55,547 research outputs found

    Single-tree detection in high-density LiDAR data from UAV-based survey

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    UAV-based LiDAR survey provides very-high-density point clouds, which involve very rich information about forest detailed structure, allowing for detection of individual trees, as well as demanding high computational load. Single-tree detection is of great interest for forest management and ecology purposes, and the task is relatively well solved for forests made of single or largely dominant species, and trees having a very evident pointed shape in the upper part of the canopy (in particular conifers). Most authors proposed methods based totally or partially on search of local maxima in the canopy, which has poor performance for species that have flat or irregular upper canopy, and for mixed forests, especially where taller trees hide smaller ones. Such considerations apply in particular to Mediterranean hardwood forests. In such context, it is imperative to use the whole volume of the point cloud, however keeping computational load tractable. The authors propose the use of a methodology based on modelling the 3D-shape of the tree, which improves performance w.r.t to maxima-based models. A case study, performed on a hazel grove, is provided to document performance improvement on a relatively simple, but significant, case

    Sequence-based Multiscale Model (SeqMM) for High-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data analysis

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    In this paper, I introduce a Sequence-based Multiscale Model (SeqMM) for the biomolecular data analysis. With the combination of spectral graph method, I reveal the essential difference between the global scale models and local scale ones in structure clustering, i.e., different optimization on Euclidean (or spatial) distances and sequential (or genomic) distances. More specifically, clusters from global scale models optimize Euclidean distance relations. Local scale models, on the other hand, result in clusters that optimize the genomic distance relations. For a biomolecular data, Euclidean distances and sequential distances are two independent variables, which can never be optimized simultaneously in data clustering. However, sequence scale in my SeqMM can work as a tuning parameter that balances these two variables and deliver different clusterings based on my purposes. Further, my SeqMM is used to explore the hierarchical structures of chromosomes. I find that in global scale, the Fiedler vector from my SeqMM bears a great similarity with the principal vector from principal component analysis, and can be used to study genomic compartments. In TAD analysis, I find that TADs evaluated from different scales are not consistent and vary a lot. Particularly when the sequence scale is small, the calculated TAD boundaries are dramatically different. Even for regions with high contact frequencies, TAD regions show no obvious consistence. However, when the scale value increases further, although TADs are still quite different, TAD boundaries in these high contact frequency regions become more and more consistent. Finally, I find that for a fixed local scale, my method can deliver very robust TAD boundaries in different cluster numbers.Comment: 22 PAGES, 13 FIGURE
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