794 research outputs found

    BK 10-15:

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    Over the years 2010-2015 TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (in Dutch: Bouwkunde or BK) made good progress with its research by: merging the Architecture faculty and the Built Environment research institute; streamlining its PhD research by setting-up a graduate school for doctoral education; co-founding an institute for metropolitan solutions in Amsterdam together with MIT and Wageningen University (targeted yearly budget: 25 M€); implementing good research management; increasing the scientific output; managing a project portfolio with a yearly income of 1.5 M€ in research grants, 5 M€ in contract research and up to 2 M€ in other external funding; ranking 3rd in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2015 - Architecture / Built Environment. Presented in this book is an overview of research data and policies, together with a selection of our finest research results: activities, organisations, facilities/assets, output, including indications of their use and recognition. Now it is not the time to become complacent. Instead, we should look ahead to face new academic and societal challenges and opportunities, knowing we can always do better

    Communication as Symbiogenesis – On the Relationality of Mobile Phoning in Korea

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    This study understands communication as parasitic and symbiogenetic. It recognizes an object or technology no less and no more important than a subject, and appreciates the “process” of the “becoming” of both a subject and an object. Media and individuals create and recreate each other. In the symbiogenetic space in-between, what happens is not a physical addition of a technological object to an individual, but, rather, it is a chemical fusion of the two, which holds unprecedented, distinctive qualities that have not been seen from any of the two constituents. Among various communication media, this study examines why and how the mobile phone is particularly parasitic and symbiogenetic

    Waste to 3D Printing: the development of additive symbiotic networks

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    Industry 4.0 technologies, such as additive manufacturing (AM) and blockchain technology, may drive the implementation of a new generation of circular economy strategies. However, the role of these new technologies in designing and implementing circular economy ecosystems is not a trivial issue. In this sense, this PhD research work intends to foster knowledge for developing industrial symbiosis networks within the AM industry - the so-called additive symbiotic networks. A systematic literature review reveals current circular economy relationships within the AM industry and highlights the potential of this industry to create and develop additive symbiotic networks in which plastic wastes from other industries may be used as material inputs for AM processes. However, given the digital nature of AM and considering challenges related to trust or implementing transactions, there is a need to find tools that enable additive symbiotic networks. Blockchain technology may be an enabler of such symbiotic networks, and its adoption within these settings may have implications for the supply chain of the additive symbiotic networks. Using an abductive research approach, two case studies are conducted concerning two additive symbiotic networks comprising companies that use AM processes to valorize plastic waste streams. Case study A proves there is space within the context of additive symbiotic networks to explore the adoption of blockchain technology and identifies a set of requirements that support the technology adoption in that specific network context. From this point, case study B is developed in order to understand the consequent implications of adopting such disruptive technology as blockchain in the supply chain structure of an additive symbiotic network. Results suggest that with the adoption of blockchain there is a reduction in the number of intermediary stakeholders involved in the network and an adaption of the value flows within the network. By offering a tool that helps to deal with the challenges associated with the additive symbiotic networks, exploring its adoption and some of its implications in the supply chain of those networks, this PhD thesis promotes the development of the additive symbiotic networks, contributing to the efficient use of natural resources, promoting the collaboration between industries and reducing waste streams to achieve more sustainable production.As tecnologias que compõem a Indústria 4.0, como a manufatura aditiva (MA) e tecnologia blockchain, podem impulsionar a implementação de estratégias de economia circular. No entanto, o papel dessas novas tecnologias na conceção e implementação de ecossistemas de economia circular não é uma questão trivial. Este trabalho de doutoramento pretende fomentar o conhecimento para desenvolver redes de simbiose industrial na indústria da MA - as designadas redes simbióticas aditivas. A realização de uma revisão sistemática da literatura revela as relações entre a economia circular e a indústria da MA, destacando o seu potencial para desenvolver redes simbióticas aditivas. Nestas redes, resíduos ou subprodutos de outras indústrias podem ser utilizados como matéria-prima secundária em processos de MA. No entanto, considerando a natureza digital associada à MA e desafios relacionados com as redes de simbiose industrial, como a confiança ou a implementação de transações na rede, existe necessidade de encontrar ferramentas que possibilitem a implementação das redes simbióticas aditivas. A tecnologia blockchain pode ser uma facilitadora e sua adoção pode ter implicações para cadeia de abastecimento das redes simbióticas aditivas. Utilizando uma abordagem de investigação abdutiva, dois estudos de caso são desenvolvidos, em relação a duas redes simbióticas aditivas compostas por empresas que usam processos de MA para valorizar fluxos de resíduos e subprodutos. O estudo de caso A comprova que há potencial no contexto das redes simbióticas aditivas para a adoção da tecnologia blockchain e identifica um conjunto de requisitos que suportam a adoção desta tecnologia no contexto específico da rede em estudo. O caso de estudo B é desenvolvido com o objetivo de compreender as implicações da adoção da blockchain na estrutura da cadeia de abastecimento de uma rede simbiótica aditiva. Os resultados sugerem que com a adoção da blockchain há uma redução no número de entidades intermediários envolvidas na rede e há uma adaptação dos fluxos de valor dentro dessa mesma rede. Ao oferecer uma ferramenta que ajuda a lidar com os desafios associados às redes simbióticas aditivas, explorando a sua adoção e algumas das suas implicações na cadeia de abastecimento dessas redes, esta tese de doutoramento promove o desenvolvimento das redes simbióticas aditivas, contribuindo para uma eficiente utilização de recursos naturais, promovendo a colaboração entre as indústrias e reduzindo os fluxos de resíduos para alcançar uma produção mais sustentável

    A Humanist in the Hospital:Cultural Assessments of Electronic Health Records

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    Media architecture: Facilitating the co-creation of place

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    This thesis questions how media architecture can facilitate the co-creation of place. Employing a research through design methodology three hybrid (tangible and digital) design interventions were deployed in Southeast Queensland. The concept of do-it-yourself/do-it-with-others (DIY/DIWO) media architecture is proposed and implemented through the InstaBooth, a situated community engagement pop-up booth. The findings indicate that through the ability to co-create media content in the InstaBooth, participants were able to find their voice and reached a better understanding of community, informing strengthening their sense of place. This thesis contributes new knowledge towards hybrid approaches to city making expanding the definition of media architecture

    UOW Research Report 1989- 1990

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    Co-designing cities: Designers as enablers of community-driven change by participatory means in the urban context

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    In the 21st century, design has expanded in scope and become applied as an approach to developing more human-centered and sustainable solutions, environments and strategies in the urban context, with multidisciplinary collaboration recognized as a precondition for addressing complex societal issues. Simultaneously, the progress of technology and emergence of social media have enabled citizens to become central actors, who collectively and proactively contribute to the development of cities through self-organized action. In the thesis, this transition is examined from the point of view of a designer, with the aim to explore and discover the potential roles that a designer might adopt to catalyze sustainable change in the urban context by means of co-design. With sustainability as the newly adopted, ultimate goal in all design activity, it is proposed that harnessing citizens as a resource in co-developing solutions and environments in cities by means of participation can induce broad positive impact that extends beyond improving the quality of design outcomes. The thesis topic is approached through two distinct sections: a theoretical study and a case study. A literature review and expert interviews are conducted to first establish a comprehensive understanding on three subject matters: design in contemporary society and cities; participation in design; and citizen participation in the urban context. In the case study, observations obtained through a fieldwork period in 2017-2018 on Konepaja are elaborated and analyzed. Located in a rapidly transforming industrial milieu in Vallila, Helsinki, Konepaja is a former train carriage workshop that operated for a century before the operations were shut down in 2003. In the recent years, the neglected site has become known for distinctive urban culture stemming from the grass root level. The community members of Konepaja are identified as key actors in developing the area through a bottom-up directed process, that can amplify the existing assets and potential of the site. The focus is on exploring how the shared future vision of Konepaja could potentially be achieved by means of co-design, and what roles a designer can adopt in the process. The aim is to propose how conditions might be established for the community to mobilize and sustain a bottom-up directed development process autonomously, and thus contribute to developing Konepaja into a socially sustainable and vibrant urban area. Through the study, it is discovered that high quality participation can induce various positive implications, with the most notable benefits being social. Enabling participation throughout the development process can lead to a transformation within individuals and communities themselves, including empowerment, increase in social capital, a stronger sense of community, and commitment to change. By approaching a development process with a participatory mindset, the process can become a platform for the community to assemble, collaborate, and mobilize to take concrete, collective action. Thus, by facilitating and enabling a participatory process, a designer can enable harnessing the community as an invaluable resource and a transformative force, potentially catalyzing broader positive change within the community, urban area and even in the city scale.2000-luvun yhteiskunnallisessa muutoksessa muotoilun kenttä on muuttunut ja laajentunut voimakkaasti. Yksi uusista sovelluskohteista on kaupungit, joissa muotoilun lähestymistapaa on alettu soveltamaan kestävien ja ihmislähtöisten ratkaisujen, ympäristöjen ja kauaskantoisten strategioiden suunnittelemiseksi, ja joissa monialainen yhteistyö on tunnistettu edellytykseksi monimutkaisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Samalla teknologian kehitys ja sosiaalinen media ovat mahdollistaneet kaupunkilaisten ja yhteisöjen aktivoitumisen keskeisinä toimijoina kaupunkien kehityksessä itseorganisoitumisen keinoin. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteina on tarkastella tätä muutosta muotoilijan näkökulmasta sekä tutkia niitä mahdollisia rooleja, joita muotoilija voi omaksua kaupunkiympäristöjen kehittämisessä yhteissuunnittelun menetelmiä hyödyntäen. Keskeisin muotoilun tehtävä nyky-yhteiskunnassa on edistää kestävää kehitystä ja suunnitella siten myös sosiaalisesti kestäviä ratkaisuja, minkä mahdollistamisessa yhteissuunnittelu sekä kaupunkilaisten osallistaminen ja valjastaminen muutosvoimana ovat avainasemassa. Muotoilijan rooli nähdään kaupunkilaisten osallistamisen ja kaupunkien kestävän yhteissuunnittelun mahdollistajana, sekä mahdollisena katalyyttina laajemmille vaikutuksille, joita osallistamisen keinoin voidaan saavuttaa. Opinnäytetyössä aihetta käsitellään teoreettisen tutkimuksen sekä tapausesimerkin kautta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja ammattilaishaastattelujen keinoin luodaan ensin kokonaisvaltainen ymmärrys kolmesta eri aihealueesta: muotoilu nyky-yhteiskunnassa ja kaupunkikontekstissa, osallistaminen muotoilussa, sekä kaupunkilaisten osallistaminen kaupungeissa. Tapaustutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Konepajaa, Helsingin Vallilassa sijaitsevaa entistä Valtionrautateiden vaunukonepajaa, vuosien 2017-2018 aikana toteutetun kenttätutkimuksen avulla kerättyjä havaintoja analysoimalla. Alkuperäisen toiminnan päätyttyä vuonna 2003 pitkään tyhjillään olleisiin rakennuksiin on viime vuosina kehkeytynyt ruohonjuuritason toimintaa, jonka avulla alueelle on virinnyt uusia kaupunkikulttuuria ja omaleimaista paikkaidentiteettiä kehittäviä toimintoja ja väliaikaiskäyttöjä. Kenttätutkimuksessa Konepajan yhteisön jäsenet tunnistetaan merkittävinä toimijoina alueen tulevaisuuden käyttöjen ja kehitysprosessin suunnan määrittämisessä sekä sosiaalisesti kestävän, alhaalta ylöspäin suuntautuvan kehitysprosessin vetureina. Analyysiosiossa tarkastellaan, miten Konepajan tulevaisuuden kehitystä voisi lähestyä yhteissuunnittelun menetelmin ja miten muotoilija voisi osaamisellaan myötävaikuttaa alueen kestävään ja olemassa olevia vahvuuksia voimistavaan tulevaisuuskehitykseen. Pääpaino tarkastelussa on alueen toimijoiden roolissa muutosprosessin alullepanijoina ja ylläpitäjinä, joiden avulla Konepajasta voidaan kehittää yhteisiä tulevaisuusvisioita vastaava, elinvoimainen kaupunkikulttuurin keskus. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuksen kautta osoitetaan, että korkeatasoisella osallistamisella ja yhteissuunnittelulla voidaan synnyttää laajojakin kokonaisvaikutuksia sekä ympäristössä että yhteisöjen sisäisesti, joista huomattavimmat ovat sosiaalisia. Mahdollistamalla kaupunkilaisten korkeatasoisen ja jatkuvan osallistamisen koko kehitysprosessin ajan yhteisön jäsenet voidaan sitouttaa muutosprosesseihin voimaannuttamalla, yhteisöllisyyttä voidaan parantaa sekä yhteisön toimijoiden välisiä suhteita vahvistaa. Lähestymällä kehitysprosessia osallistavasta näkökulmasta yhteissuunnitteluprosessi voi toimia alustana yhteisön järjestäytymiselle, yhteistyölle ja konkreettisen toiminnan mobilisoinnille. Muotoilijan rooli yhteissuunnittelun fasilitoijana ja mahdollistajana voi johtaa yhteisön valjastamiseen resurssina ja muutosvoimana kaupungeissa. Tämä voi puolestaan mahdollistaa kestävän muutoksen ja kehityksen niin yhteisön sisäisesti, kaupunkiympäristössä kuin mahdollisesti myös koko kaupungin mittakaavassa