6 research outputs found

    Computing graph gonality is hard

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    There are several notions of gonality for graphs. The divisorial gonality dgon(G) of a graph G is the smallest degree of a divisor of positive rank in the sense of Baker-Norine. The stable gonality sgon(G) of a graph G is the minimum degree of a finite harmonic morphism from a refinement of G to a tree, as defined by Cornelissen, Kato and Kool. We show that computing dgon(G) and sgon(G) are NP-hard by a reduction from the maximum independent set problem and the vertex cover problem, respectively. Both constructions show that computing gonality is moreover APX-hard.Comment: The previous version only dealt with hardness of the divisorial gonality. The current version also shows hardness of stable gonality and discusses the relation between the two graph parameter

    Constructing tree decompositions of graphs with bounded gonality

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    In this paper, we give a constructive proof of the fact that the treewidth of a graph is at most its divisorial gonality. The proof gives a polynomial time algorithm to construct a tree decomposition of width at most k, when an effective divisor of degree k that reaches all vertices is given. We also give a similar result for two related notions: stable divisorial gonality and stable gonality

    Recognizing hyperelliptic graphs in polynomial time

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    Recently, a new set of multigraph parameters was defined, called "gonalities". Gonality bears some similarity to treewidth, and is a relevant graph parameter for problems in number theory and multigraph algorithms. Multigraphs of gonality 1 are trees. We consider so-called "hyperelliptic graphs" (multigraphs of gonality 2) and provide a safe and complete sets of reduction rules for such multigraphs, showing that for three of the flavors of gonality, we can recognize hyperelliptic graphs in O(n log n+m) time, where n is the number of vertices and m the number of edges of the multigraph.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figure

    Constructing tree decompositions of graphs with bounded gonality

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    In this paper, we give a constructive proof of the fact that the treewidth of a graph is at most its divisorial gonality. The proof gives a polynomial time algorithm to construct a tree decomposition of width at most k, when an effective divisor of degree k that reaches all vertices is given. We also give a similar result for two related notions: stable divisorial gonality and stable gonality