8 research outputs found

    Wearable learning tools

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    In life people must learn whenever and wherever they experience something new. Until recently computing technology could not support such a notion, the constraints of size, power and cost kept computers under the classroom table, in the office or in the home. Recent advances in miniaturization have led to a growing field of research in ‘wearable’ computing. This paper looks at how such technologies can enhance computer‐mediated communications, with a focus upon collaborative working for learning. An experimental system, MetaPark, is discussed, which explores communications, data retrieval and recording, and navigation techniques within and across real and virtual environments. In order to realize the MetaPark concept, an underlying network architecture is described that supports the required communication model between static and mobile users. This infrastructure, the MUON framework, is offered as a solution to provide a seamless service that tracks user location, interfaces to contextual awareness agents, and provides transparent network service switching

    Design For Auditory Displays: Identifying Temporal And Spatial Information Conveyance Principles

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    Designing auditory interfaces is a challenge for current human-systems developers. This is largely due to a lack of theoretical guidance for directing how best to use sounds in today\u27s visually-rich graphical user interfaces. This dissertation provided a framework for guiding the design of audio interfaces to enhance human-systems performance. This doctoral research involved reviewing the literature on conveying temporal and spatial information using audio, using this knowledge to build three theoretical models to aid the design of auditory interfaces, and empirically validating select components of the models. The three models included an audio integration model that outlines an end-to-end process for adding sounds to interactive interfaces, a temporal audio model that provides a framework for guiding the timing for integration of these sounds to meet human performance objectives, and a spatial audio model that provides a framework for adding spatialization cues to interface sounds. Each model is coupled with a set of design guidelines theorized from the literature, thus combined, the developed models put forward a structured process for integrating sounds in interactive interfaces. The developed models were subjected to a three phase validation process that included review by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to assess the face validity of the developed models and two empirical studies. For the SME review, which assessed the utility of the developed models and identified opportunities for improvement, a panel of three audio experts was selected to respond to a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) validation questionnaire. Based on the SWOT analysis, the main strengths of the models included that they provide a systematic approach to auditory display design and that they integrate a wide variety of knowledge sources in a concise manner. The main weaknesses of the models included the lack of a structured process for amending the models with new principles, some branches were not considered parallel or completely distinct, and lack of guidance on selecting interface sounds. The main opportunity identified by the experts was the ability of the models to provide a seminal body of knowledge that can be used for building and validating auditory display designs. The main threats identified by the experts were that users may not know where to start and end with each model, the models may not provide comprehensive coverage of all uses of auditory displays, and the models may act as a restrictive influence on designers or they may be used inappropriately. Based on the SWOT analysis results, several changes were made to the models prior to the empirical studies. Two empirical evaluation studies were conducted to test the theorized design principles derived from the revised models. The first study focused on assessing the utility of audio cues to train a temporal pacing task and the second study combined both temporal (i.e., pace) and spatial audio information, with a focus on examining integration issues. In the pace study, there were four different auditory conditions used for training pace: 1) a metronome, 2) non-spatial auditory earcons, 3) a spatialized auditory earcon, and 4) no audio cues for pace training. Sixty-eight people participated in the study. A pre- post between subjects experimental design was used, with eight training trials. The measure used for assessing pace performance was the average deviation from a predetermined desired pace. The results demonstrated that a metronome was not effective in training participants to maintain a desired pace, while, spatial and non-spatial earcons were effective strategies for pace training. Moreover, an examination of post-training performance as compared to pre-training suggested some transfer of learning. Design guidelines were extracted for integrating auditory cues for pace training tasks in virtual environments. In the second empirical study, combined temporal (pacing) and spatial (location of entities within the environment) information were presented. There were three different spatialization conditions used: 1) high fidelity using subjective selection of a best-fit head related transfer function, 2) low fidelity using a generalized head-related transfer function, and 3) no spatialization. A pre- post between subjects experimental design was used, with eight training trials. The performance measures were average deviation from desired pace and time and accuracy to complete the task. The results of the second study demonstrated that temporal, non-spatial auditory cues were effective in influencing pace while other cues were present. On the other hand, spatialized auditory cues did not result in significantly faster task completion. Based on these results, a set of design guidelines was proposed that can be used to direct the integration of spatial and temporal auditory cues for supporting training tasks in virtual environments. Taken together, the developed models and the associated guidelines provided a theoretical foundation from which to direct user-centered design of auditory interfaces

    Around-Body Interaction: Leveraging Limb Movements for Interacting in a Digitally Augmented Physical World

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    Recent technological advances have made head-mounted displays (HMDs) smaller and untethered, fostering the vision of ubiquitous interaction with information in a digitally augmented physical world. For interacting with such devices, three main types of input - besides not very intuitive finger gestures - have emerged so far: 1) Touch input on the frame of the devices or 2) on accessories (controller) as well as 3) voice input. While these techniques have both advantages and disadvantages depending on the current situation of the user, they largely ignore the skills and dexterity that we show when interacting with the real world: Throughout our lives, we have trained extensively to use our limbs to interact with and manipulate the physical world around us. This thesis explores how the skills and dexterity of our upper and lower limbs, acquired and trained in interacting with the real world, can be transferred to the interaction with HMDs. Thus, this thesis develops the vision of around-body interaction, in which we use the space around our body, defined by the reach of our limbs, for fast, accurate, and enjoyable interaction with such devices. This work contributes four interaction techniques, two for the upper limbs and two for the lower limbs: The first contribution shows how the proximity between our head and hand can be used to interact with HMDs. The second contribution extends the interaction with the upper limbs to multiple users and illustrates how the registration of augmented information in the real world can support cooperative use cases. The third contribution shifts the focus to the lower limbs and discusses how foot taps can be leveraged as an input modality for HMDs. The fourth contribution presents how lateral shifts of the walking path can be exploited for mobile and hands-free interaction with HMDs while walking.Comment: thesi

    Human factors in instructional augmented reality for intravehicular spaceflight activities and How gravity influences the setup of interfaces operated by direct object selection

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    In human spaceflight, advanced user interfaces are becoming an interesting mean to facilitate human-machine interaction, enhancing and guaranteeing the sequences of intravehicular space operations. The efforts made to ease such operations have shown strong interests in novel human-computer interaction like Augmented Reality (AR). The work presented in this thesis is directed towards a user-driven design for AR-assisted space operations, iteratively solving issues arisen from the problem space, which also includes the consideration of the effect of altered gravity on handling such interfaces.Auch in der bemannten Raumfahrt steigt das Interesse an neuartigen Benutzerschnittstellen, um nicht nur die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion effektiver zu gestalten, sondern auch um einen korrekten Arbeitsablauf sicherzustellen. In der Vergangenheit wurden wiederholt Anstrengungen unternommen, Innenbordarbeiten mit Hilfe von Augmented Reality (AR) zu erleichtern. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf einen nutzerorientierten AR-Ansatz, welcher zum Ziel hat, die Probleme schrittweise in einem iterativen Designprozess zu lösen. Dies erfordert auch die Berücksichtigung veränderter Schwerkraftbedingungen

    Virtualisation d'interfaces matérielles : proposition, implémentation et évaluation d'un nouveau paradigme d'interactions humain-machine

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    RÉSUMÉ En acquérant de nouvelles fonctions, les machines environnantes ont vu leur interface se complexifier. Cette évolution rapide et non-contrôlée a mené à des interactions humainmachine moins performantes, forçant deux courants de pensées à émerger. Puisant dans l’informatique pervasive, le premier a favorisé le développement de machines intelligentes, en les augmentant de multiples senseurs pour automatiser la plupart de leurs fonctionnalités, afin de décharger leur interface et limiter les interactions humainmachine aux actions strictement essentielles. Le deuxième s’est concentré, entre autres, sur la formulation de philosophies de design (design centré sur l’utilisateur, conception pour tous, interfaces unifiées…) et sur l’élaboration de méthodes d’évaluation (cognitive walkthrough, évaluations heuristiques…), afin de simplifier et de standardiser ces interfaces. Bien que ces recherches ont et continuent de façonner le monde des interfaces humain-machine tel que nous le connaissons, il nous reste encore beaucoup de progrès à faire pour offrir, à chaque utilisateur et dans un marché de masse, des interfaces optimales et minimales, répondant spécifiquement à leurs besoins, à leurs modèles mentaux et à leurs préférences individuels.----------ABSTRACT As machines acquired new capabilities, their interfaces ultimately became more complex. This unrestrained and rapid evolution led to problematic man-machine interactions, forcing two currents of thought to emerge. Drawing upon pervasive computing, the first moved towards intelligent machines, using multiple sensors to automate most of their functionalities, to streamline their interfaces and to limit manmachine interactions to essential actions. The second focused, among other concepts, on design philosophies (user-centered design, design for all, unified interfaces…) and evaluation methods (cognitive walkthrough, heuristic evaluations…), in a quest to simplify and standardize these interfaces. While such research shaped and continues to shape the world of man-machine interfaces as we know it, we are still far from offering, in a mass-market environment, ideal and minimal interfaces, tailored to a user’s specific and individual needs, mental models and preferences

    Interface diffuse : conception, développement et évaluation d'un nouveau paradigme d'interaction humain-ordinateur porté

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    Introduction -- Revue de littérature sur les interfaces humain-ordinateur porté -- Problématique liée aux interactions humain-ordinateur porté -- Méthodologie de l'étude expérimentale -- Conception et développement d'un prototype d'ordinateur porté et des interfaces diffuses associées -- Résultats de l'étude expérimentale et discussion -- Conclusion

    Towards exploring future landscapes using augmented reality

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    With increasing pressure to better manage the environment many government and private organisations are studying the relationships between social, economic and environmental factors to determine how they can best be optimised for increased sustainability. The analysis of such relationships are undertaken using computer-based Integrated Catchment Models (ICM). These models are capable of generating multiple scenarios depicting alternative land use alternatives at a variety of temporal and spatial scales, which present (potentially) better Triple-Bottom Line (TBL) outcomes than the prevailing situation. Dissemination of this data is (for the most part) reliant on traditional, static map products however, the ability of such products to display the complexity and temporal aspects is limited and ultimately undervalues both the knowledge incorporated in the models and the capacity of stakeholders to disseminate the complexities through other means. Geovisualization provides tools and methods for disseminating large volumes of spatial (and associated non-spatial) data. Virtual Environments (VE) have been utilised for various aspects of landscape planning for more than a decade. While such systems are capable of visualizing large volumes of data at ever-increasing levels of realism, they restrict the users ability to accurately perceive the (virtual) space. Augmented Reality (AR) is a visualization technique which allows users freedom to explore a physical space and have that space augmented with additional, spatially referenced information. A review of existing mobile AR systems forms the basis of this research. A theoretical mobile outdoor AR system using Common-Of-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware and open-source software is developed. The specific requirements for visualizing land use scenarios in a mobile AR system were derived using a usability engineering approach known as Scenario-Based Design (SBD). This determined the elements required in the user interfaces resulting in the development of a low-fidelity, computer-based prototype. The prototype user interfaces were evaluated using participants from two targeted stakeholder groups undertaking hypothetical use scenarios. Feedback from participants was collected using the cognitive walk-through technique and supplemented by evaluator observations of participants physical actions. Results from this research suggest that the prototype user interfaces did provide the necessary functionality for interacting with land use scenarios. While there were some concerns about the potential implementation of "yet another" system, participants were able to envisage the benefits of visualizing land use scenario data in the physical environment