1,905 research outputs found

    Recent advances in 3D printing of biomaterials.

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    3D Printing promises to produce complex biomedical devices according to computer design using patient-specific anatomical data. Since its initial use as pre-surgical visualization models and tooling molds, 3D Printing has slowly evolved to create one-of-a-kind devices, implants, scaffolds for tissue engineering, diagnostic platforms, and drug delivery systems. Fueled by the recent explosion in public interest and access to affordable printers, there is renewed interest to combine stem cells with custom 3D scaffolds for personalized regenerative medicine. Before 3D Printing can be used routinely for the regeneration of complex tissues (e.g. bone, cartilage, muscles, vessels, nerves in the craniomaxillofacial complex), and complex organs with intricate 3D microarchitecture (e.g. liver, lymphoid organs), several technological limitations must be addressed. In this review, the major materials and technology advances within the last five years for each of the common 3D Printing technologies (Three Dimensional Printing, Fused Deposition Modeling, Selective Laser Sintering, Stereolithography, and 3D Plotting/Direct-Write/Bioprinting) are described. Examples are highlighted to illustrate progress of each technology in tissue engineering, and key limitations are identified to motivate future research and advance this fascinating field of advanced manufacturing

    Fractal geometry of nature (bone) may inspire medical devices shape

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    Medical devices, as orthopaedics prostheses and dental implants, have been designed over years on the strength of mechanical, clinical and biological indications. This sequence is the commonly accepted cognitive and research process: adapting the device to the surrounding environment (host tissue). Inverting this traditional logical approach, we started from bone microarchitecture analysis. Here we show that a unique geometric rule seems to underlie different morphologic and functional aspects of human jaw bone tissue: fractal properties of white trabeculae in low quality bone are similar to fractal properties of black spaces in high quality bone and vice versa. These data inspired the fractal bone quality classification and they were the starting point for reverse engineering to design specific dental implants threads. We introduce a new philosophy: bone decoding and with these data devices encoding. In the future, the method will be implemented for the analysis of other human or animal tissues in order to project medical devices and biomaterials with a microarchitecture driven by nature

    Bone mechanical properties in healthy and diseased states

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    The mechanical properties of bone are fundamental to the ability of our skeletons to support movement and to provide protection to our vital organs. As such, deterioration in mechanical behavior with aging and/or diseases such as osteoporosis and diabetes can have profound consequences for individuals’ quality of life. This article reviews current knowledge of the basic mechanical behavior of bone at length scales ranging from hundreds of nanometers to tens of centimeters. We present the basic tenets of bone mechanics and connect them to some of the arcs of research that have brought the field to recent advances. We also discuss cortical bone, trabecular bone, and whole bones, as well as multiple aspects of material behavior, including elasticity, yield, fracture, fatigue, and damage. We describe the roles of bone quantity (e.g., density, porosity) and bone quality (e.g., cross-linking, protein composition), along with several avenues of future research.Author manuscrip

    Continuum Modeling and Simulation in Bone Tissue Engineering

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    Bone tissue engineering is currently a mature methodology from a research perspective. Moreover, modeling and simulation of involved processes and phenomena in BTE have been proved in a number of papers to be an excellent assessment tool in the stages of design and proof of concept through in-vivo or in-vitro experimentation. In this paper, a review of the most relevant contributions in modeling and simulation, in silico, in BTE applications is conducted. The most popular in silico simulations in BTE are classified into: (i) Mechanics modeling and sca old design, (ii) transport and flow modeling, and (iii) modeling of physical phenomena. The paper is restricted to the review of the numerical implementation and simulation of continuum theories applied to di erent processes in BTE, such that molecular dynamics or discrete approaches are out of the scope of the paper. Two main conclusions are drawn at the end of the paper: First, the great potential and advantages that in silico simulation o ers in BTE, and second, the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to further validate numerical models developed in BTE.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno España DPI2017-82501-

    Three-dimensional multifractal analysis of trabecular bone under clinical computed tomography

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    Purpose: An adequate understanding of bone structural properties is critical for predicting fragility conditions caused by diseases such as osteoporosis, and in gauging the success of fracture prevention treatments. In this work we aim to develop multiresolution image analysis techniques to extrapolate high-resolution images predictive power to images taken in clinical conditions. Methods: We performed multifractal analysis (MFA) on a set of 17 ex vivo human vertebrae clinical CT scans. The vertebræ failure loads (FFailure) were experimentally measured. We combined bone mineral density (BMD) with different multifractal dimensions, and BMD with multiresolution statistics (e.g., skewness, kurtosis) of MFA curves, to obtain linear models to predict FFailure. Furthermore we obtained short- and long-term precisions from simulated in vivo scans, using a clinical CT scanner. Ground-truth data - high-resolution images - were obtained with a High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HRpQCT) scanner. Results: At the same level of detail, BMD combined with traditional multifractal descriptors (Lipschitz-Hölder exponents), and BMD with monofractal features showed similar prediction powers in predicting FFailure (87%, adj. R2). However, at different levels of details, the prediction power of BMD with multifractal features raises to 92% (adj. R2) of FFailure. Our main finding is that a simpler but slightly less accurate model, combining BMD and the skewness of the resulting multifractal curves, predicts 90% (adj. R2) of FFailure. Conclusions: Compared to monofractal and standard bone measures, multifractal analysis captured key insights in the conditions leading to FFailure. Instead of raw multifractal descriptors, the statistics of multifractal curves can be used in several other contexts, facilitating further research.Fil: Baravalle, Rodrigo Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas; ArgentinaFil: Thomsen, Felix Sebastian Leo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Delrieux, Claudio Augusto. Universidad Nacional del Sur; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lu, Yongtao. Dalian University of Technology; ChinaFil: Gómez, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas; ArgentinaFil: Stošić, Borko. Universidade Federal Rural Pernambuco; BrasilFil: Stošić, Tatijana. Universidade Federal Rural Pernambuco; Brasi

    Multi-Scale Biomechanics of Osteoporotic Spine Fracture

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    Osteoporosis, the most common bone disorder found in the elderly, afflicts from 15 to 30% Caucasian women in US and results in an estimated 700,000 spine fractures per year. The prevalence of spine fractures in the elderly is high, ranging from 20 to 50%. Fractures are biomechanical events resulting from the load applied to a bone exceeding its ability to bear load. Osteoporotic spine fracture occurs owing to diminished vertebral microarchitecture and microfailure of bone tissues, ultimately leading to a compromised whole vertebral strength, and therefore, it is a multi-scale biomechanics event. In this chapter, insights into the micromechanics of the human vertebral body gained by micro-computed tomography (CT) and micro-finite element modeling will be reviewed. Following that, noninvasive assessment of vertebral strength using quantitative CT-based finite element analysis at a continuum level and its potential applications in improving spine fracture risk prediction in the clinic will be discussed

    Bone microarchitecture in human foetuses

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    articleBone microarchitecture is receiving increasing attention in theassessment of the biomechanical properties of bone. While it iswell characterized in normal and pathologic human subjects,few quantitative data are available in human fetal development.In this paper, quantitative parameters of bone microarchitecturein developing human bone are reviewed from the literature andsupplemented by new data from the femoral metaphysis of hu-man fetuses. The samples were imaged using synchrotron radi-ation 3D micro-CT and processed using customized analysismethods. This technique provides 3D model independent mor-phometric parameters, anisotropy, connectivity and geometrycharacteristics, as well as information on mineralization.The morphometric parameters obtained on fetal vertebrae andfemurs evidenced a dense trabecular structure as comparedto that of young adults. The histomorphometric and the 3D mi-cro-CT analysis were consistent to show a significant in-crease of trabecular bone volume with gestational age. Tra-becular bone was found isotropic in vertebral bodies andanisotropic in femoral metaphysis, demonstrating a radialgrowth in vertebrae, and a longitudinal spreading out in longbones such as the femurs. Trabecular thickness in the maturebone of vertebral body and femoral metaphysis was around100 μm, which was in agreement with histomorphometric eval-uation. In the femoral metaphysis, three-dimensional analysisconfirmed the thickening of trabeculae with the distance tothe growth plate, and an estimated rate of thickening around 3μm/day previously obtained in histomorphometry. The 3D net-work was highly connected, and our new geometrical analysistechnique showed a strong prevalence of rod structure ascompared to the plate structure in cancellous bone
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