation that exhibit remarkable parallels to analogous neurons in other mammalian species. Although θ oscillations were prevalent in the marmoset hippocampus, the patterns of activity were notably different than in other taxa. This local field potential oscillation occurred in short bouts (approximately .4 s)-rather than continuously-and was neither significantly modulated by locomotion nor consistently coupled to place-cell activity. These findings suggest that the relationship between place-cell activity and θ oscillations in primate hippocampus during free navigation differs substantially from rodents and paint an intriguing comparative picture regarding the neural basis of spatial navigation across mammals

    Complementary encoding of spatial information in hippocampal astrocytes

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    Calcium dynamics into astrocytes influence the activity of nearby neuronal structures. However, because previous reports show that astrocytic calcium signals largely mirror neighboring neuronal activity, current information coding models neglect astrocytes. Using simultaneous two-photon calcium imaging of astrocytes and neurons in the hippocampus of mice navigating a virtual environment, we demonstrate that astrocytic calcium signals encode (i.e., statistically reflect) spatial information that could not be explained by visual cue information. Calcium events carrying spatial information occurred in topographically organized astrocytic subregions. Importantly, astrocytes encoded spatial information that was complementary and synergistic to that carried by neurons, improving spatial position decoding when astrocytic signals were considered alongside neuronal ones. These results suggest that the complementary place dependence of localized astrocytic calcium signals may regulate clusters of nearby synapses, enabling dynamic, context-dependent variations in population coding within brain circuits

    Information processing in biological complex systems: a view to bacterial and neural complexity

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    This thesis is a study of information processing of biological complex systems seen from the perspective of dynamical complexity (the degree of statistical independence of a system as a whole with respect to its components due to its causal structure). In particular, we investigate the influence of signaling functions in cell-to-cell communication in bacterial and neural systems. For each case, we determine the spatial and causal dependencies in the system dynamics from an information-theoretic point of view and we relate it with their physiological capabilities. The main research content is presented into three main chapters. First, we study a previous theoretical work on synchronization, multi-stability, and clustering of a population of coupled synthetic genetic oscillators via quorum sensing. We provide an extensive numerical analysis of the spatio-temporal interactions, and determine conditions in which the causal structure of the system leads to high dynamical complexity in terms of associated metrics. Our results indicate that this complexity is maximally receptive at transitions between dynamical regimes, and maximized for transient multi-cluster oscillations associated with chaotic behaviour. Next, we introduce a model of a neuron-astrocyte network with bidirectional coupling using glutamate-induced calcium signaling. This study is focused on the impact of the astrocyte-mediated potentiation on synaptic transmission. Our findings suggest that the information generated by the joint activity of the population of neurons is irreducible to its independent contribution due to the role of astrocytes. We relate these results with the shared information modulated by the spike synchronization imposed by the bidirectional feedback between neurons and astrocytes. It is shown that the dynamical complexity is maximized when there is a balance between the spike correlation and spontaneous spiking activity. Finally, the previous observations on neuron-glial signaling are extended to a large-scale system with community structure. Here we use a multi-scale approach to account for spatiotemporal features of astrocytic signaling coupled with clusters of neurons. We investigate the interplay of astrocytes and spiking-time-dependent-plasticity at local and global scales in the emergence of complexity and neuronal synchronization. We demonstrate the utility of astrocytes and learning in improving the encoding of external stimuli as well as its ability to favour the integration of information at synaptic timescales to exhibit a high intrinsic causal structure at the system level. Our proposed approach and observations point to potential effects of the astrocytes for sustaining more complex information processing in the neural circuitry