473 research outputs found

    Illuminating Vertebrate Olfactory Processing

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    The olfactory system encodes information about molecules by spatiotemporal patterns of activity across distributed populations of neurons and extracts information from these patterns to control specific behaviors. Recent studies used in vivo recordings, optogenetics, and other methods to analyze the mechanisms by which odor information is encoded and processed in the olfactory system, the functional connectivity within and between olfactory brain areas, and the impact of spatiotemporal patterning of neuronal activity on higher-order neurons and behavioral outputs. The results give rise to a faceted picture of olfactory processing and provide insights into fundamental mechanisms underlying neuronal computations. This review focuses on some of this work presented in a Mini-Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in 2012

    Neural Circuit Dynamics and Ensemble Coding in the Locust and Fruit Fly Olfactory System

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    Raw sensory information is usually processed and reformatted by an organism’s brain to carry out tasks like identification, discrimination, tracking and storage. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on the processing strategies of neural circuits in the early olfactory system in two insects, the locust and the fruit fly. Projection neurons (PNs) in the antennal lobe (AL) respond to an odor presented to the locust’s antennae by firing in slow information-carrying temporal patterns, consistent across trials. Their downstream targets, the Kenyon cells (KCs) of the mushroom body (MB), receive input from large ensembles of transiently synchronous PNs at a time. The information arrives in slices of time corresponding to cycles of oscillatory activity originating in the AL. In the first part of the thesis, ensemble-level analysis techniques are used to understand how the AL-MB system deals with the problem of identifying odors across different concentrations. Individual PN odor responses can vary dramatically with concentration, but invariant patterns in PN ensemble responses are shown to allow odor identity to be extracted across a wide range of intensities by the KCs. Second, the sensitivity of the early olfactory system to stimulus history is examined. The PN ensemble and the KCs are found capable of tracking an odor in most conditions where it is pulsed or overlapping with another, but they occasionally fail (are masked) or reach intermediate states distinct from those seen for the odors presented alone or in a static mixture. The last part of the thesis focuses on the development of new recording techniques in the fruit fly, an organism with well-studied genetics and behavior. Genetically expressed fluorescent sensors of calcium offer the best available option to study ensemble activity in the fly. Here, simultaneous electrophysiology and two-photon imaging are used to estimate the correlation between G-CaMP, a popular genetically expressible calcium sensor, and electrical activity in PNs. The sensor is found to have poor temporal resolution and to miss significant spiking activity. More generally, this combination of electrophysiology and imaging enables explorations of functional connectivity and calibrated imaging of ensemble activity in the fruit fly.</p

    Rapid Bayesian learning in the mammalian olfactory system

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    Many experimental studies suggest that animals can rapidly learn to identify odors and predict the rewards associated with them. However, the underlying plasticity mechanism remains elusive. In particular, it is not clear how olfactory circuits achieve rapid, data efficient learning with local synaptic plasticity. Here, we formulate olfactory learning as a Bayesian optimization process, then map the learning rules into a computational model of the mammalian olfactory circuit. The model is capable of odor identification from a small number of observations, while reproducing cellular plasticity commonly observed during development. We extend the framework to reward-based learning, and show that the circuit is able to rapidly learn odor-reward association with a plausible neural architecture. These results deepen our theoretical understanding of unsupervised learning in the mammalian brain

    Driving Opposing Behaviors with Ensembles of Piriform Neurons

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    SummaryAnatomic and physiologic studies have suggested a model in which neurons of the piriform cortex receive convergent input from random collections of glomeruli. In this model, odor representations can only be afforded behavioral significance upon experience. We have devised an experimental strategy that permits us to ask whether the activation of an arbitrarily chosen subpopulation of neurons in piriform cortex can elicit different behavioral responses dependent upon learning. Activation of a small subpopulation of piriform neurons expressing channelrhodopsin at multiple loci in the piriform cortex, when paired with reward or shock, elicits either appetitive or aversive behavior. Moreover, we demonstrate that different subpopulations of piriform neurons expressing ChR2 can be discriminated and independently entrained to elicit distinct behaviors. These observations demonstrate that the piriform cortex is sufficient to elicit learned behavioral outputs in the absence of sensory input. These data imply that the piriform does not use spatial order to map odorant identity or behavioral output.PaperCli

    Massive normalization of olfactory bulb output in mice with a 'monoclonal nose'

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    Perturbations in neural circuits can provide mechanistic understanding of the neural correlates of behavior. In M71 transgenic mice with a 'monoclonal nose', glomerular input patterns in the olfactory bulb are massively perturbed and olfactory behaviors are altered. To gain insights into how olfactory circuits can process such degraded inputs we characterized odor-evoked responses of olfactory bulb mitral cells and interneurons. Surprisingly, calcium imaging experiments reveal that mitral cell responses in M71 transgenic mice are largely normal, highlighting a remarkable capacity of olfactory circuits to normalize sensory input. In vivo whole cell recordings suggest that feedforward inhibition from olfactory bulb periglomerular cells can mediate this signal normalization. Together, our results identify inhibitory circuits in the olfactory bulb as a mechanistic basis for many of the behavioral phenotypes of mice with a 'monoclonal nose' and highlight how substantially degraded odor input can be transformed to yield meaningful olfactory bulb output

    Odor representations in the mammalian olfactory bulb

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    A first key step in studying a sensory modality is to define how the brain represents the features of the sensory stimulus. This has proven to be a challenge in olfaction, where even the stimulus features have been a matter of considerable debate. In this review, we focus on olfactory representations in the first stage of the olfactory pathway, the olfactory bulb (OB). We examine the diverging viewpoints on spatially organized versus distributed representations. We then consider how odor sampling through respiration is a key part of the odorant code. Finally, we ask how the bulb handles the challenging task of representing mixtures. We suggest that current evidence points toward a representation that is spatially organized at the inputs but later distributed, with the spatial organization not being used for much computation. Nevertheless, this is a simple representation that effectively represents multiple individual odorants, as well as odor mixtures

    Implementation of Olfactory Bulb Glomerular-Layer Computations in a Digital Neurosynaptic Core

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    We present a biomimetic system that captures essential functional properties of the glomerular layer of the mammalian olfactory bulb, specifically including its capacity to decorrelate similar odor representations without foreknowledge of the statistical distributions of analyte features. Our system is based on a digital neuromorphic chip consisting of 256 leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons, 1024 × 256 crossbar synapses, and address-event representation communication circuits. The neural circuits configured in the chip reflect established connections among mitral cells, periglomerular cells, external tufted cells, and superficial short-axon cells within the olfactory bulb, and accept input from convergent sets of sensors configured as olfactory sensory neurons. This configuration generates functional transformations comparable to those observed in the glomerular layer of the mammalian olfactory bulb. Our circuits, consuming only 45 pJ of active power per spike with a power supply of 0.85 V, can be used as the first stage of processing in low-power artificial chemical sensing devices inspired by natural olfactory systems
