68 research outputs found

    Sparse representation-based augmented multinomial logistic extreme learning machine with weighted composite features for spectral–spatial classification of hyperspectral images.

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    Although extreme learning machine (ELM) has successfully been applied to a number of pattern recognition problems, only with the original ELM it can hardly yield high accuracy for the classification of hyperspectral images (HSIs) due to two main drawbacks. The first is due to the randomly generated initial weights and bias, which cannot guarantee optimal output of ELM. The second is the lack of spatial information in the classifier as the conventional ELM only utilizes spectral information for classification of HSI. To tackle these two problems, a new framework for ELM-based spectral-spatial classification of HSI is proposed, where probabilistic modeling with sparse representation and weighted composite features (WCFs) is employed to derive the optimized output weights and extract spatial features. First, ELM is represented as a concave logarithmic-likelihood function under statistical modeling using the maximum a posteriori estimator. Second, sparse representation is applied to the Laplacian prior to efficiently determine a logarithmic posterior with a unique maximum in order to solve the ill-posed problem of ELM. The variable splitting and the augmented Lagrangian are subsequently used to further reduce the computation complexity of the proposed algorithm. Third, the spatial information is extracted using the WCFs to construct the spectral-spatial classification framework. In addition, the lower bound of the proposed method is derived by a rigorous mathematical proof. Experimental results on three publicly available HSI data sets demonstrate that the proposed methodology outperforms ELM and also a number of state-of-the-art approaches

    Local block multilayer sparse extreme learning machine for effective feature extraction and classification of hyperspectral images.

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    Although extreme learning machines (ELM) have been successfully applied for the classification of hyperspectral images (HSIs), they still suffer from three main drawbacks. These include: 1) ineffective feature extraction (FE) in HSIs due to a single hidden layer neuron network used; 2) ill-posed problems caused by the random input weights and biases; and 3) lack of spatial information for HSIs classification. To tackle the first problem, we construct a multilayer ELM for effective FE from HSIs. The sparse representation is adopted with the multilayer ELM to tackle the ill-posed problem of ELM, which can be solved by the alternative direction method of multipliers. This has resulted in the proposed multilayer sparse ELM (MSELM) model. Considering that the neighboring pixels are more likely from the same class, a local block extension is introduced for MSELM to extract the local spatial information, leading to the local block MSELM (LBMSELM). The loopy belief propagation is also applied to the proposed MSELM and LBMSELM approaches to further utilize the rich spectral and spatial information for improving the classification. Experimental results show that the proposed methods have outperformed the ELM and other state-of-the-art approaches

    Extreme sparse multinomial logistic regression : a fast and robust framework for hyperspectral image classification

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    Although the sparse multinomial logistic regression (SMLR) has provided a useful tool for sparse classification, it suffers from inefficacy in dealing with high dimensional features and manually set initial regressor values. This has significantly constrained its applications for hyperspectral image (HSI) classification. In order to tackle these two drawbacks, an extreme sparse multinomial logistic regression (ESMLR) is proposed for effective classification of HSI. First, the HSI dataset is projected to a new feature space with randomly generated weight and bias. Second, an optimization model is established by the Lagrange multiplier method and the dual principle to automatically determine a good initial regressor for SMLR via minimizing the training error and the regressor value. Furthermore, the extended multi-attribute profiles (EMAPs) are utilized for extracting both the spectral and spatial features. A combinational linear multiple features learning (MFL) method is proposed to further enhance the features extracted by ESMLR and EMAPs. Finally, the logistic regression via the variable splitting and the augmented Lagrangian (LORSAL) is adopted in the proposed framework for reducing the computational time. Experiments are conducted on two well-known HSI datasets, namely the Indian Pines dataset and the Pavia University dataset, which have shown the fast and robust performance of the proposed ESMLR framework

    Locality Regularized Robust-PCRC: A Novel Simultaneous Feature Extraction and Classification Framework for Hyperspectral Images

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    Despite the successful applications of probabilistic collaborative representation classification (PCRC) in pattern classification, it still suffers from two challenges when being applied on hyperspectral images (HSIs) classification: 1) ineffective feature extraction in HSIs under noisy situation; and 2) lack of prior information for HSIs classification. To tackle the first problem existed in PCRC, we impose the sparse representation to PCRC, i.e., to replace the 2-norm with 1-norm for effective feature extraction under noisy condition. In order to utilize the prior information in HSIs, we first introduce the Euclidean distance (ED) between the training samples and the testing samples for the PCRC to improve the performance of PCRC. Then, we bring the coordinate information (CI) of the HSIs into the proposed model, which finally leads to the proposed locality regularized robust PCRC (LRR-PCRC). Experimental results show the proposed LRR-PCRC outperformed PCRC and other state-of-the-art pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms

    Convolutional neural network extreme learning machine for effective classification of hyperspectral images

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    Due to its excellent performance in terms of fast implementation, strong generalization capability and straightforward solution, extreme learning machine (ELM) has attracted increasingly attentions in pattern recognition such as face recognition and hyperspectral image (HSI) classification. However, the performance of ELM for HSI classification remains a challenging problem especially in effective extraction of the featured information from the massive volume of data. To this end, we propose in this paper a new method to combine Convolutional neural network (CNN) with ELM (CNN-ELM) for HSI classification. As CNN has been successfully applied for feature extraction in different applications, the combined CNN-ELM approach aims to take advantages of these two techniques for improved classification of HSI. By preserving the spatial features whilst reconstructing the spectral features of HSI, the proposed CNN-ELM method can significantly improve the accuracy of HSI classification without increasing the computational complexity. Comprehensive experiments using three publicly available HSI data sets, Pavia University, Pavia center, and Salinas have fully validated the improved performance of the proposed method when benchmarking with several state-of-the-art approaches

    Spatial-spectral classification of hyperspectral images : a deep learning framework with Markov random fields based modeling

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    For spatial-spectral classification of hyperspectral images (HSI), a deep learning framework is proposed in this paper, which consists of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Markov random fields (MRF). Firstly, a CNN model to learn the deep spectral feature from the HSI is built and the class posterior probability distribution is estimated. The CNN with a dropout layer can relieve the overfitting in classification. The CNN is utilized as a pixel-classifier, so it only works in the spectral domain. Then, the spatial information will be encoded by MRF-based multilevel logistic (MLL) prior for regularizing the classification. To derive the correlation of both spectral and spatial features for improving algorithm performance, the marginal probability distribution in HSI is learned using MRF-based loopy belief propagation (LBP). In comparison with several state-of-the-art approaches for data classification on 3 publicly available HSI datasets, experimental results have demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed methodology

    Spatial residual blocks combined parallel network for hyperspectral image classification.

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    In hyperspectral image (HSI) classification, there are challenges of the spatial variation in spectral features and the lack of labeled samples. In this paper, a novel spatial residual blocks combined parallel network (SRPNet) is proposed for HSI classification. Firstly, the spatial residual blocks extract spatial features from rich spatial contexts information, which can be used to deal with the spatial variation of spectral signatures. Especially, the skip connection in spatial residual blocks is conducive to the backpropagation of gradients and mitigates the declining-accuracy phenomenon in the deep network. Secondly, the parallel structure is employed to extract spectral features. Spectral feature learning on parallel branches contains fewer independent connection weighs through parameter sharing. Thus, fewer parameters of the network require a lesser number of training samples. Furthermore, the feature fusion is conducted on the multi-scale features from different layers in the spectral feature learning part. Extensive experiments of three representative HSI data sets illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed network

    Hyperspectral Image Classification for Remote Sensing

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    This thesis is focused on deep learning-based, pixel-wise classification of hyperspectral images (HSI) in remote sensing. Although presence of many spectral bands in an HSI provides a valuable source of features, dimensionality reduction is often performed in the pre-processing step to reduce the correlation between bands. Most of the deep learning-based classification algorithms use unsupervised dimensionality reduction methods such as principal component analysis (PCA). However, in this thesis in order to take advantage of class discriminatory information in the dimensionality reduction step as well as power of deep neural network we propose a new method that combines a supervised dimensionality reduction technique, principal component discriminant analysis (PCDA) and deep learning. Furthermore, in this thesis in order to overcome the common problem of inadequacy of labeled samples in remote sensing HSI classification, we propose a spectral perturbation method to augment the number of training samples and improve the classification results. Since combining spatial and spectral information can dramatically improve HSI classification results, in this thesis we propose a new spectral-spatial feature vector. In our feature vector, based on their proximity to the dominant edges, neighbors of a target pixel have different contributions in forming the spatial information. To obtain such a proximity measure, we propose a method to compute the distance transform image of the input HSI. We then improved the spatial feature vector by adding extended multi attribute profile (EMAP) features to it. Classification accuracies demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method in generating a powerful, expressive spectral-spatial feature vector
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